A Clash of Magics

by Lemon Twist

Worlds of Contrasts

Twilight Sparkle was looking forward to today, as she almost always did; every day there was something new to learn, but today she would begin her new investigation in earnest. After a few days to allow Shino, the mysterious newcomer, to settle in, today they were about to start to answer the questions that had been troubling her from before that astounding display in the Everfree Forest. From her first appearance Shino had presented puzzles; who was she? how did she get here? why was she here?

Then there had been the Forest encounter, when Shino had suddenly demonstrated astonishing command of dark (sorry, thought Twilight, I meant shadow) magic. Suddenly answering those questions had become much more important. So they had agreed to meet at Shino's new dwelling, which she had spent the past few days clearing out and turning into a home.

It was mid-afternoon when Twilight finished her regular duties and made her way to Fluttershy's house. After a delightful short chat with her friend and then Shino as well, she and the strange unicorn went next door and sat down either side of a small table provided by Fluttershy and dishes of tea provided by Angel, Fluttershy's almost-always grumpy rabbit friend. Twilight complimented Shino on her hard work; the dilapidated outbuilding had been refurbished and was now a cosy (if basic) home for the strange unicorn.

After a little small-talk, they began to discuss the matters that particularly concerned Twilight. It would take a very long time to record the conversation verbatim, so what follows is a summary of the essential points.

Twilight started by asking what exactly The Light is. Shino had expected this, and had spent much of the previous few days wondering about that herself. The problem with answering the question was that she had never asked it of her teachers. She had simply accepted The Light as a force, or entity, or both; after all, she did not have to know what it was or how it worked because she knew what it did through her, and that was enough for her to follow her destiny. She had finally decided that she could best explain it as an all-encompassing force that bound all creatures together across the worlds. Some were able to tap into it or channel it to fulfil their purpose in life.

Twilight did not understand; she kept asking Shino what the source of the Light was, and Shino kept stating that it did not have one, that it did not matter, that the Light just is, like the weather and the sun and moon. Twilight looked even more puzzled at that statement, so Shino suggested they continue their discussion as they strolled around the meadow, then tried to explain about weather just happening and the sun and moon just circling across the sky in their regular cycles. Twilight's expression changed to astonishment, and so she explained that in Equestria the weather is controlled by the pegasi, and the sun and moon are controlled by the two princesses in Canterlot. Shino looked confused and untrusting; she stated that no one being should have that much power over a force of nature. She had seen it, and it had never ended well.

Twilight nodded, and said that there had been problems far in the past, but everything had now been resolved; in fact she had had a part in that resolution. Seeing Shino's interest, Twilight went on to tell her the tale of Nightmare Moon, and Shino then realised why they were so terrified of her power. It was a classic case of there but for the grace of The Light go I; it had happened to an apparently normal pony, and because of jealousy, which everypony is likely to have experienced to some degree.

Power corrupts and all that.

After a moment of reflection Shino then told Twilight that Equestria was lucky. Twilight was astonished that anypony could describe Nightmare Moon as a lucky event. Realising how surprised Twilight was, Shino explained about the elements on Azeroth and went on to mention the Dragon Aspects. She then asked if they had dragons in Equestria apart from Spike, because baby dragons on Azeroth (known as whelps) all had wings, which Spike lacked. In response, Twilight showed Shino images of the Valley of the Dragons. Shino was obviously underwhelmed, and Twilight looked shocked at her nonchalance; Shino then explained that the dragons in the image would be small fry on Azeroth, young adults at best. At Twilight's astonished look, Shino laughed and said that she had ridden bigger dragons than them, and then began to explain the Dragon Aspects, the greatest creatures on Azeroth.

“The Dragon Aspects are embodiments of the... abstract elements on Azeroth,” Shino began, sitting down and beckoning for Twilight to do the same. Twilight sat to attention, like a filly at story time. Well, like her at story time.

“Well... I say abstract elements... How to explain it..” Shino rubbed her chin in thought.

“Okay, I'll just skip that; hopefully it'll make sense as we go. There are five Dragon Aspects.” She paused momentarily, then her eyes glazed over slightly. “No.. four.” Then she looked around, digging through old memories. “Wait.. three. Or two. Will be two. Hmm” Shino looked dumbfounded for a moment, then caught Twilight's look of innocent curiosity and coughed. “Anyway, that's not relevant.

