Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Bonus chapter: Royal Wedding part 2

Bonus chapter: Royal Wedding part 2

I trotted down the down the hallway of rock... or what ever this stuff is. Up ahead, I could hear the laughing of a crazy mare.

[... And you're walking to it?]
{Why not?}

I rounded a corner... and jumped back and screamed like a little girl as a rock next to me exploded. I looked up and saw Twilight blasting away at the rocks around her.

"Twilight!" I yelled out.

Suddenly, she blew a large portion of the wall out, revealing... Cadance!

I sprinted forward, but Twilight beat me to her.

Oh no Twilight! I get first hits on her!

Cadance looked up at us as we charged towards her. She held up her hooves and tried to back up on her haunches. "No! Wait! Ugh! Please! Don't hurt me!" She looked up and recognized Twilight, "Twilight, it's me! Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadance who brought you down here was an imposter."

Twilight glared down at her, "Likely story!" But then, her face dropped when Cadance began to sing.

Cadance began to do a little dance as she sang, "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves..."

Then they both said, "....and do a little shake."

Twilight looked at her and smiled happily, "You remember me!" She then jumped into her, giving her a large hug.

"Of course I do. How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?" Cadance said, returning the hug.

Somewhere, I could hear the fake Cadance laughing.

Twilight ran past me and jumped on a rock, "We have to get out of here. We have to stop her!"

"Agreed!" I yelled, charging ahead. I was then followed by Cadance and Twilight.

Skipping ahead. Since I don't know how I would even do that music number.

"Oh, we're never going to save him." Cadance said as we came to a large rock wall.

"We will. We just have to find..." Twilight looked up and saw something, "There!"

I looked up and saw a crack in the wall, with sun light leaking through.

"Perfect." I said as Twilight teleported us up to it.

I looked forward, "Let's go..."

Three mares trotted towards us, their eyes aglow, "You're not going anywhere."

I looked at the girls, then back at the three mares, "I know I've seen this before... but, where?"

"How do we get past them?" Twilight asked.

Cadance picked up some flowers and smiled, "Easy."

I jumped in front them and knocked the flowers out of the air, "That won't do anything! Let the man handle this!"

I stepped towards the mares, "Go, stop the wedding."

"But, what about you?" Cadance asked.

I looked back, "Oh, I'll just be stupid."

The three mares jumped forward and grabbed me. I jumped upward, causing them all to be lifted off the ground. I spun around, sending them in three different directions.

"Go!" I yelled, but, then I looked around and saw it was just me, "Oh... they already left.... wow."

The three mares advanced on me again.

I landed and smirked, "Well, come and get me girls."

They all sprung forward.


I limped down the hall, my teeth clenched, "Those mares... who knew they knew karate?!"

[That caught me off guard too.]
<That was just messed up!>
[Now, get a move on! We got a wedding to stop!]

I sprinted ahead, ignoring the slight pain in my leg.

I saw the doors up ahead. I smiled and burst threw them, "STOP THE WEDDING!..." I looked around to see everypony looking at the alter in shock.

I looked towards the alter and... Holy cow! What is that thing?! It looked like a screwed up pony, full of holes... What's going on here.

I saw the girls crowding around Princess Celestia, who was laying on the ground.

"What the buck happened here?!" I yelled out, very confused.

The black creature looked at me and smiled... I think, "Oh good, you're here."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I'm here. Now, what the buck is going on!"

Suddenly, a brown blur shot past me.

Frederic landed a few feet from the creature and stomped his hoof, "What have you done Celestia?!"

The creature laughed, "Aww, the prince. I was wondering when you'd show up."

Frederic shot up and put his face in front of her face, "No one, and I mean no one hurts my family!"

His horn began to glow and he flew backwards, "I will show you what happens when you hurt the ponies I love!"

"No Frederic!" Celestia yelled out.

A beam of magic shot out of his horn and flew towards the creature.

The creatures screwed up horn glowed brighter and shot up to meet his. It's beam quickly over took Frederic's and hit him with a blinding light.

I turned my head from the light, but when I looked back, I saw Frederic crunched over on the ground, his horn blackened.

"Frederic!" I yelled out. How did that thing... beat Frederic and Celestia? Is that... even possible?

