//------------------------------// // chapter 4: a sleeping rainbow // Story: Bound, in eternal love. // by SCOOTALOOxDAAWW //------------------------------// Chapter 4: a sleeping rainbow "Rainbow... oh Raaaiiinnnbooooowww" whispered an eerie voice, Rainbow Dash's eyes darted around the mysterious fog that was surrounding her. She was used to weird and creepy things but this takes the cake. She craned her head back and her jaw dropped as she saw her mother hovering above her, her mom dropped down and stared at Rainbow, she edged forward and rainbow slowly started to move backwards, her mom was dead... DEAD how could she possibly be here but her mind was put to rest as her mom started to do something that she hadnt done since Rainbow was a little filly. Rainbow's mom started to do a little dance and as she did she sung rainbows favourite tune. "Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake clap your hooves and do a little shake" as she said the last four words she wiggled her flank which never ceased to make Rainbow giggle. "How can you be here... its not possible" "Oh rainbow don't you know, your dead too." "What! but I cant be I still have so much to live for, I CANT BE DEAD!" "Oh Rainbow what did you have to live for you useless mare" Rainbow was taken back and a tear ran down her face as she processed what her own mother had just said to her, straightening up she said. "I have Applejack" "Oh my I never would have thought that I raised a filly fooler, what could that pathetic mare possibly have to offer you." "Hey! shut up you bucking feather brain" Rainbow was disgusted at this language and she never used it herself but nopony talks about her marefriend like that... not even her mother. her mother took two steps forward as her eyes started to glow blood red. "It doesn't matter what you are Rainbow you are here with me regardless" "Wh-why are you doing this to me" Rainbow stammered as tears flooded her eyes" "Because you killed me" Rainbows eyes widened she knew what her mother meant. "No! it wasnt my fault" "You where not there to save us Rainbow, you abandoned your own mother and father, and now you must pay for what you have done to us". rainbow tried to turn and run only to come face to face with her father who was now staring at her with the same blood red eyes as her mother. They closed in on rainbow and there was a bright flash of crimson as rainbow felt extreme pain in her body, the pain shot through her limbs from her hooves to her wings.she let out a blood curdling scream and suddenly heard a loud bang the world faded away,her parents did as well and she soon found herself sitting up in a hospital bed with itchy white sheets pulled over her body. The pain seemed to be caused when rainbow sat up as quickly as she did, she looked around for the cause of the loud crash, she looked over the side of the bed to see two shining emeralds the belonged to the radiant orange farm pony that she knew all to well. "Rainbow! y'all are awake! Ah thought ah would never see those ruby eyes again!" shouted Applejack as she lept at rainbow and gave her a big hug which caused rainbow to flinch in pain, at seeing this Applejack jumped back with tears in her eyes. "Sorry Dashie ah am just so happy to see ya awake I..." "Wait, how long was I asleep" "Bout a month an' a half" "Iv been asleep for a month and a half, how did I eat" after Rainbow was finished Applejack pointed to a number of tubes attached to several bags hanging next to the bed. "Oh so if iv been asleep for a month and a half how have..." she cut herself off as she shook her head trying to shake that awful dream she was in not five minutes ago." "What's wrong sugar" Applejack inquired while watching the cyan pegasus shaking her head wildly, she knew something was wrong but she didn't want to pester her lover so soon after waking up. so she just nuzzled her marefriend and sat back down, when she did Rainbow noticed a bright yellow sleeping bag with a picture of her and Applejack on the front, she thought for a moment before it hit her. "Uh AJ how long have you been sleeping here" Applejack just looked up and smiled "A month an' a half" "So you slept here on the floor for a month and a half, but why" "Ah was so worried bout ya Dashie ah didnt want to hafta leave the pony ah cared for the most on her own in tha state she was in" "You just wanted to stay with me, oh AJ... wait where did you get that sleeping bag" "Ah asked rarity ta make it, she doesn't just do dresses" "But AJ she knows now!" "Rainbow it sorta gave it away when ya broke almost every bone in ya body just to save me and ah wasn't exactly subtle when carrying you to this here hospital and told them nurses not to let the best thing that ever happened to me go away forever" "so everypony knows?" Rainbows eyes began to tear as she remembered how her mother had made fun of her for liking other mares. "Yep even Pinkie" Rainbows eyes narrowed, she couldn't help but think about Pinkie's negative reaction and about losing her best friend. at that very moment that same pink haired mare walked through the door but her mane was flat, this hurt Rainbow Dash on a personal as she knew that Pinkie Pie must have been extremely depressed or upset, but as soon as the pink mare laid her eyes on her best friend her hair immediately sprang back up to its cotton candy state and she jumped and to Rainbow giving her the tightest hug ever and causing more pain to shoot up Rainbow's body but she didn't even notice, she just embraced her friend and hugged her back. "What happened to you Dashie? I want you to tell me everything." "But didn't Applejack tell you?" "It upset her to much so I decided not to bother her it wouldn't be right" "But wait aren't you angry that I'm a... filly fooler" without delay Rainbow felt a slight sting in her hoof, Applejack had just hit her, not too hard but enough to show that she meant it. "Rainbow don't ever let me hear ya say that again, why in celestia's name would ya use that word" Rainbow's eyes once again welled up with water as she looked at Applejack because my mom called me it. "Rainbow how in the hoof is that possible y'all were here the whole time and she was never here, ah doubt she even knows ya hurt." Rainbow