“What's important is that there were five Dragon Aspects. Dragons had lived on Azeroth since ancient times, even before the Titans showed up.” At Twilight's blank look, she struggled to explain it in terms that would be understood. “Sort of... like.. giant wandering.. Princesses? Let's go with that.” Shino awkwardly scratched the back of her head with a forehoof. “They wandered the cosmos, travelling from world to world, moulding each in their image and blessing them with life. Well when they reached Azeroth, they found it already infected with immense evil. After a great war, the Titans defeated this evil, the Old Gods, and sealed them beneath the planet. Knowing that the Old Gods would eventually rise, and that they could not be killed without destroying the planet, the Titans instead appointed the five most powerful dragons as guardians, each blessed with a portion of their power.

“A great black dragon, Neltharion, was blessed with power over the earth, and the deep places within.

“Alexstrasza, a red dragon, was given the role as life's warden, with the power to create and destroy as she saw fit.

“Nozdormu, a wise bronze drake, was placed as a guardian of the time streams, and as a result saw into all eternity.

“Malygos, an immense blue dragon, was given stewardship over magic, and the ley lines that form a magical network throughout Azeroth.

“And Ysera, a serene green drake, became the dreamwalker, ruling over her realm of the Emerald Dream, a haven for druids and nature.”

Shino suddenly caught the sound of quill on parchment, and realised that Twilight was writing everything down, but her ears were still attentive. “Go on,” Twilight said quietly. “I'm still listening. I just need to get everything down.”

Impressed with Twilight's apparent ability to multi-task, Shino paused to gather her thoughts. Her hoof absent-mindedly traced a line on the floor as she remembered her previous life. Realising Twilight had stopped writing and was now looking at Shino in worry, she coughed and sat back up, still looking distracted.

“Sorry. Uh... where was I? Oh yes. Power corrupts.”

“The first of the Aspects to fall was Neltharion. Previously known as the Earth-Warder, he dug too deep and strayed too close to the Old Gods' prison. They corrupted his thoughts, slowly, poisoning him from within, until he cracked and became an insane, omnicidal maniac, even forgoing his previous name and rebranding himself 'Deathwing'. Fortunately the other Aspects managed to seal him away before he did too much damage.”

“Omnicidal?” queried Twilight.

“Yes, meaning destroying everything.”

“Ah, that's what I was afraid it meant. Sorry, go on.”

Shino recalled her recent words to regain her place in her explanation. “Except, there was one thing he did achieve before he was sealed, and that set the second aspect on the path to self-destruction. Malygos.”

Shino sighed quietly. She hadn't been involved in that campaign, but she knew someone who had, and who was hit hard by it.

Slowly, she began again. “Each aspect has their own dragonflight; essentially their children, with matching colour and similar powers, but not as pronounced as the aspects themselves. As such, we referred to each dragonflight by colour.

“When Neltharion fell from grace, his black dragonflight followed suit. But, before he was sealed away, they had all but wiped out Malygos's blue dragonflight. While he acted strong, it hit him far harder than the others realised. He became reserved and stopped talking to others, locking himself away.” Twilight nodded her understanding; she had seen, had been, that pony.

“When he emerged much later, he was very different, declaring that magic was being used without restraint, and that he would wipe out all magic users on Azeroth. The other dragonflights had no choice but to put him down.”

Shino looked to Twilight, who stared back with wide eyes. A small, sad grin formed on Shino's face. “Yeah, that was my reaction when I was told. But there was nothing anyone could do. He couldn't be reasoned with. He was too far gone.”

Shino stretched, and looked across the meadow to the edge of the forest. The sun was beginning to set, and she looked nervously at it. What would happen if the sun goddess suddenly decided not to lower the sun? Would they burn to death under an intolerable heat? She shuddered, then felt a hoof on her shoulder, and looked into Twilight's sad but caring face. Shino smiled slightly, before looking away.

“Well.” said Twilight, “I can understand why you'd be unsure now, especially after those first days here. I don't know how I'd cope if I suddenly couldn't use my magic. I mean, I know it won't happen, but I...”

“Malygos was nothing”

“H-huh?” Twilight stammered, shocked. “What do you mean?”

