Humble Beginnings - The Elements and the Tree of Harmony

by EmilySkittles

The Element of Honesty

Smart Cookie was getting awfully silent ever since the Element of Loyalty came. She refused to talk to anypony, except Clover. She was in deep thought for Platinum was acting not herself, she was like she never experienced friendship, and became was being skeptical. She thought she abandoned her friends and became loyal to the queen because she didn't want to be part of the losing side. She suddenly grew a dark hatred to Platinum and wanted her to die.
Not long after, guards showed up for Smart Cookie, and was immediately accused for stealing a rare jar from the queen.
"I didn't steal any jar y'all talking about!"
"Yeah right, Princess Platinum told us all about it", the guards replied.
The guards noticed the same jar inside the dungeon, and they were ready to take Smart Cookie to the queen for a punishment.
"Look fellas, Ah'm gonna say this again, I never stole any jar nor anything in mah whole life!", yelled Smart Cookie, quite furiously.
Princess Platinum came out of no where all of a sudden
"Take her to the queen.."
"Yes Princess Platinum."
Then the guards took away Smart Cookie from the dungeon and away from her friends.
"Dang it Platinum, Why?!" cried Hurricane.
Instead of responding, Platinum trotted away from her friends and shed a tear for she can't take the pain.
Cookie was placed before the queen and was asked many questions, but Cookie only replied with one answer:
"Ah never stole anything y'all talking about."
The queen had a feeling she was being honest, but still doubted her.
"Look yer highness, Ah never stole anything in mah whole life. If y'all just listen to me, y'all know Ah'm telling the honest truth.
Before the queen could say anything, an orange stone appeared and glowed a bright orange aura. Like Puddinghead and Hurricane, a golden necklace appeared and the stone became the center piece of the necklace. The queen immediately recognized what was happening, the rumored Elements of Harmony was coming true. She had to find a plan to destroy it and its magic. The guards stood back from Smart Cookie because she had something magical and legendary resting on her neck, so they immediately threw her back to the dungeon.
When she returned, her friends ran and hugged her for they missed her even if it has only been 15 minutes.
"What happened? Are you bruised or are you going to be punished?", panicked Pansy.
"Nawh Pansy, Ah'm fine. By the way, I got this golden necklace like Puddinghead and Hurricane", mentioned Cookie.
"I think we should call it the Element of Honesty? It's 'cause I got it while telling the truth" Cookie continued.
Everypony agreed and the Element of Honesty was born.
"But, who did steal the jar if it's not you?" asked Puddinghead. "Maybe it's .." PuddingHead said when pointing to somepony.
"Puddinghead, it ain't any of us, but ah know it's the Platinum-brat who got me into this" responded Cookie.
"YEAH! We should show what we got to Platinum after what she's done to us!" agreed Hurricane.
"Now girls, we don't have to be brutal to Platinum, it's just a misunderstanding right?", Pansy explained.
"You're right, Pansy." agreed Clover.
At the Queen's room, she was plotting to find out about the legendary Elements of Harmony.
"So, I see the legend of the elements are coming true" thought the queen. "But not for long.." as she said then did an evil laugh.
The queen heard of the elements' coming, but she never thought it was true. Nearby, Platinum overheard that she canceled her old plan and made a new one. Like always, she was stalking the queen for answers, she was worried for her friends.
At the dungeon, Pansy was in deep panic who will be the next one to get the elements. She doesn't know if she will be one of them, if so, what would she do?
The next morning, there was a surprise company for the friends...