Ancient Adjustment

by Jolttra

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The night was still. Shining stars and an indifferent moon were the only source of light. One violet Pony stood alone in the darkness. Sweat puddled beneath her weary hooves. A glowing gem dimmed and finally vanished into the night. It was over. Twilight was tired. The attack used up nearly all of her strength. With aching muscles and a blurry mind, she headed from the back her tent.


Someone was calling her in the inky blackness.


It was Spike. Off in the distance. Calling his master's name.

“I’m here Spike!” Twilight called back. “I’m ok. Everything is going to be ok.”
“No! Twilight! BEHIND YOU!”

Before Twilight even had the chance, a powerful force smacked her from behind. She was tossed aside like a ragdoll, landing on cold hard sand twenty feet away. She opened her eyes. Through foggy lenses the outline of a huge, imposing figure appeared. Massive clawed feet lifted above the poor mare's head.


Spike charged the great beast. He lept at the monster, ready to sacrifice everything for his friend.


He was swatted out of the air. Nothing more than a pest to the monster. Twilight regained her senses. Magic flowed within a small horn atop a diminutive head. Violet fields of energy enveloped the spiked menace and pushed it down. The monster was being crushed under untold strength. Its powerful legs struggled to stay up.

“Why… won’t… you…just... stay… down!” Twilight muttered, putting everything she had into her horn.

“I… will never… BOW TO YOU!”

With a sudden burst of energy the monster pushed up to oppose the magic keeping him pinned. It rose up. Twilight strained to hold it down. It was beating her. How could it be beating her? She could lift an Ursa Minor with her magic. How could it be… THE URSA MINOR! That’s it! Changing tactics completely, Twilight lifted the massive beast into the air instead of pushing it down. The creature floated, bobbing helplessly like a balloon tied to the ground. Confusion struck its face, unsure of what was happening.

“You’re nowhere near as heavy as the Ursa Minor was,” Twilight said breathlessly. “I’ll just leave you up there till Celestia shows up. I’m sure she would like to see wha-“

She couldn’t breathe. Pain crushed her skinny neck. Hooves lifted far above the ground. Magic faltered and then failed.


The creature fell to the ground, then stood tall and watched her suffer. What was happening? Did the monster have magic of his own? No, it was the tail. She had forgotten about the tail! Long and powerful, it constricted the poor Mare’s throat.

“You will die as my brethren did, oh great scourge of Atland.” Tighter and tighter the tail squeezed. “Soon, no one will remember your name. Forsaken.”

Twilight’s mind went numb. Her legs went limp. Her eyes started to close. What may be her final words ran across her brain.

Celestia, save me.

Twilight fell to the floor. The tight grip on her soul was loosened. Confused, she saw a bewildered monster peering at golden strains grasping its tail. Fate had intervened.


The monster was dragged at incredible speed across the sand. It planted long talons into the ground, attempting to slow its unwilling travel, to no avail. The creature was tossed high into the air and then smashed into the ground as hard as possible.


Sand erupted into the sky like a bomb had gone off. Dust settled and reviled the broken figure of the beast. Blood was dripping from a reopened wound. The menace could no longer stand. A tall white figure with flowing hair and outstretched wings stood before it. Golden magic lifted the monster to meet the Alicorn’s eyes.

“Listen to my words, for they may be the last you hear. Never harm my apprentice. EVER!”

Celestia stared into grey pupils.

“ha-harm?” It asked, unknowingly. “What are you… where am I? Who-”

Celestia was in no mood for games. She bashed the monster’s face into the ground, and left it passed out in the sand.


A small, weak voice called out. Celestia rushed to aid her most faithful student.

“Are you hurt? Did it harm you?”

Twilight reared back, frightened. She had never seen Celestia like this before. Her eyes were wild. A festering rage behind her normally calm face. The long slender horn on Celestia’s head still glowed. Wings were outstretched and alert. This was a side of the Princess Twilight had never known.

“Twilight, what’s wrong?” Her faced calmed, returning to its usual lax expression.

“It’s, it’s nothing." Twilight looked away, trying to find anything but her mentor to follow and found the body. "Is, is that thing… dead?” she asked.

“No, it is alive. But not by my choice.”

Celestia regretted her statement immediately. It was a harsh and unsettling thing to say. And in front of someone who admired her so, she regretted it twice as hard

“He will be fine,” she said reassuringly, trying to move past her own coldness. “His ego may be hurt when he wakes up, but other than that he should be ok.”

Twilight managed a small smile. Celestia was glad her student trusted her. Now if only she could trust herself. Looking at the husk of flesh bleeding in the sand, it was hard to think it was still living. Whatever it was, it was strong. But all that strength meant nothing now. It would be lucky to last the night.

“What are we going to do with him?”

“…. I don’t know.”

And she didn’t. What could be done? It tried to kill her favored student and many others.

“We have to study him. Think of what we could learn!” Twilight pleaded to Celestia. Determined to salvage something from the expedition.

Celestia sighed deeply. “We can take him to Canterlot. We can detain him there, till we know what we are up against.”

“The Monster is gone!” a voice rang out from the darkness. “Celestia has saved us all!”

A small group of ponies appeared had gathered around the Princess. They were amazed, not only to see the Princess, but to see the seemingly unstoppable monster that terrorized them all defeated. Ponies gawked at the bleeding beast, and yelled out in joy over the victory. Celestia surveyed the growing crowd. Nopony was hurt. The Crescent Guard might have a few injured, but they are too proud to accept help from anyone. Even a Princess.

Golden Scimitar shoved his way to the Princess. Stopping for a moment to straighten himself, Scimitar bowed before Celestia.

“Golden Scimitar, a pleasure to see you again.”

“My Princess. I am honored to be in your presence. If only we could have met under better circumstances.”

