Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Nightmare Night

If you did not send me a costume, I just gave you a random one. Sorry.

Chapter 121

I pulled on the last piece of my costume and looked in the mirror.

Nice, I look awesome!

[Yeah, it's a good thing Twilight was able to change the style and color of our mane.]

I reached over to the table and picked up the glasses that went with the costume. I placed them over my eyes and looked back at the mirror.

[Adam Jensen, the most badass dude I can think of at this moment.]

I smiled and turned around to face Twilight, who was helping Fawn and Spark get their costumes on.

Twilight was dressed up as... a book. Yes, I said it, a book. And, I must say this, she's the sexiest book I've ever seen.

[When we get back, we're so reading that book!]

Spark was dressed up a a Wonderbolt. That suit really does suit him.

Fawn was dressed up as an apple, a very adorable apple.

And lastly, and the funniest of them all, Kara. Twilight tried to get the costume on her, but she kept fighting her. But, when I tried to put it on, she let me, but she glared at me the whole time. Kara was dressed up as a chicken.

<[HAHAHA! That's still funny!]>

I chuckled and trotted over to Spark, "You ready for your first Nightmare Night?"

He looked up and smiled, "It's going to be awesome! Is Nova going to be there?"

I couldn't help but laugh, all he can think about is Nova being there? Oh man, that's funny and cute at the same time!

"She may be there." I said as I popped my back.

"And there you go!" Twilight exclaimed as she finished putting Fawn's costume on.

Fawn looked in the mirror and smiled happily.

I turned to the doorway where Dali was, "Are you sure you don't want to come? Drax will be there."

She chuckled and shook her head, "No, I good. I will see Drax tomorrow."

I shrugged and turned back to my family, "You guys ready?"

"Yes!" Fawn and Spark yelled out excitedly.

I looked at Twilight and smiled, "When your ready Twi."

She smiled back and nodded. Her horn began to glow, causing a light to engulf all of us.

Five minutes later

I trotted down the street, looking at all the ponies in costume. To be honest, it's pretty funny.

I was currently just walking around, looking for my friends.

Twilight and the kids just ran off on their own, which is fine with me. I just wish Kara had flown off to do her own thing, because she's still on my back. Not the funnest thing in the world, but meh, gotta love that Phoenix.


I winced at the voice. Why? Why do you hate me so?

I turned to see Tovy, galloping towards me, a large smile on his face.

When he stopped in front of me, he struck a pose, "So, what do you think of my costume?"

I looked him over and chuckled, "Nightmare Moon?"

He nodded and stood up normally, "Yep! Do you like it?!"

I nodded and turned to keep walking, "Yeah, it looks good on you."

[.... You just gave him the wrong complement.]

I heard a squeal behind me and saw Tovy sprint past me. He ran ahead and turned a corner, yelling out 'Yes!'.

I sighed and kept walking.

After a few minutes, I came to town square and saw Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Frederic up on the stage.

Princess Celestia was talking to Luna, and Frederic was writing something down on a scroll.

I trotted over to the stage and looked up, "Hey Frederic."

Frederic looked down and smiled, "Hey Lance, nice costume."

I chuckled and looked him over, "Is that the engineer's suit from Team Fortress two?"

He shrugged, "I guess, Annabel suggested it. I've never even heard of it before."

"Probably because you died before it came out." I suggested.

He tapped his chin, "Huh, I guess that could be it."

I began to say something, but Luna called for Frederic.

He turned around and trotted over to her, leaving me behind.

I shrugged and twisted around and scanned the crowd for anyone I would recognize.

I couldn't see anyone right off the bat, so I just trotted forward and into the crowd. I weaved my way through it, passing a few ponies that I did recognize.

A pony put their hoof on my shoulder and spun me around to face them.

"What?" I asked as I looked them over. It was a light blue stallion with a cloak's hood pulled over his head. His face looked rough and beaten, and scared. Good costume.

He didn't pull his hood up, but responded, "I need to talk to after the party."

I raised an eyebrow, "Huh, okay?"

He gave a nod and began to back up into the crowd till he was out of sight.


[Yes, that was weird.... very weird.]

I shrugged and twisted around and continued to walk till I arrived at the edge of the crowd.