“To me, I mean. I mean he was a threat but my power comes from The Light, not magic. I wasn't there. I knew someone who was...” She looked thoughtful for a moment. “But I wasn't. Malygos means nothing to me.”

Before Twilight could somewhat relax, Shino continued.

“The other two did.”

Shino found herself shaking slightly. Breathing slowly and deeply, she tried to calm herself, but kept her eyes on the floor. She vaguely felt hooves wrap around her neck as the alicorn pulled her into a hug, but she was too distracted. Why now? Nothing had been wrong before. Before she could stop herself, she began giggling, which moved on to full roaring laughter, even as tears rolled down her face. Twilight stepped back nervously, lifting Shino's chin up to look at her.

“Hey... What's wrong?”

Shino had a huge grin plastered on her face, but Twilight could tell a fake smile. She had seen them on all of her friends at some point, and she had used them more than she would like to admit, especially recently.

“You haven't seen Azeroth, Twilight. You don't know what it's like. How horrible it is,” Shino stated simply, calmly. “Even I didn't realise until I arrived here.”

“What... What do you mean?”

“Azeroth is a world of conflict, Twilight. A world of war. I'm a priest. That means I either kill things myself, or I heal other people while they kill things. When I first felt the call of The Light as a child it was to heal local people who were sick or injured. But from my mid-teens, all the rest of my life, I've killed things. Every day. I've never had a rest. Never been able to reflect. It was always kill something before it killed me, continue on. On Azeroth, you can't be remorseful. You can't hesitate. If you hesitate you die. But now... I realise what I've done. What we've done.”

“Shino...” Twilight began, but was cut off.

“No, Twilight. No. I never finished my story.” Shino gestured to the quill and parchment, left haphazardly on the floor. Twilight followed her gaze, then looked back at her, conflicting emotions moving across her face before she relented, picking up the quill and preparing to write.

Shino sighed deeply before she continued. “I said there were five Aspects. Currently, or at least when I left Azeroth, there are two. Or three. It's a bit confusing.” She couldn't help but notice the small curious smile on Twilight's face.

Stretching and making herself comfortable, Shino breathed deeply and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Malygos was destroyed. Deathwing... wasn't. He was sealed away where he could do no harm. Except... he broke free. And in the process, tore the world asunder, reshaping the land and tearing great holes in the barriers between dimensions. The elements ran wild and caused even more chaos. He attacked my city.” Shino tensed, growling slightly. “Everything was thrown into disarray, alliances forming and ceasing randomly and without warning. For a time you couldn't be sure if your best friend might tomorrow turn out to be your worst enemy.

“But we persevered. All of us. All the races of Azeroth previously locked in eternal conflict turned to face this new enemy.” She couldn't help but smile at that, but a dark look flashed across Shino's face for a moment. Twilight could almost feel the room darken. “Eventually.

“We battled Deathwing's forces on all fronts, beating them back to the pits from whence they came. We fought on Azeroth, we fought on the elemental planes. We reclaimed our lands and took the fight to him. The greatest warriors we could muster joined an assault on the Aspect. And we killed him. It took all of us, and the other Aspects, but we killed him. He tried to destroy Azeroth and we denied him.” Shino couldn't help but feel proud, and that pride must have spread to her face. It had certainly spread to her voice.

“You were part of it I take it?”

Shino looked to Twilight, and nodded. “Yes. But I was a healer then. Still am from time to time. I still remember his body...” Shino shuddered. “It was so consumed with chaotic magic he wasn't even a dragon any more. In fact, I don't think he was much more than the pure spirit of destruction, distilled and sealed in a metal body.

“But we saved our world. That was most important.”

All that could be heard was quiet scratching as Twilight finished her notes. Then a long silence as Shino reflected, and Twilight watched.

“You said there were two aspects. But only two have been... destroyed. What about the third one?”

Shino turned to Twilight and could not stop herself from grinning. “Have you ever tried to fight a time god?”


Now Twilight sat there in shock, and Shino had to laugh at her expression. She had explained about Nozdormu, and Murozond, about fighting the Dragon of Time, with the assistance of the Dragon of Time, using a time artefact that reset time...