Twilight and the others stood up and threw their clothes into the air. They then ran past me and out the door.

Except for Rarity, who caught all the clothes.

"Rarity." The others called out.

As she ran past me, I spun around and followed them.

Behind us, the creature called out, "You can run, but you can't hide!"

"We're not trying to hide!" I called back. At least, I don't think we're trying to hide.

I galloped up to Twilight, "What's going on?"

"That was a Changeling. I'll give you a book on them when we get back." She said as she continued to run.

"Plan?" I asked.

"We're going to get the Elements of Harmony." She said.


I continued to run next to them. I looked up and... that's not good. The shield... was cracking.

A few seconds later, the shield completely shattered.

We... are... screwed.

The Changelings flew downward. Their heads then began to glow green as they sped towards the ground.

They began to slam into the ground all around us, making small craters.

[Oh man, this is so cool!]

One landed in front of Twilight. It looked up... and received a hard stomp from Twilight.

We all ran up the stairs, almost to the elements chamber. But, when we reached the top, there was a large crowd of Changelings waiting for us.

We all stopped dead in our tracks, looking at the large crowd.

"Huh, interesting. It's like they know what we're doing... oh wait." I muttered.

Rainbow Dash slammed her hooves together, "Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way." She shot forward and came to face to face... with herself?

Huh, I guess that explains their names.

The Changeling smiled and knocked Rainbow Dash back towards us. "How did you..."

All around us, the Changelings began to change their forms to match us.

"They're changelings, remember?" Twilight said to her.

A crowd of Twilight's moved forward, "They're Changelings, remember?"

Twilight went into a fighting stance, "Don't let them distract you. We have to get to the Elements of Harmony. They're our only hope."

We all jumped forward. The Changelings did the same.

When the two groups slammed into each other, a Applejack slammed it's head into mine, sending me back.

I shook my head and jumped to the side, barely dodging a Rainbow Dash. Something slammed into my side, sending me to the side slightly.

I spun to face my attacker to see... a Lance.

I smirked, "Looking good bro." I then jumped forward and slammed my head into it's snout. As it fell, I bucked backwards and bucked a Pinkie Pie in the face.

Four Fluttershy's ran up to me and slammed into me. I grabbed two of them and tossed them to the side.

Before I could get the other two, three Lance's jumped on me and began to pelt me with punches.

"This is so ironic. I'm getting my ass kicked by myself." I said as I threw a punch upward, hitting one of the Lance's in the face.

Then a few more of the things began to pile on me.

Oh, this is just great!

Suddenly, all of them was lifted off of me and thrown to the side.

I stood up and looked at Twilight. She smiled at me and gave a nod.

I nodded back and ran off into the dust. I began to pick up ponies and threw them in different directions.


My head snapped back as Applejack bucked me in the face.

She spun around and punched me in the face, "Take that ya creeper!"

"Wait! It's me Applejack!" I yelled as she again slammed her hoof into my face.

"Oops, sorry Lance." She said as she spun around and ran after the others.

I shook my head, trying to clear the stars from my vision.

A Lance threw a punch for my face, but I held up my hoof and caught it's hoof.

I looked up at it and shook my head, "Bad choice."

I then pulled it's hoof downward and forced it's head into the ground.

When I looked up, a Twilight bucked me in the face.

This will be hard... I grabbed the Twilight by the horn and threw it into the crowd.

This... is getting old.

A light flashed from my body and I exhaled, "Anyone want to tangle with an angel?"

Now, I won't be attacked by my friends.

A Pinkie Pie jumped up and slammed it's head into mine. Ouch...

I grabbed it and began to swing it from side to side, slamming it into the others. A Rainbow Dash flew straight for me, but I threw the Pinkie Pie towards it, knocking it out of the air.

After a few more seconds, all of the Changelings where removed. Thanks to the girls.

Behind us, in the sky, was a whole new group of them. Flying straight for us.

"Oh come on!" I yelled as we began to gallop for the Elements building.

When we reached the door, Twilight jumped up and pushed the doors open.

We all looked in... and our ears dropped in disappointment. The entire room was filled with Changelings, climbing on the walls. This is not good.

Behind us was even more.

"Yep, we're screwed." I said.

"Yes, yes we are." Rainbow Dash replied, looking around at the crowd that surrounded us.

