Twilight Sparkle picks up Human Military Com-Trans

by dominatusimperator


Twilight turned the knob again. It had been a few hours since she had last checked the radio. It had broadcast the speech from a national leader, who claimed that “America” would never be broken. It was delivered with a great deal of pain in the voice of whoever was speaking. Twilight thought she understood, but was certainly irritated when this was repeated on loop. Now there was something new.

A heavily accented voice shouted over the radio.

“Comrade Americans, do not believe the lies that your evil capitalist government feeds you. We have not come with malice upon our hearts. We are bringing to you red freedom from your fascist government, which treats you like slaves so that you will produce weapons for their unjust war against the motherland! They have exploited you all your lives and now it is time for the proletariat to rise up against the foul bourgeoisie oppressors. We have already liberated much of Europe, and they have welcomed us with open arms, contrary to what your wicked and greedy capitalist leaders have deceivingly stated. We beg that you do the same, Comrades. We are here on your interests, even though you do not believe so.”

Twilight recognized propaganda when she heard it. This was likely a message being broadcast by the occupying forces. It seemed that the war was politically motivated, and that defamation was a tactic that this side was especially fond of. The accent held a hint of Stalliongrad, Twilight thought, which was odd to her. Why were there so many linguistic similarities in a message from half a galaxy away? It was a massively confusing question. Were there similar evolutionary chains? Was the planet also populated by ponies?

The voice droned on.

“Remember, American comrades, although you are now part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, there are many of you who still hold sympathies for your foolish capitalist government. Therefore, martial law is in effect. The Red Army is your friend, and know what is best for you. If they ask you for aid, you must give it to them: it is for your safety. The cowards in Washington will try to bomb you now that you are citizens of the glorious Soviet Union! Rise up against the oppressors! Remember that anyone trying to leave Soviet territory will be punished severely for the greater good of international socialism and the freedom of all peoples.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, familiar to a degree with such drivel. While not as horrifying, the Changeling attack on Canterlot featured massive amounts of propaganda, reassuring the native populace that no harm would arrive to them. Lies. The Changelings drained many of them dry. They weren’t dead, but they certainly were nothing more than mere husks of themselves.

“Thank your comrades in the glorious Frontal Aviation Forces for protecting you from capitalist death squads. They have branded you traitors to their self-serving and self righteous popularity contest agendas.”

From what Twilight could tell from the “American president’s” speech, this was also a lie. He had prayed openly before his own nation for the safe deliverance of those trapped in the “Soviet” occupation zones. Twilight wondered if anyone really believed what the radio screamed was true.

“Because of Capitalist blockades, food has now been rationed. Bear this well comrades, all people must make sacrifices for the good of society. Remember that we are your friends, your liberators. Do not fear us. Love us, adore us. For we love freedom just as you do. Resist the Fascisti! Resist the capitalists. Glory to Communism! Glory to the Soviet Union! This is a great day for the Motherland!”

The loop was about to begin again. There was a crackle of static, and the accented voice was suddenly replaced by a clear, unaccented one.

“Fuck the commies! Resist for freedom and democracy! God bless America!”

The radio cut off.