//------------------------------// // A leather-bound journal. // Story: Just a pony named Sombra // by Kitkat1003 //------------------------------// Twilight sighed. It was a beautiful day in the town of Ponyville, but she was too tired to enjoy it. In her defense, she had just come back from the other world of Canterlot High a day ago. The adventure was emotionally and physically draining, and she didn’t feel like doing anything. She looked around at the shelves full of knowledge that filled her new castle and figured she should read a book. Fate would have it that she would come across a leather-bound journal worn with age, pages yellowing. A small symbol of a red crystal heart, similar to the one she had seen in the Crystal Empire, was shown on the front cover of it. Already curious, she opened it up. Inside, she found pictures of King Sombra. She nearly fell over in fright. Though, as she looked again, she realized that this wasn't the Sombra she knew. He was younger, clean shaven, his hair no longer flowing, but remained combed back and still, and had none of the armor and the cape he was portrayed as wearing. His eyes were no longer red and green, but regular eyes that were almost maroon in color. His horn was as regular as any other unicorn horn, and his smile showed normal white teeth. His cutie mark was the same as the symbol on the front of the book. He looked like a filly, big eyes and a small face. Her interest now in the book completely, she sat down, got herself comfortable, and began to read. Dear Diary, Celestia, am I a mare now? I mean, what kind of colt has a diary?! Whatever. My mom told me to get a journal to write in, but this is OBVIOUSLY a diary. I mean, seriously? Anyway, my name is Sombra Crystain, and I'm seven years old. I live in the Crystal Empire and it's beautiful place. My parents are very proud that my cutie mark almost mirrors the famed crystal heart, AND that I'm a rare crystal unicorn! There are only a few in existence, and they come out of nowhere. Crystal Pegasi are more common, but they are still pretty rare. ` Ponies make fun of me for it. Twilight felt a pang of sympathy as she read that line. It was so common for ponies, even today, to make fun of others because of their differences. The line reminded her of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were two bullies who truly embodied hatred and spite. Ponies like them were probably the cause of the teasing Sombra was enduring. She couldn't help but wonder if this was just the beginning of Sombra's troubles, leading up to the beast he became. Sighing, she read on. I mean, what did I do to them? It's like they think I asked to be a unicorn. Like they think I had a choice in the matter. I want to hurt them sometimes, but my mom says that it would be wrong to do so. Why do they get to do it then?! It's not fair! This empire is supposed to about love, but hatred and jealousy are the only things I see. That's not true. Plenty of ponies are nice, but the others are simply awful. Sometimes I think the crystal heart is the only thing that keeps this empire together, but what should I know? I'm only seven. Anyway, I have to go. School is starting soon. ~Sombra Twilight finished the first entry with a frown. Was the Crystal Empire really that bad back then? It made her wonder. There were almost no records of the Crystal Empire. Why? She looked at the thick book and nearly laughed. Today was going to be a LONG day. Dear diary, Today was my first day of school, and lots of ponies made fun of me because of my horn. I'm only in first grade but it feels like I'm being beaten by stallions with the insults they're throwing. Then, as if that wasn't enough, I finally got my horn to work, but I nearly killed somepony! And they say it's my fault?! They were bullying me for ponies sake! I was just defending myself! On the bright side, I can use my horn now. My parents grounded me from using anything other than levitation spells, which sucks. I noticed something after I hurt that bully though. Everypony stopped laughing at me. They were too scared to. I liked it. Just for a moment! Then, I felt awful. I mean, I'd rather be hated than feared. No pony would talk to me if I was scary. I hope everypony can just forget about this. I really wish I had a do-over for today. Well, actually, I wish I had a do-over on life. More than anything, to be honest, all I want is a friend. After all, is that too much to ask for? We are raised on the idea that everypony should live together in peace and harmony, so why should I be an outcast? It's not fair! I don't want to be lonely! I saw a mare a school that wasn't being mean, though. She had a bright yellow mane and purple fur with sparkling green eyes. Her cutie mark was a purple crystal heart, almost like mine! She was absolutely breathtaking. I think her name is Crystie, so that's what I'll call you! Crystie is a great name anyway. Mom is calling me for dinner, so I got to go. I hope tomorrow is better than today. See ya, Crystie! ~Sombra Twilight once again felt sympathy for the young colt. She too knew how it felt to lose control of her magic. It was the reason she got her cutiemark. Sombra seemed like a nice colt, so why had he turned so dark? She had to chuckle on the fact that he had such a cute filly-crush. She wanted to read more, but her stomach rumbled, and she left the book to eat her lunch, mind mulling over the beginning of this intriguing story packed together in a leather-bound journal.