Twilight's head was spinning before long and Shino just grinned. “Imagine being there. Imagine doing the same battle hundreds of times, each time scratching the dragon slightly more, until you eventually kill him. I won't lie, it was enjoyable, even if it was a depressing time.” Shino caught Twilight's look of worry. “Twilight, on Azeroth you have to learn to either brush off killing, or learn to enjoy it. You won't survive otherwise.”

As Twilight opened her mouth to speak Shino stopped her. “Don't worry, I fall squarely in the first category. You see the amount of death I've seen...” Shino trailed off, but then perked up and smiled at the anxious alicorn in front of her. “...Anyway, what were we even talking about? I feel like I've gone on a bit of a tangent.” She glanced out of the window at the sun as it passed under the horizon, and felt a pang of sadness. Twilight followed her gaze and watched the light slowly fade from the sky.

“I should probably get back to Spike. He's probably wondering where I've got to,” Twilight said absent-mindedly, slowly getting up. Her knees ached and she had writer's cramp in her forehead, but that is what happens when you spend hours sitting down scribbling. Or at least she assumed it was hours. She really had lost track of time, rather like Shino against her time-dragon.

The two of them called in next door; Twilight to say farewell, Shino to share a pleasant dinner, then the unicorn strolled back home and sat in the doorway gazing up at Luna's handiwork as she let the aches of an Azerothian career wash over her.


Twilight had said that she would be busy all the next day, so Shino helped Fluttershy with her chores. The animals had long forgiven her for her destructive behaviour; they had been understandably upset at the thought that she might continue it against other wildlife such as them. The reconciliation had been greatly helped by Shino's feeding them and Fluttershy's recommendation.

It was the following afternoon that Twilight returned to continue their discussion. This time they turned to Shino's previous observation that she was on Equestria for a reason. Shino was sure that The Light had brought her to Ponyville in order to strengthen the combat abilities of the local ponies against a threat they would otherwise be unable to deal with. And she also wondered why it had specifically chosen her, rather than any of the other priests available to it. Twilight privately thought this rather boastful. She accepted that the demonstration they had seen where Shino had overcome several timber-wolves had been impressive, but she was also worried that a stranger could blithely claim such a responsibility. After all, she was used to herself and the other Bearers supporting the Princesses (she was still uncomfortable including herself in that phrase) should there be a threatening situation. She had wondered whether her disquiet was partly fuelled by jealousy, by the thought that someone else could claim that responsibility. In all honesty, she was not sure.

Twilight asked Shino to tell her more about life on Azeroth, if she could face it. Shino smiled and agreed, saying that it was important for Twilight to understand the contrast. She went on to describe the way so many of the population were adventurers, and how they were divided into different classes; about hunters who could call upon any beast to fight for them, mages who wielded arcane magics that would make Twilight envious, of warriors who wielded immense blades to slay their foes, rogues who sneaked around and infiltrated enemy establishments, warlocks who could call on demonic beings or powers in the service of good, holy warriors who smote their foes with the power of The Light, and priests like Shino who also used The Light to heal or defeat as necessary.

Then she explained about the different races and how they were split between the Horde and Alliance, which she was disappointed about when there were always external threats to both of them that they should be co-operating against. She continued by explaining the personalities at the top of each force, and how everything had deteriorated since the abdication of Thrall.

By then the sun was again setting, and Twilight and Fluttershy set off for town to attend Pinkie's latest party. Shino stayed in her little shed and once again marvelled at the beauty of the night. She though to herself that Luna would have known how valued her skills were if Shino had been on Equestria a thousand years previously, and the whole Nightmare Moon episode would have been avoided. But then perhaps it had been a cathartic event necessary for the well-being of Equestrian society. With that thought, she went to bed.


The next day Shino decided to begin her 'duties' as guardian against wandering denizens of the forest. Packing a small lunch, she made her way to a nearby knoll that gave a fine view along a large part of the forest edge, including the road to Ponyville. She settled herself down and waited, letting her mind wander to meditation of The Light while her attention remained watching for potential threats, a skill she had developed on active service.

The day passed peacefully, as she hoped most would, and so she trotted back home as the sun set. That set her thinking about what she would do overnight. Her first thought was a tripwire of some design. Perhaps she could discuss that with Fluttershy in the morning.