took a deep breath, look at her mare and sighed. "When I was asleep I saw my mother standing in the clearing of a forest but it was weird, the fog around the area felt unnatural. I walked over to my mom and she turned to me and did the little dance and song that always brightened up my day". she then began reciting the song and did all the movements except the dance. "however she suddenly began to be really mean to me and started asking what I had to live for." "So what did ya say" rainbow looked into Applejack's emerald eyes. "I said i have Applejack, but then she said that she was surprised that she had raised a filly fooler, how it was my fault she and my father died how..." "WAIT WHAT! ya parents died. rainbow why didn't ya ever tell me". "Because...it really was my fault". "Oh come now sugar ah'm sure it weren't ya fault... now come on, tell me what happened...please" "I was at flight camp staring at a Wonderbolts poster on my wall when my coach walked in and put a newspaper on the bed, i read the headline only to see that it said that my parents had died in a house fire." "Ah didn't know clouds could catch fire" "They cant, when I was born my parents were living in a small little hut just outside manehatten, but one day I entered a rebellious phase and flew away to join flight camp because I didn't want to live by their rules any more." "But why do you think you killed them Dashie" said Pinkie butting in, "you said it yourself it was a house fire and you were nowhere near them". "EXACTLY! I abandoned them, I could have... I SHOULD have been there, i could have saved them". Applejack could feel Rainbows pain. after all her parents had died as well, which was why she lived with granny smith. "Rainbow there was nothing ya could do and it sure as sugar wasn't ya fault". Rainbow looked up into those big green eyes and she knew that Applejack was telling the truth, after all she was the element of honesty. she simply smiled at Applejack to show she agreed and with that Applejack leant over and gave Rainbow a passionate kiss, Rainbow returned the favour,they sat there for ages tongues locked in a lovers dance when suddenly a little squee could be heard from behind them. "Ohboyohboyohboy i have got to go tell the others your awake and we can have a party and cake and ice cream and punch oh this will be brilliant" and without even stopping for a breath the pink pony was out the door on her way to Twilights house to tell her the good news. as soon as Pinky had left the room there was a blinding light that engulfed the room causing Applejack and Rainbow to close their eyes tight. when they opened them they saw the royal princess Celestia standing in front of them. "Whoa Nelly" cried Applejack as she immediately bowed to the princess. "Princess why are you here" asked Rainbow in shock "Oh Rainbow Dash I'm here to help you, now I just need you to relax all of you muscles and close your eyes." Rainbow did as she was told and son the princess' horn began to glow a bright and beautiful gold and the same light enveloped Rainbow Dash as she resisted the urge to open her eyes. "Alright Rainbow Dash you may open your eyes" as Rainbow opened her shining magenta eyes she suddenly felt renewed, young and energetic. without thinking she soured out of the bed and looped around the room before stopping and giving herself time to process what just happened. "Princess, you...you healed me?" "Indeed I did Rainbow dash" "No offence meant or nothin' princess but you were here the day Rainbow way put in hospital, how come you didn't heal her then." "Because my dear Applejack, I did try but I sensed I conflict in her mind like, like she was fighting something, any attempt to do what I just did might have endangered and possibly even wiped Rainbow Dash's mind" "Well thanks princess ah owe ya a mighty bid favour for helping mah Dashie like ya have" Rainbow looked at the princess before her and without thinking asked. "Celestia don't you hate me and AJ" Celestia looked confused which was certainly a first for her. "Why on earth would I hate you Rainbow Dash." "Well because we are in love" "Why should gender play any part in love, true love cannot be stopped by any barrier whether that barrier be gender or something much worse it matters not. and with you two already possessing the power of the elements of harmony adding love only strengthens your bond, you two can never be separated." Twilight was sat at home with her muzzled deep in books as usual until she heard a knock on the big oak door, at answering the door she was face to face with a bright pink mare with a huge giddy smile on her face. "Uh hi Pinki..." "Ohmygoshtwilightrainbowwokeupweneedtoplanapartynow" "Uh I don't follow say it again but slower this time" "Rainbow Dash woke up Twilight we need to hurry up and prepare a party." "Oh my gosh that's brilliant we shall have the party here pinkie hurry up and plan while i go and right a letter to the princess asking her to attend, oh and my brother and his new wife as well they loved the reception that you put on for their wedding." in the hospital Celestia was about to speak when a letter popped out of nowhere and landed in front of her, after processing the message she simply smiled and looked at the two mares in front of her. "I think it would be in your best interests to be at the library in 4 hours but no earlier." and with that she was gone in another blinding flash of light. Shining Armour sat up in his bed and looked down at his wife who was still sound asleep when suddenly in a flash of green a note appeared on the bed. As Shining Armour read the letter he lept off the bed and shouted with joy, waking up his wife. "Ugh what is going on sweetie" she groaned sitting up in the bed. "Cadence its a message from Twily, Rainbow Dash is awake and they are having a party to celebrate and we have been invited to attend." "When is it!" shouted Cadence jumping from the bed, she was now just as excited as Shining Armour. It is in 4 hours at Twily's house. "Oh I cant wait Pinkie always throws the best parties, oh we need to get a present for Rainbow Dash not only to say get better soon but also to say thank you for that amazing sonic rainboom that she performed at our wedding.