Altogether now!

by EvilMattStories

Part 1-Spending time with ponies

Matthew was in Equestria and in ponyville, Matthew Was saying "Hi" to all the ponies because he was so nice.
His Best Freinds Was The "Main 6" Well...Aka Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity Fluttershy,and Rainbow dash even spike is with them. Matt came over by the CMC house and thats where the main 6 where, even spike! Matt said "Whats Going On?"
They Kept Talking. Matt shouted "WHATS GOING ON!?" The Main 6 Even spike looked at him with a strait face "Please dont shout, Fluttershy is having a baby!" Matt eyes opened wide and stepped away Twilight said "Are you ok?" Matt said " sorry about the shouting, uhh.." and matt walked away slowly tiptoeing, Fluttershy said "Please come back...." Matt eyes opened wide and gulped "O...O....ok.." Matt walked slowly at her and heard a baby crying and it was fluttershys baby! Matts eyes opened wide because he saw blood "Ahh! never seen this before!" Matt covered his eyes
Twilight said "Its Ok, its part of nature too! they become pregnate can i explain this..S..E...X..." Twilight blushed.
Matts eyes opened wider "s...s...s...i know what that means!" Twilight whispered in his ear "want to do it with me?" matts eyes were wide enough as they can be and said "well i reeeaaally have to do it? because this story is for everyone..." Twilight said "Oh Ok its fine!" Matt was thinking "whew..that was..close" Matt was feeling a snuggling mood that he wants to snuggle with somepony Matt tries to hold it and it came out accidentally and snuggled with twilight "Awww" Twilight said
*The Next Day* Matt was sleeping next to twilight and suddenly Twilight blushed and was looking at matt. Matthew woke up and matts jaw dropped and he was thinking himself questions, Did he do it to twilight? was he sleepwalking? was i was tired and slept next to twilight and do it in my sleep!? i hope not because this is for everyones story! Twilight said "You did it to me last was pleasurable.." "it was just a dream!" matt shouted and he woke up at the place he was sleeping at the floor and everypony was staring at him and they kept saying "are you alright?' and matt said "yes, yes" matt walked away normally but more....different the main 6 even spike shouted "AHHH!!! Matt are you ok!?" matt looked like his foot was turning to his back of his leg and his leg was backwards and was still walking his leg turned normal and his eyes were red from tiredness...and slept on the floor again. This time its the same dream...but in fluttershy in it. Matt woke up in horror did...did...HE MARRY FLUTTERSHY?!?! Matts eye twitched and well..hes normal but has weird s...e....x....dreams..Matt decided to go to the therapist.