//------------------------------// // Disaster // Story: The Princesses of Seasons // by Rising Phoenix //------------------------------// "I'm glad you finally came, Autumn" "I wasn't sure about it, but then I thought it could be funny" "I'm sure it will be" Blizzard thought with a smile while they walked towards the dinning room. When they arrived there, Autumn found a disgusting surprise: Bloom was already sitting there with Skyline. And that wasn't all, because a moment later, Primrose came into the room escorting Sunny. "This has to be a joke" Said Bloom. "If it is, it's not funny at all" Sunny replied. "What's the meaning of this, Blizzard?" Autumn asked harshly. "Well, the feast is a tradition, and since you didn't want to meet after the Change, I thought it was a good idea to celebrate it a bit before". "A good idea? please tell me you are kidding". "For once, I agree with the flower-smeller"-Sunny added-" What made you think this was a good plan? You know that we don't wanna see each other!" "Ladies, ladies, please"-Skyline suddenly said-"this was not really Blizzard's idea, but mine. This has gone to far, and I thought it was time for you to put an end to your stupid argument!" "How you dare to talk to us like that? We are princesses!" Bloom said angrily "Yes! Don't get into our affairs, commoner!" added Sunny. "Hey, watch out what you say!" Blizzard exploded"the "commoner" is my husband, so show him some respect!" "He disrespected us!" "He only said the truth! Your argument is stupid, but you are too childish and stupid to realize!" "I have heard enough! It's time to teach you some respect!"-Sunny shouted. "You should have stayed away from this, Blizzard!"-said Bloom at the same time. Suddenly the two of the shooted an energy blast directly to Blizzard. She screamed and closed her eyes, but it never reached her...because somepony interposed between her and the blast. "SKYLINE!!!!" she screamed horrified, seeing the love of her life collapsing to the ground, unconscious and badly injured. "Oh, no..." Autumn whispered. "I...I went out of control..." "We didn't meant to..." "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Blizzard screamed histerically "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!?" "Blizzard, please, it was an accid-" "DON'T DARE TO TELL ME IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! YOU ATTACKED ME ON PURPOSE!" "We lost our temper..." "THEN I GIVE YOU TEN SECONDS TO LEAVE THIS PLACE BEFORE I LOOSE MINE!!!" "Blizzard..." Autumn started. "AND THAT INCLUDES YOU!"-Blizzard cutted her "YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN THEM! I WAS ALWAYS TRYING TO STOP THEIR FIGHTS AND YOU NEVER HELPED ME! YOU DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY FEELINGS, BECAUSE YOU'RE JUST AS SELFISH AND ARROGANT AS THEM!!" Autumn didn't answer, she simply turned and flew away, trying to not show how she felt. The other two quickly followed her. Once she was alone, Blizzard runned to Skyline's side. But before she could reach him, she felt an intense pain in her belly and collapsed to the ground. She knew that something was going wrong inside her. "Prim! Primrose, please help me!!" she screame with her last strength before blacking out. Blizzard woke up in her bed, feeling weak and dizzy. She slowly looked around and saw Primrose sleeping on a chair at her side. "Good morning, Prim" she said softly. "Blizzard! Thanks goodness, you're awake! How do you feel?" "I've been better. How long have I been asleep?" "A couple of days. I was very scared." "What happened to me?" "Well..."Prim started " after the fight, you became very nervous, and you went into premature labor because of it". "What?" Blizzard asked with fear. She removed the sheet that covered her and saw that her belly was flat again. "Where is it, Primrose? Where is the baby?" "Calm down, darling, it's alive. You had a beautiful filly." "A girl... where is she? Please, Prim, I need to see my daughter!" "I...I must ask the doctor before..." "Why? There's something wrong with her? Tell me!" "I don't really know. When the doctor took her, he was saying something about her eyes..." "Her eyes..." Blizzard repeated with worry "Nevermind, I need to see her, Primrose. Please, bring her to me!" "Ok, ok , I will. Wait here, darling" Prim went out, leaving a very nervous Blizzard in the room. After a while, she came back, carrying a baby filly. She was ice-blue with a beautiful white mane. "Here's your mommy, little one" she said, giving the baby to Blizzard. "She...she is beautiful" Blizzard whispered, her voice filled with love "Hello, my love, I'm your mom" The filly then opened her eyes, and Blizzard paralyzed for a moment. Her daughter was blind. "The doctor said it was because the premature born" Primrose explained sadly. "I feared it went you said there was something wrong with her eyes" Blizzard sighed, and then she talked to the baby "But don't worry little one, you are still the most beautiful girl in the world, and we will always be there to protect you, me and your daddy..." But before she could continue she heard a sob. Blizzard looked up and found that Primrose was trying to content her tears. "Prim, what's wrong?" she asked, but her sister-in-law didn't answer, she was now sobbing louder. Blizzard suddenly had a bad feeling. "Primrose, where is Skyline?" she asked slowly. "I'm sorry, Blizzard! I'm sorry!"-Primrose broke into tears-" I...tried to help him, but...but is wounds were t...too several! The doctor c...could do nothing to help him!" "No..." Blizzard thought, feeling a knife stabbing her heart. Prim kept crying, and the baby started to cry too. But she didn't. She couldn't cry, she couldn't think, she couldn't feel, she couldn't do anything. All her world was broken. The next day was Skyline's funeral. Primrose was there, and also the King and the Queen. Nopony else was allowed. Blizzard was staring at her husband's grave, silently holding her baby. She had decided to bury him in his favourite place: in the garden surrounded by his flowers. After a while, she made her horn glow. When she finished, all the ground was covered by tiny, white flowers. "I hope you like it, my love" she said to the grave. Then she looked at her filly, who was falling asleep. "Say goodbye to your daddy," she whispered in her ear "Snowdrop".