Hail Rainbow Dash, Princess Of Dimondia!

by Colthart

"Mail For Miss Dash"

It'd been a long past few days for Rainbow Dash, not much really happened for her. not many clouds to bust not much to do at all really.
She was lounging in her home in cloudsdale when a over audible THUMP came from the door. she slowly got up and hovered over to the door and swung it open. it was the mailcolt, "Good Morning Miss Dash, i have this for you", He handed her a beige envelope.
"Thanks", She said politely as she closed the door behind her and went to sit down while she opened it. She ripped the top of the envelope off with her teeth , nearly tearing the document which it contained, she removed to document and placed it upon her coffee table. Her eyes swayed side to side as she read through it and as she did so her smile grew bigger. "Yes!", she shouted as she swiftly shot up into the air. She then immediate left for ponyville to share this exiting prospect with her friends.

Once she was in Ponyville, she eagerly sauntered through one of its packed streets, ponies looked at her with interest. "She seems happy about something", a pony muttered.
"look, she thinks she's all 'it'", another said.
"I am all that", Rainbow Dash gleamed "and i have this to prove it".
She then saw her freinds and swaggered on towards them , Twilight was first to notice her,
"somepony seems pleased with herself", she said.
"Yeah whats got ya so full of yurself' " asked Applejack.
"Indeed", Rarity followed up " you dont even need tose wings to fly, youre pretty much floating right now"
Rainbow Dash showed them the letter, "ive been requeste- uh, commanded... to provide a performance for a Queen!", Dash said exitedly.
the letter read;

To Miss Rainbow Dash Of Ponyville...

The Queen of most sovereign kingdom requests your presence for command performance of your legendary flying skill. { Map Enclosed}

As everypony read it they slowly became puzzled,
"Dimondia? , i cant say ive heard of it", said Fluttershy perplexidly.
Pinkie Interrupted, " Thats because its so exclusive silly", she exclaimed.
" So you know where it is" , Twilight asked.
"Of course not" , She replied , as though Twilight was supposed to know, Twilight rolled her eyes at Pinkie.
"Its pretty far away but that just makes it better that the legend of my awesomeness has traveled so far!", Rainbow Dash gloated,
"it'll take a few hours to fly there but that'll give my opportunity to practice my flying skills on the way!"
Dash's freinds seemed suspicious,
"good luck with your performance" twilight said politely, everypony else emulated her.
"Thanks", Rainbow Dash said as she lifted off "i'll be sure to send a postcard", And she flew away.