The Way of the Fires In My Heart

by Hellion

Fires of Rebirth

A small male Ponyta, eyes squinted, lay under a small pile of snow shivering ferociously. The poor thing couldn't move, and its shivering was slowing. Within a few moments it still, already past the first shudders of hypothermia. A small, dark, humanoid shape was standing off to the side laughing.
"Stupid Pokemon! This is what you get for making me lose!" It said, chuckling darkly. A few seconds later it disappeared, leaving the poor Pokemon to die, and there it lay. The cold slowly creeping into him, gradually dimming the flames on his back. Meanwhile nearby, voices called out, "Mommy! I'm going to explore!" came the voice of a young girl.
"Alright dear! Stay close!" answered her Grandmother.
The little girl, innocent and caring, stumbled upon the small Pokemon. She leaned forward and looked into his eyes.
"Hi! Are you okay?" she asked.
The Pokemon could find no voice. He merely shuddered. Apparently the little girl took this as a no and picked him up.
"Grandmama! I found a Pokemon!" she called.
"Really dear?" the grandmother answered.
"Mhm!" the girl said showing the Pokemon to her.
"Oh dear... we best get him inside," she grabbed the poor thing and took him inside.
For a few weeks they nursed the Pokemon to health and all was well and happy. Then one day the bell rang...
"Coming!" The grandmother called out as she made her way to the door. Opening the door she found herself facing two things.
A Pokemon Ranger and a teenage boy.
"Yes. I'm Ranger Tim and this is Jin. He says your child here took his Ponyta," the Ranger said.
"Oh. No I'm afraid you're wrong," the grandmother answered, her tone serious, "She'd never do such a thing."
"I'm sure your right ma'am. If you don't mind?" The Ranger gestured indoors.
"Oh, of course," the grandmother stepped aside.
"May we check if this is the same Pokemon?" The Ranger asked, gesturing at the cowering Ponyta who recognized his old trainer.
The grandmother nodded and the boy took out a Pokeball. Pressing the button it opened and the Ponyta disappeared in red.
"I'm sorry ma'am but you need to pay a fine, I would arrest her but seeing how young your daughter is..." he trailed off, motioning at the girl.
The woman, grateful, but sad, paid the fine and the Ranger placed it in a box of sorts. A moment later he followed the young boy out.
"Cynn how-" she was cut off boy the young girl sobbing into her pant leg. She let a look of sympathy onto her face and hugged the girl back.

Some Years Later

Cynn made her way through the deep snowing to the entrance to her cottage, which once had been her grandmother's but the old woman had passed a few years previously and left it to her. She went into the small kitchen and sipped at the cocoa. Chopping wood is hard work, she thought.
Unlike most people, her grandmother had never added electricity to the cottage and as such wood was required to heat the small home. This meant an hour or so of chopping wood, and another thirty minutes to heat the home. Of course, Cynn never complained. It was all she had ever known.
The young girl made her way to the sitting room and warmed herself up in front of the fire. The only electrical thing in the house was a television, which she proceeded to turn on. The news came on soon thereafter,

Mountain News
Host: Good morning folks! Its a nicely sunny day!
Co-Host:Of course it is Andrew! It always is!
Host:Right you are Janet! Right you are! Now on to the news folks.
Co-Host:The roads will be a bit packed this morning, there's been an avalanche near NearLeaf and the Rangers are clearing it out as quickly as possible.
Host:In the meantime, the detour takes you through the wonderful White-

The Host was cut off as Cynn switched channels and suddenly, passed out.
Darkness swirled through her mind. She only heard one thing.
"Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home."

As we know, Cynn rescued a Ponyta when she was younger, but what happened to him was never stated, and now, at last, here it is...

The Cyndaquil sprinted forward. "Ember!" screamed his trainer. The attacked slammed perfectly into the other Pokemon's chest and down it went. His trainer cheered and Cyndaquil rolled his eyes. This boy was overly dramatic. "Ponyta, Return!"
Many scientists theorize what it could be like inside a Pokeball, and in truth, its different for each Pokemon. Some find themselves in a soundless sphere. Others in a lightless. In Ponyta's case, it was a clear sphere and he could hear everything.
His trainer took the money from the loser who rushed off. Suddenly his Pokeball burst open and the Trainer jumped back. Moments before passing out, Ponyta used Ember towards his trainer in angst of all the years of abuse.
Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.

Cynn opened her eyes and found herself in the middle of a cold wood. The trees, the few there were, had snow covering them. Struggling to stand, Cynn found herself a Cyndaquil.
Having a lot of time on her hands Cynn had imagined this before so her reaction was quite calm. Peering at her surroundings she could see no threat and stood up before waddling towards a tendril of smoke in the horizon. It got closer quite fast and she found herself in a small town full of Ponyta. At least she thought they looked like Ponyta.
They ran from the town screaming.