My little....Ponymon?

by Nightmaresenemy

Chapter 4

Legendary POV

"Who are we finding first out of the rest of the legendary pokemon?" Moltres asked but his voice cracked a little and the other laughed a bit.

"Dude you just sounded like a girl just then." Zapdos cooly sounded. Moltres shot him a dirty look and nothing else came out of Zapdos's mouth.

"I don't know yet. Look closely high and low. We don't know what they look like in pony form. Heck, we don't look like ourselves this way either." Articuno had this worried look in his eyes.

On the ground something caught Moltres attention. It was a fight between a blastoise and a charizard. Looking closely Moltres noticed that they don't have their attacks anymore, or at least it looked like they didn't. He flew down closer to get a better look. A ball of fire came hurtling at him. 'Okay, going up you still have your attacks then! I will leave you alone sheesh.' It was starting to get dark again so the 3 decided to land for the night and rest. After stumbling a bit trying to land they found this cave in a mountain and stopped there for the night.

The sound of hooves stomping the ground woke Articuno up. It didn't sound just like 1 horse, pokemon, whatever they are now. It sounded like multiple. Who is able to reach them though? They are in a cave.

While gently pushing and nudging the others, Articuno kept urging them to get up. Zapdos and Moltres didn't even move a inch or even open a eye.

"You lazy birds, you don't even bother to wake up when its a emergency do you?" The sounds stopped and this started to worry Articuno. Zapdos slightly opened his eye and saw a face of worry and eyes filled with fear come across Articuno's face.

"Yo, dude what's the matter with you?"

"You lazy birds wouldn't wake up, therefore, I think we might be in danger!!" Anger filled Articuno's voice making Zapdos stumble back and trip over Moltres.

"OW! Dude watch were your stepping next time would you? That hurt alot!"

"Well sorry, maybe you shouldn't sleep in the middle of the floor. It's not my fault I was sleeping and Articuno decided to wake us up." The more they argued the louder they got, and the louder they got the more danger there might be.

"Maybe you should learn to get up whe..."

"Stay right were you are and don't move a muscle." There was a deep voice but it was multiple deep voices and they were all in sync. All 3 glanced around trying to figure out where the voices where coming from. Articuno shot Zapdos a dirty look that had a expression saying 'next time I'm leaving you here alone'

"I demand you to come out and show us who you are!" Zapdos always tries to sound all brave but always ends up failing. Hoping maybe Articuno will be nicer to him if he steps up and tries to act as leader.

"I SAID SILENCE!' Stepping out of the shadows it was only 1 pony but damn his voice was loud. This pony was a olive green color and it had yellow rings on its body too. Along with red ones and some black lines. His tail was sharp at the end, and his teeth were razor like. Honestly, this pony scares the crap out of the birds. Though this pony might look familiar they can't figure out who it is.

'R..R...Ray? Is that you?" A studdering Moltres looked shocked. After all Rayqauza is never around. No one has seen him. Has he been in this cave the whole time?

"I don't know who you think you are walking into my territory but I want a explanation as to what in the world happened. Why do we look like these uhhh...." the so called 'Rayqauza' calmed down but still had a hint of anger in him.

"Horses were horses."

"Well, whatever we are are you 3 behind this? I can't battle anyone and I feel like battling you three." Ray's eyes narrowed into slits and a creepy smile came upon his face, showing how badly he wanted to battle.

"Ray you can still battle, I saw other ponymon who still had their moves." Moltres started to go into the air and he didn't even notice until he whacked his head against the ceiling. "Ow, you guys couldn't tell me I was flying -_-"

"Listen fire head I don't know who you are, but if I still had my moves whoever did this would be dead by now." Going to the opening of the cave Rayqauza took off into the air.

"He had wings? Since when did he get wings?" Articuno just walked away ignoring everything. He doesn't even know who said that last question. Still wondering how this happened, what's going on, who did this, his mind was just racing with questions that had no answers. Footsteps were being heared bouncing off the walls. "Guys come on, something's coming."

All 3 ran around the cave trying to find a tunnel. Articuno found a tunnel that must've been from Ray when he was a actual pokemon. They jumped in having no clue how far deep it actually is. They just want to hide from whatever is coming.