And, not to my surprise, I saw Greg. And again, not to my surprise, he was dressed up in a green robe with yellow lining and a red fluffy collar. The hat was green with a red top. And, to top it all off, he had a cane and a belt of blunts running across his chest.

He smirked when he saw me and ran over, "What do ya think of my costume?"

I raised an eyebrow, "A pimp?"

He nodded, "YEP! What to see the best part of this costume?"

I shook my head, "I'd rather not..."

He brought his hoof up and back hoofed me across the face.

"Bitch slap!" He yelled out as he fell on his back laughing.

I glared as I rubbed my face, but then I smirked, "Wanna know the best part of this costume?"

He stopped rolling around on his back and looked up at me, still on his back, "What?"

I raised my hoof, "It has steel boots!" I then brought my hoof down on his family jewels, causing him to coil upward.

I began to laugh as he rolled around, groaning.

"Consider that pay back for the first time." I said as I trotted away.

"I will have my revenge!" He yelled after me.

"And then I will take your balls if you do!" I yelled back, still laughing.

[BWAHAHAHA! Revenge is awesome!]

So, what now? I got my revenge, and talked to a few ponies.

<We could play some games.>
{Good call Dawn.}

I looked around and saw Applejack, still running the same thing from the episode, bobbing for apples.

I trotted over and smiled, "Hey AJ."

She twisted around and waved, "Howdy Lance... Nice costume, what are ya?"

I struck a small pose, "Oh, I'm only one of the coolest guys around, Adam Jensen."

She tapped her chin, "Huh, never heard of the feller."

I walked over to the large bucket of water and looked into it, "I'd be surprised if you had." I slammed my face into the water, but came up with nothing, "Drat!"

Applejack chuckled, "Gotta get them in yer teeth Lance."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Yeah, I know." I looked back at the water, "You're mine apple!"


Zorrow trotted down the street, towards the place Seth said Applejack was at.

After careful planning, he's finally decided to make his move... again. This time, there's no one who could interrupt them.

He hoped she would like his costume. He had decided to dress up as a vampire, fangs and everything. Hopefully, she'll like it.

When Zorrow reached the place where she was set up, he saw her and Lance chatting while Lance kept throwing his head into the water of a bucket, complaining when he missed the apple.

Zorrow chuckled and steeled his nerves. He trotted over and waved, "Hey... Applejack... Lance."

Lance pulled his head up and spun around, sending water everywhere, "Hey Zorrow! How ya doing?"

Zorrow smiled slightly, "Oh... I'm doing great... keep bobbing for apples."

Lance laughed and turned back around, "On it! I'm not coming up this time till I get an apple!" He then slammed his head into the water.

Zorrow looked at Applejack, who was talking too a young filly.

"Uhh, yo, Applejack." He said, his voice slightly shaky.

Applejack patted the filly on the head and turned to face him, "Yeah? What'ca need?"

Zorrow smiled the best he could, despite the feeling of nausea that just passed over him, "Ummm, I have to ask you something... Something important."

She smiled and adjusted her hat, "Alrighty then, shoot."

Zorrow began to scratch his neck, "Well, I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time..."

She nodded, but when he didn't continue, she made a gesture with her hoof, "Well, go on."

He gulped and waited a few seconds before continuing, "I've been trying to find the best time to ask this, but... I've been having a hard time...."

Applejack chuckled, "Well? Are ya gonna ask it, or are ya going to go on and on about it?"

Zorrow wiped his hoof across his forehead, "Okay.. Applejack, will you..."

Applejack held up a hoof and looked at the bucket, which Lance was still slumped over in, "How long has his head been in that bucket?"

Zorrow shrugged and looked at him, "I don't... Oh shit."

They both ran over and pulled Lance's head out of the water, and put him on his back.

Lance began to cough up water and he looked up at them, "Let me guess... I passed out in the water?"

They both nodded.

Lance chuckled, "Thought so. Lucky for me, I can't die." He turned over and stood up, "But you could have left me in there, I would have come to eventually, then I would have had that apple."

As Lance trotted away, Applejack turned back to Zorrow, "So, you were saying?"

Zorrow smiled, "I was about to ask if you would go..."

