//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: A Fight and a Summary. // Story: True Friendship // by Jmaster99 //------------------------------// Adagio, Aria, and Sonata sat behind a dumpster in a ally looking at their broken gems. Angry, Adagio threw hers at a brick wall. "Adagio, you need to calm down. Otherwise you'll have people find us..." "SHUT UP YOU STUPID IDIOT!" Huffing, Adagio look at Sonata with fire in her eyes. "JUST SHUT AND DON'T SAY ANYTHING STUPID!" Stepping back, Sonata had to stop herself from crying. She was used to Adagio being mean to her, but this was too much for her as she sobbed silently. "YOU'RE CRYING!? I'LL GIVE YOU A REASON TO CRY!" She punched Sonata in the stomach as hard as she could. She collapsed in pain as she lost her breath. "ENOUGH!" Aria had finally had it with Adagio's attitude. "This is all your fault Adagio." "my fault, MY FAULT!? THIS IS BOTH OF YOUR FAULTS!" Adagio was looking straight into Aria's eyes as she was yelling at her. "IF YOU TWO DID WHAT I SAID, THEN WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS MESS!" "ALL WE'VE DONE IS WHAT YOU SAID, AND YOU ARE THE MOST UNGRATEFUL BITCH IN EXSISTANCE!" Aria was screeching at this point. "WE HAVE LISTENED TO YOU FOR ALL THESE YEARS, AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SAID A SIMPLE "THANKS", AND WHEN WE DO SOMETHING THE WAY YOU LIKE IT, YOU ACT AS IF IT WAS ALL YOU!" Sonata had finally regained her breath as Aria went to check on her, Adagio was just standing all by her. "You two should..." Adagio never got to finish her sentence as she was meet with a hard slap across the face. "stay away from us." Aria was looking down as Adagio was looking at her. "stay away from us, and never ever talk to us again." Tears were running down her face. Adagio just stood there as a crying Aria helped Sonata up. Putting her hand out, Sonata put her gem fragments in the palm. Looking at the shards of the only thing that kept them together, Aria threw them at Adagio as she walked away with Sonata following her. Adagio bent down to pick up the fragments. That was it. They were gone. Adagio was really shocked. She thought that Aria and Sonata would be there by her side forever, not leaving despite how bad it would get. Unable to handle the impact of what had just happened, she screamed as loud as she could with anything she could think of. "WELL I NEVER WANTED TO BE AROUND YOU TWO ANY WAY!" She was crying as she screeched at the top of her lungs. "I CAN DO JUST FINE WITHOUT SOME SULKING BIMBO AND DITZY AIRHEAD WEIGHING ME DOWN! IT'S YOU TWO THAT CAN'T SURVIVE WITHOUT ME! AND FOR THE RECORD WE HIDE RIGHT HERE BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE RIGHT HERE YOU ... YOU ... YOU IDIOT!" Having stopped yelling to catch her breath, she saw that they were both gone. Realizing that she needed some sleep, Adagio needed to find somewhere to stay for the night. But Sonata was right, they needed to stay quiet otherwise they could attract anyone, or things, attention; and they did just that. A lone figure stood on top of nearby abandoned roof having watched the whole argument, smiling. "It appears that those three Siren failures finally stopped being friends." Covering her own gem from glowing, a 18 year old girl with long black hair couldn't stop smiling. "Star Swirl said that only one person could defeat me, and with those three now two and one, I am unstoppable." Her golden colored eyes looked around while thinking of what to do next. "Now that those three are no more, I should now look for that one person destined to defeat me. Even if they can't defeat me know, it would still be nice to know who they are." The visually stunning girl started leaving when she turned to look at Canterlot high school. "All I know is that the tablet is there. Only the person with White, Black, and Red Hair that unites former enemies and the student-body can defeat me. As soon as I find them, I win." Letting out a cackle that scare even the most hardened of hearts, she walked until she was gone. Elsewhere... "AAAH...AAAH...AAAH-CHOOOO!" "Bless you." A female voice responded to the sneeze. It was Celestia. "Blanb Bou." The congested boy was thanking his older sister. "Bhere bis bunba?" "She's trying to fix up some of the damage done to the school from the Battle of the Bands." Celestia handed her younger brother a bowl of soup. "Sorry for leaving you home alone all week Jason, but we had to work." Blowing his nose so he could talk normal for a while, he sat up so he could eat his soup. "How bad was it?" Jason blew on his soup so it didn't burn his mouth. "Nowhere near as bad as the fall formal." Celestia sat down rubbing her temple from all the nonsense that had happened. "Are you alright?" Jason was concerned for his sisters well-beings as both of them were his legal guardians. "Yeah, I'm fine, but hypnosis is annoying when you come out of it." She let out a light chuckle as Luna walked in the door. "I'm back." Luna walked in and stood next to Celestia as she looked at Jason. "Are you feeling better yet?" "I'm getting there." Jason pulled out another tissue to blow his nose again, but nothing came out. "Hmmm. I guess I am feeling better." "Good, that means you can go back to school tomorrow." Celestia had stopped rubbing her temple and looked at Jason as Luna had finished her sentence. "She's right, you've been out for almost two weeks. You need to go back to class tomorrow." Celestia got up and stood next to Luna as they both looked at Jason. Jason looked at both of his sisters before answering them. "Alright, I'll go to class tomorrow." Jason stood up and started walking to his room. Both sisters looked at each other smiling, they got him to go back to school after all. Stopping before he entered, he looked at both of his sisters with a curious face. "So before I go to bed, let me see if I got the scope of what has happened at Canterlot high school while I was gone. A new student by the name of Twilight Sparkle appeared, who was really a magical being from another dimension, needing to get the princess crown at the Fall Formal so she could go back to her dimension, while at the same time, mending the friendship between Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, who haven't been friends since Freshmen year, and succeeds only to have one of her closest friends be threatened by Sunset Shimmer, who in reality is also from the same dimension, to give her the crown or there is no way back, only to be bluffing for when she gets the crown, she puts it on and becomes a demon who hypnotizes the entire student body, only to be stopped by the power of friendship between the five that she tried so hard to break apart and Twilight Sparkle, which she feels bad afterwards and denounces her sinister ways and becomes good, while elsewhere, three more magical beings notice the showdown at the dance and realize that the magic there is the magic they have been searching for, come to the school and are able to change a charity event into a battle of the bands because the arguing gives them strength, while the Rainbooms and Sunset Shimmer are the only ones unaffected due to their magical protection, which is eventually worn down to constant bickering between them giving the sirens the power the needed to try and take over the world. Meanwhile, they contact Twilight Sparkle to come and help them fight the sirens, which at first was unsuccessful due to too much pressure and responsibility, but successful later on due to everyone making up, and with Sunset Shimmer helping them defeat the sirens and save both dimension, with sunset finally being redeemed by the student body and Twilight leaving to go back to her world. So, how much have I gotten correct?" Both sisters looked at each other in shock, as he had gotten it all right. "All of it." Celestia was still in shock, but she could speak. "And you get B's and C's because...?" Luna wanted to know why his grades were the way they were. Opening his door and looking at them both, Jason answered her question. "I may be your half-brother, sharing a mother, but I am still your little brother. It is my full time job to annoy and stress you out 24/7." "Good enough. Now get some sleep." Both sisters spoke as Jason ran in his room. "See you in the morning Celestia." "You to Luna." They both went to bed and pretty soon, everyone in the city was sound asleep.