“Yes. One does not usually expect relics to wake up and start causing trouble. It is odd, though. I could have sworn your message said the beast was subdued.”

“Y-yes, well,” Scimitar stammered, “he was subdued, but we had some problems.”

“Really, now?” Celestia said slyly. “What kind of problems?”

“Well, it is my belief that the lead archeologist Pick had something to do with it.”

“That’s not true,” Twilight spoke up. “He-“

"Not now Twilight, I need to hear this.”

Scimitar sneered at her then continued.

“It is my belief that he must have awoke the beast while it was detained. For what purpose I do not know, but he cannot get away with it.”

“I’m sure he will not.” Celestia gestured behind Scimitar. “Hello, Pick.”

“Howdy, Celestia. You all talking ‘bout me?”

“No, no. I could never think such things about my Royal Head of Archeology.”

“Royal head of-“ Scimitar muttered

“Shucks, Princess. You’re gonna embarrass me. Speaking of which, I got somepony that could use your help here. Bring the little one here!”

The crowd parted as a Crescent Guard stepped forward. She had a rag wrapped around her face. On her back was a small plump purple dragon.

“Spike!” Twilight cried out, just now remembering he was hit. “Are you alright, do need pain medicine, I brought some herbs, you’re not bleeding are you, is everything ok?”


“How could I forget about you? I am so sorry, please forgive me!”


“I swear I’m going to get you the biggest gem I can buy when we get home and you can take as much time off as you need until you-“

“TWILIGHT!” Spike shouted, finally breaking Twilight’s blind panic. “I’m fine. Everything is ok.”

Twilight’s wide violet eyes swelled as large tears began to flow. She embraced Spike, happier than ever that he was here.

“Ow ow ow.”

Spike couldn’t hide his pain. Twilight leapt back in horror.


“Calm down, Twilight.” He clutched his little claw. “It’s... not that bad.”

“His wrist is broken,” the Crescent guard chimed in. “He should avoid using it for the next five months.”

“I have a better idea.” Celestia gestured to the broken appendage. “Would you mind holding your arm out for me?”

Spike held out his broken claw. The Princess pointed her long horn at the wound, faint glowing at the tip. Golden light engulfed Spike’s arm, then faded, revealing the normal purple skin. Spike stared at his claw, turned it every which way.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore. How did you…”

“There are some things only Alicorns can do.” Her motherly voice was as calming as her magic. “But you should still leave it alone for a few days.”

Spike jumped down from the guard’s back, still staring at his miraculous healed claw. Twilight too gawked at the claw. She had read about this magic, of course, but never she thought she would witness it herself. Spike held his claw up to his dear friend’s face, then wiggled the fingers. Twilight began to giggle, then laugh. She hugged Spike, still laughing in joy. This time the tiny dragon hugged back. He squeezed her as tight as his small arms would allow. The surrounding crowd hooted and hollered, stamping their hooves in approval at the miracle they had witnessed.

“You have blessed them” Scimitar was amazed, hiding his jealousy.

“They are already blessed. The Element of Magic deserves only the best.”

“ELEMENT OF MAGIC!” Scimitar shouted in sheer disbelief. Only now did he see the crown sitting upon the young pony’s head. “When did, why did no one tell me of this?”

“Was it not you who claimed to know all the Elements personally?” Celestia asked, already knowing the answer.

“Well, I..”

“You know, the Royal court asked you oversee this personally for a reason. They were afraid you were not suited to this line of work. I sent my Head of Archeology to make sure you were doing well.”

Scimitar shot a glimpse at Pick, smiling with deep satisfaction.

“He will send a written report of your actions to myself and the Royal Arabian Court. I’m sure it will be most favorable.” She turned to her student. “I expect you will write your own report.”

“Don’t worry,” Twilight eyed the politician in front of here, “I will."

Golden Scimitar was stunned. He had no words to describe his feelings. As the crowd engulfed him while returning their attention to Celestia and her student, Pick walked up behind.

“Well,” he said putting one hoof on Scimitar’s shoulder, “what was that you said to me earlier today? You will be lucky to see another days work after this?”

Pick walked off, having said all he needed to. As everyone celebrated and tossed the fortunate two in the air, one tried to slip passed the crowd. One pony with a rag tied around her face ran into the darkness, only to bump INTO the darkness. From the shadows emerged another figure every bit as regal and elegant as the white Goddess behind them.

“P-princess Luna!” the ragged covered guard exclaimed in shock.

“Running off?” Luna glanced over at the cheering ponies. “As usual Our sister is taking all the praise.”

“Y-yes. She… she saved the Purple one from the monster and-“

“Remove the rag.”


“The rag, on thy face. Remove it.”

The guard clutched her face.

“I cannot. I am not allowed to show my face under any circumstance.”

“Is that a fact, now?” Luna said coyly, almost an impression of her sister. “Because if Our sources are correct, thou removed thy mask earlier to stop the beast’s bleeding. That is a high offence.”

“I do not regret my actions. I will pay what I must.”

The dark blue Alicorn smiled.

“You have impressed Us. Honor and determination like this is rare these days. Should you need a royal favor, We and Our sister will oblige.”

“I…” She bowed her white head to the ground. “Thank you, Princess of the Night. I am in your debt.”

Blue surrounded the brown rag wrapped around her white face as it was pulled away. Red was still dripping from her lovely face.

“Thy owe Us nothing, but We feel thou may appreciate this.“

Luna’s horn glowed deep blue. The Crescent Guard’s bleeding stopped. The damaged flesh formed together. Soon only a small thin scar was left. The guard touched her face in astonishment.


“Thy need not thank Us. Just tell Us thy name.”

“… Hushed Velum. My name is Hushed Velum.”