"Come on Zorrow! They're doing the pumpkin toss!" Seth yelled out as he ran past Zorrow and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him behind him.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SO CLOSE!" Zorrow yelled out as he was drug away.

When they came to stop, a few yards from the pumpkin toss, Zorrow jumped up and stared his friend down, "Dude!"

Seth turned and struck a pose, "What? You can't handle the Chuck Norris?"

Zorrow facehoofed, "Dude, just because you're dressed up as Chuck Norris, doesn't mean you have his strength."

Seth smirked, "Oh yeah?" He stood up on his hind legs and made Zorrow do the same.

He then pulled his hoof downwards and brought it up, slamming into Zorrow's chin, "SHORYUKEN!"

Zorrow was then sent straight up, flying at a high speed.

Seth began to laugh and yelled, "I'll see you when ever you land!"


"Really Peter?" I asked as he finished asking me a question.

He nodded, "Yes! Please, I need a test dummy for this move!"

I shook my head, "No, just because you're dressed up as Alex Mercer doesn't mean I'll let you try that weird arm thing on me."

Peter sighed, "Don't worry, it's fake, only hurt for a second."

I sighed, "Fine, just hurry."

He smiled happily and jumped back, "All hail my mighty blade!"

His foreleg suddenly changed into a large blade... that was fake? How the hell is that fake?

"How is that thing fake?" I asked wearily.

He laughed, "It's enchanted, so it won't cut threw flesh."

"Oh... goodie... shit." I muttered as he pulled it back and slammed it into me... which hurt like hell!

I stumbled to the side and coughed, "That did hurt!"

He smiled sheepishly, "Oops... I thought since it couldn't cut it wouldn't hurt you... Guess I was wrong."

"No durr!" I yelled out as I trotted off. I then sighed, "But, it's still pretty cool. Tell Omnius he did a good job on it."

I then began to walk towards Spark, who was talking to Nova. D'awww, she's dressed up as Daring Do! The cuteness has been doubled!

As I walked, I heard somepony yelling out above. A second later, Zorrow fell out of the sky and landed on a cart, which broke under his weight.

I walked past him and gave him a wave, "Hey Zorrow."

His head was rolling side to side, but he responded, "Oh... hey Lance..."

I laughed and kept walking till I reached the two adorable kids.

Spark was the first to notice me and gave a wave, "Hey dad! Doesn't Nova look awesome?!"

Nova smiled and spread her wings, showing off the full costume.

I chuckled and nodded, "She sure does. Great costume Nova."

She began to bounce around happily, "Thank you!"

I laughed and looked around, "Where's your brother."

"I don't know." She sang out as she continued to hop around.

<She's so adorable!>
<... Shut it Break.>

Nova jumped onto Spark's back and caused them to fall to the ground, both laughing.

I chuckled and looked across the street to see Grace.

"You two don't get into to much trouble." I said as I trotted that way.

"We'll try not to." Spark said, still laughing.

Hmmm, I wonder where Twilight is... and Kara. Huh, strange, she was on my back before I got to Applejack. Must have flown off or something.

Oh well, at least she's no longer on my back.

When I was within talking distance of Grace, I yelled out, "Yo, Grace!"

She spun around and pulled down the hood of her assassin's cloak. I wonder who told her about that game... probably Peter.

"What have you been up to?" She asked, looking me over.

I chuckled and stopped in front of her, "Oh you know, surviving."

She smiled and looked me over again, "So, who are you suppose to be?"

I struck a pose, "I'm the one and only, Adam Jensen."

"Never heard of him." She said with a smirk.

I shrugged, "I didn't expect you too..." I then smiled, "So, how's you and Octavia?"

She giggled, "Don't ask a girl about her sex life."

I raised an eyebrow, "But I didn't... I asked how you two were doing."

She facehoofed, "Oh... Well, we're doing great. That's all I'm going to say."

"Fair enough..." I said as she began to back up nervously.

[Ask her how many times Octavia can make her orgasm!]
{Break.... no... just no... that's not something you ask a girl.}

I sighed and looked around, looking for the one pony I wanted to see: Omnius.

I have something important to ask him.

Something moved off to the side of the crowd, drawing my attention.

[... Lance, don't follow it.]

I turned in that direction and trotted towards it.

[And you don't listen to me.]

Yeah, I never listen to Break. But hey, who would?


