//------------------------------// // Through Macintosh Hills // Story: A Changeling Through Equestria // by DeadEcho //------------------------------// I just don't get it. why is it when she stopped a robber and gave a griffin back her purse she just screamed at me. And when she tried to report the robber to the police she just got shot at. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. I mean I do look sort of menacing to some. I wouldn't harm anyone. Even when I stopped the robber I tried to make it as painless as possible. I just wish that someone, somewhere would look past my look and see what's in my heart. I shook my head and stopped my what ifs. I couldn't let one little town stop me. What was in my way was a huge steep cliff. I was about to take off so I readied my wings and jumped. I fell flat on my face. I forgot about my wings getting even more torn then usual. I still don't understand how I could fly before the gun incident. I thought about it a little and I just came to the conclusion that it's magic. Due to me being a young Nymph I still haven't learned basic unicorn skills like teleportation and telekinisis. This will take a while to climb. I looked around for a place to start and I had to go quite out of my way to get there. At first it felt really unnatural. As I went on I started to get the hang of it and soon I started to get half way up the mountain. I really wish my wings weren't damaged. I looked back behind me and the hive was but a little speck. I was three quarters of the way there when I saw a bright colorful rainbow shockwave. I was mesmerized. That shockwave came closer and closer. Soon after it passed me the rock I was on chipped off and fell. I hit some rock below and blacked out. "Do you think it's okay?" "I don't know dear." "We can't just leave it out here." "But it's a changeling. You know what they do." "Come on honey let's take it in just until it heals." "Alright fine but when it heals it is out." "Thanks honey."