The next morning was spent helping Fluttershy again, partly to get to know her other neighbours (the local wildlife) better, but she did eventually manage to get a word with the pegasus regarding her idea. Fluttershy was not entirely convinced, and had a lengthy discussion with her animal friends. It was generally felt that a tripwire might be a problem for some of the more secretive, and that led into a discussion about what the likely threat was. There had been a few cases of large predators or swarms leaving the forest, but more problems over the years from ponies wandering into it, sometimes through ignorance but more often through a dare. Perhaps Shino's attention should actually be focussed more toward that problem.

Shino rubbed her chin with her hoof as she thought about it. Her shadow magic was more oriented toward defeating threats, not so much blocking straying fillies and colts. This would need some serious consideration.

Nevertheless, she made her way out to the knoll and settled herself there for the afternoon, trying to watch both directions of travel, but fortunately it was again quiet. Packing the remains of her small snack, she returned home for dinner.

The following morning she was just about to go next door when she got the sensation she was being watched. A sudden turn left the impression that somepony or something had just dodged out of the doorway. Shino sighed; she supposed that it would only be a matter of time before her blank flanks got attention.

“Hello, come on out.”

A familiar yellow filly with a red mane poked her head around the door jamb and grinned up at her.

“Oh, hello. Applebloom isn't it? I expect you've heard about what I've been up to?”

Applebloom nodded eagerly. Shino was surprised that Applebloom's head was still the only part of her that was visible. She edged sideways in an attempt to see what the filly was trying to hide, and then heard whispering behind her.

“Have you got friends there?”

Applebloom gave Shino a sheepish grin, and then two more heads appeared in the doorway. As the new faces gazed wordlessly at her Shino felt a little awkward and turned away slightly to get a sip of water.

“Whoooooooooaaaaaah!” she heard gasped from the newcomers, and their eyes had grown huge as they stared at her flank.

“Ya see, Ah told ya she didn't have a cutie-mark, but y'all said Ah was joshin'. Well, Ah was right,” and Applebloom stuck her tongue out at the others.

“All right, what is this? Have you just come to look at the new freak in town?”

All three heads shook in denial.

“So what is this about then?”

The three looked at each other, then all nodded in answer to an unasked question. They took a few steps sideways and Shino could now see them clearly. They were wearing... capes? She looked at them quizzically.

The other two nudged Applebloom, who drew herself up and put on a serious expression.

“We, the founder members, wish to invite you to join the Cutie-Mark Crusaders!” and with that they all three leapt into the air and high-hooved each other.

“The what crusaders?”

“Cutie- Mark Crusaders,” answered the pale grey unicorn in the middle sporting a curly mulberry and rose mane.

“We're awesome!” added the mustard coated pegasus with the cerise mane.

“Yes, well, I'm sure you are,” smiled Shino, “but what makes you think I should join you?”

“Well, duh,” said Scootaloo, “we're here to help you get your cutie-mark!”

“Why are you called Cutie-Mark Crusaders?”

“'Cause we're on a quest to get our cutie-marks,” responded Applebloom.

Shino pondered their offer for a moment. “If you're going to help me get mine, how have you not managed to get yours?” she asked.

All three dropped their heads. “See, I told you she wouldn't want to join a bunch of kids,” murmured the unicorn dejectedly.

“Come now,” Shino relented, “I didn't say I wouldn't join, I just asked a question.” It was touching the way their faces lit up just because she had not actually refused. “Can I just say that I'm not sure you need an adult getting in the way of your quest, but if you want to adopt me as a mascot I don't mind that,” and she smiled at them.

The three colts looked at each other again with wide eyes, then threw themselves in the air and high-hooved again. “Cutie-Mark Crusaders! Yaay!”

“Hey, let's go and make her cape,” cried the unicorn.

“Wait, wait!” called Shino. They stopped in mid-stride and looked back at her. Shino laughed at their slightly anxious expressions. “You haven't told me your names yet.”

They again swapped looks, then the unicorn stepped forward. “I'm Sweetie Belle and I'm Rarity's sister...”

“Ah,” Shino nodded.

“...and I'm Scootaloo. I'm no-one's sister, but I'm a fan of Rainbow Dash.”

“Isn't everypony?” asked Shino. “Well, pleased to meet you all. I look forward to getting my cape.”

“See you tomorrow,” they cried and galloped, or in Scootaloo's case scooted, happily away.

Shino grinned happily as they left. It was nice to have made someponies happy.