The origins of the Sun and the Moon

by fishstick1999

An Odd Dream

“So wait, you weren’t born a princess?”
“Not exactly, but I’ve only just begun my story. There is still a lot more to tell.”
“Okay, I’m sorry I interrupted, please go on.”
“Apology accepted, now where was I? Oh yes, a few months later…”


A few months later, after Celestial’s six birthday, was the annual harvest. Even though I was still four, I was only two months shy of being five, I was allowed to help with the harvest. Unfortunately “helping” meant delivering sandwiches to everypony whenever he or she got hungry. My lucky sister got to deliver water, which was considered a higher job than delivering sandwiches. Or at least it was higher in my mind.
“Hey! Hey, Lunar!” yelled a familiar voice. As I suspected the voice belonged to Red Oak. Red Oak was a colt almost the same age as me, but, as I constantly reminded him, I was three months older. For some reason he insisted on following me around everywhere. I wasn’t a very social filly since most of the other foals in the town ignored me, so when he followed me around it got on my nerves.
Slowly I turned around. “Hello, Red,” I muttered to the ground. Suddenly my view of the ground was interrupted by a brown body barrelling into me. I layed on the ground a few seconds stunned.
“I am so sorry Lunar! I just slipped and went flying! Are you alright?” Red babbled.
“I’m fine Red! Get off of me!” I almost screamed at him. The truth was I was very not fine, but he had seemed to have forgotten he was still standing on me.
“Are you sure Lunar? Your leg looks kind of funny…” Red said, trailing off.
I knew which leg he was talking about. The leg that felt like it was burning. The leg that, when I looked at it, was bent at an unnatural angle. It was then I let my scream out.
Red instantly looked scared, and within a matter of seconds Celestial was at my side. “Oh my sun! What happened, you know what nevermind. We need to get her to Rose Dust NOW!” As Celestial said all of this Blaze, a yellow colored pegasus, rocketed down to land beside me.
“Don’t worry Celestial, I’ll get her to Rose immediately,” and, being the pegasus she was, added, “They don’t call me the fastest pegasus for nothing!” With that she rushed to Rose.
As we landed in front of Rose’s house, Rose came galloping out. “What happened? Get her inside on the table.”
Blaze took me inside the house and laid me on the table. At this point I had stopped screaming, so I laid there numb and silent. Rose fed me some herbs which made me fall into a dark sleep. Or at least it was dark at first. Soon I was dreaming, except this time I could tell this was a dream.
I was back in the orchard where I had just injured my leg. This time though there were baskets full of apples everywhere and nopony within view. I felt greedy but I took an apple and bit into it. I was overwhelmed by how good it tasted, and I proceeded to eat the whole thing in under a minute. As I kept walking I almost stepped on somepony.
“Oh my sun! I’m sorry!” I said quickly to a somewhat familiar pony.
“Its alright little miss. Hey don’t I know you?” Said the familiar stallion. It was then I recognized him. It was Golden Pebble, one of the oldest ponies in town. He was known to doze off in the strangest of places.
“Well, I’m Lunar, sir,” I respond as politely as possible. Most of the foals of the town thought me weird, and I didn’t need any adults thinking of me like that.
“Why what a polite little filly you are! Well, if you don’t mind I’m going to get back to my nap,” he said as he laid back down. As he closed his eyes, the trees, apple baskets, and even the ground started to fade away. It was almost as if I was waking up from a dream, but, instead of waking up in bed, I was back to the blackness.
After what seemed like hours, a new setting started to materialize around me. As I looked around, I was next to the river where Celestial and I would play all the time. In the river was Celestial splashing around happily. I gasp at the sight of myself. I’m playing in the river with my sister. When I start to walk out of the river towards myself I tried to run away but found whenever I tried to lift my hooves they were stuck to the ground. Then I was running away but there was no more other me around. Suddenly I was falling, but it didn’t hurt. Just like before my leg was bent at a weird angle. Celestial is suddenly standing there with tears running down her face.
“Oh, Lunar I never should have left you! This is all my fault! I am so sorry,” she sobs into my fur.
Since the leg doesn’t hurt me I stand up. “Celestial this isn’t your fault! You had nothing to do with me getting hurt!” I say to her.
“B-but I could have watched you closer! Made sure nothing could ever hurt you!” she sobbed louder.
“Celestial you can’t watch me forever! You’d become what the adults call a stalker! I think…” I thought about if I was right.
“I guess…” Celestial said slowly. She got up and started to walk back towards the river I started to follow her, but I almost fell over in a sudden burst of pain. In front of me walked another me. At this point though everything was fading again, and my leg was experiencing another bout of stabbing pain.
I realized I was waking up when everything had finished dissolving. I opened my eyes. It was then I saw I was still in Rose’s house. Instead of being alone this time, though, my mom and Celestial were there. They were both asleep but were quickly awoken by my groan of pain. Soon Rose was there trying to give me a new herb. This one didn’t put me to sleep.
“Lunar I’m so sorry,” Celestial said. My mother had just left to talk to Rose Dust privately, so it was just Celestial and me.
“Celestial this isn’t your fault! You had nothing to do with me getting hurt,” I tell her the same way I told her in my dream.
Instead of looking relieved, Celestial looked confused. “That’s weird, I just had a dream with you in it. You said almost the exact same thing.”
“That is weird! What a coincidence!” I say innocently. It wouldn’t be until after my sixth birthday that I realized that I had really been walking in another pony’s dream.