I chuckled and pushed my way out of the crowd and into the open.

Now, where did it go?

I looked around and saw something moving down an alley.

I normally wouldn't follow something down an alley, but, it's Nightmare Night. Need I say more?

I trotted towards it, but when I turned down it, I saw nothing.

That's a disappointment...

... Wait a second...

I looked up just in time to see a pony wearing a business suit drop on me.

When it landed on me, it knocked me to the side and lifted up on... tentacles?!

I stood up and looked up in awe.

The thing was suspended in mid air, using its tentacles to hold onto the building.

I gulped, "Oh shit..."

<Lance, if you were smart enough, you would look at the tentacles.>

I focused my gaze on one of the tentacles... and laughed.

The creature cocked it's faceless head and descended.

When it was in front of me, I smirked, "What's up Vinetion?"

The creature facehoofed and pulled off it's face, or, as I should say, it's mask.

Vinetion shook her mane out and looked at me, "How did you know?"

I chuckled, "I saw that the tentacles were vines."

She sighed and looked back at them, "I knew I should have painted them black."

I gave a nod and smirked, "If you would have done that, then I would have thought you were Slenderpony, but otherwise, no."

<Epic fail!>

Ten minutes later

Frederic swayed to the music that was pouring out of the large speakers, a large smile on his face.

He was having a great time, even if he wasn't with all of his friends.

He looked over at Celestia, who was still talking to Luna.

He looked away, but then looked back, his brow up in curiosity. He smiled and trotted over to them.

"Celestia?" He yelled over the music, which was blasting away off to the side.

She looked at him and held a hoof to her ear.

He took a deep breath and yelled out, "When are you and Vinetion going to make it official?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow and held a hoof to her ear again.

Frederic sighed and yelled the same question out again, "When are you and Vinetion going to make it official?"

Celestia made motion to speak up.

Frederic inhaled and yelled out in his royal Canterlot voice, "When are you and Vinetion going to make it official?"

But, before he could yell out, the music suddenly cut off, causing his voice to be heard by all.

Yes, everypony heard him yell this.

Celestia's eyes widened and she trotted over to him.

She shook her head and slammed her hoof into the back of his head, sending his hard hat flying, "Good job Fred."

Frederic smiled sheepishly, "Oops..."

"FREDERIC!" Vinetion yelled out as she stomped towards the stage, her vines snapping at the air above her.

Frederic's eyes widened and he looked at the royal sisters for help.

"You're on your own with this one." Celestia said with a smirk as she back tracked.

"Sorry honey, but I don't feel like getting my flank kicked by my future sister in law." Luna said slyly.

Celestia glared at her sister before looking back at Frederic, "Good luck."

Frederic looked back at Vinetion as she stomped up on stage.

"You're going to need it."


"I'm... I'm free! That fool!"

*Clank* *Metal grinding against metal*

"Ah, the night sky."

*Chains falling to the ground*

"Now, to get this plan underway!"

Edit: Sorry, forgot to include this last part. But, here it is.



"Damn! *Sigh* No problem, I can fix that later."

*The sound of hooves against a stone floor*


*The sound of a heavy door being kicked open.*

"Halt! Who goes there?!" A pair of guards yelled out.

"Huh, don't you recognize me?"

"Oh, sorry. Carry on then." One guard said.

*More hoof falls against stone.* *Heavy doors being pushed open.*

"Aha! Freedom!'

*Sounds of hooves against dirt*

"I'ma coming for ya Lance!"


"Sir! You're back!"

"*Cough* Gather the others."

"Why?... Sir! You're hurt!"

"I know! Get the others! I want all the magic you can spare!"


"I'm going back for him."


"Shut up and do as I say!"

"Yes sir!"

*Sound of hooves running off*


"It's all over Lance... all over!"


"Aha, I finally got out of that fool Peter's body! Thank you Nightmare!"

"Don't thank me yet, we still have a job to do, Violent Inferno."

"Yes, yes we do."


*Sound of a wall breaking down*


"I hope you like the new horn."

"*Pants* Yes... Thank you.. master."

"Get up, we have a job to complete... Val."



"Yes, we need your help."


"Great. Meet us at the Nightmare Castle."


"This... This is great!"