I smiled, "Idea!"

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"I'm gonna do what I do best... BE AN IDIOT!" I then shot into the air, attracting the attention of a large group of them.

There, that should buy the girls the time they need to fight through the rest and get the elements.

I looked behind me and saw them catching up. Well, this is gonna hurt.

I spun around and flew towards them.


Worst plan... I've ever had.

I was being dragged down the hallway by four Changelings. Yes, I failed at fighting them... don't judge me... there was a lot of them okay!

They laughed to each other and threw me forward. I slammed through some doors and landed on the other side, which was where the others were.

I looked up at the girls to see that they didn't have the elements... Oh come on! You mean I did that for nothing?!

Wait... what's going on? I looked up at Cadance and Shining Armor, who were looking at each other.

Shining Armor's horn began to glow, but he looked to be struggling. Cadance moved her head forward and touched his horn with hers.

Light began to glow swirl around them as they began to get lifted upward.

The main Changeling looked on in horror as the light intensified.

Suddenly, a large ball of energy shot outward from the two.

Oh... cool.

The ball of energy slammed into the female Changeling and carried it out the window.

"HA! Take that you crazy bitch!" I yelled out, or, what Break made me yell out.

The ball of energy continued to extend, taking the Changelings with it.

I looked up at the couple and smiled as they descended.

Twilight ran over to Celestia and helped her up. I looked around and cocked my head, "Really? It was that easy?"

"Huh, I guess it was that easy." Applejack said as she trotted past me.

I chuckled, "Now what?"

"Now..." Twilight said as she trotted towards me with a large smile, "We plan the real wedding."

I smiled, "Really? Can I do my own thing this time?"

She laughed, "Maybe."

I thrusted my hoof upward, "Yes!"


I stood up on the alter, on the step under Twilight and her brother.

I looked around at all the decorations, all blue and pink. Take that fake Cadance! I knew they were a good idea!

The music began to play and Cadance began to walk down the aisle.

"Seriously, though. I get why the queen of the Changelings wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadance to marry you?" Twilight said behind me.

I smiled as I waited for Shining Armor to respond.

"I told her she wouldn't just be gaining a husband, she'd be getting a pretty great sister, too."

I chuckled and looked at him, "And, you're gaining a pretty awesome brother too."

He looked at me and grinned, "Judging by what Twilight tells me, that is correct."

I looked back at Cadance as she stepped up in front of Shining Armor.

My self esteem has been boosted!

[Awww yeah!]

Princess Celestia looked at them and smiled, "Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza..."

"Princess Cadance is fine." Cadance said with a smile.

Princess Celestia smiled as she continued, "Hm. The union of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. May we have the rings please?" Spike moved forward and held up the rings. She then placed them on their horns, "I now pronounce you mare and colt."

Cadance and Shining Armor then walked out onto the balcony and looked out at the crowd of ponies.

Princess Celestia looked at Twilight, "This is your victory as much as theirs. You persisted in the face of doubt, and your actions led to your being able to bring the real Princess Cadance back to us. Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn."

As Cadance and Shining Armor leaned in to kiss, Celestia leaned down to Rainbow Dash.

"That's your cue."

Rainbow Dash smiled and shot off, leaving her clothes behind. Seconds later, the ring of colors shot out from her as she broke the sound barrier.

Wow, she's getting better at that...

Pinkie Pie began to bounce around, "Time for the reception party!"

I chuckled, "This should be good."


We all stood off to the side and watched the new couple dance.

I smiled, "They sure do make a cute couple."

Princess Luna landed beside us, followed by Frederic, "Hello, everypony. Did we miss anything?"

I chuckled, "Not much."

Twilight nodded at Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie smiled happily and ran over to the DJ's booth.

She jumped behind it and pulled up... Vinyl Scratch... strange.

"Let's get this party started!" She said as she threw a microphone at Twilight.

She caught it with her magic and instantly began to sing.

"Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
Two hearts becoming one
A bond that cannot be undone because
Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
I said, love is in bloom
Starting a life and making room
For us."

During the song, I was dancing on a table with Frederic. A camera flashed, causing me to fall off the table. I landed on the ground, still laughing.

I saw Twilight opening the door to a carriage, allowing Cadance to step up into it.

They hugged as I trotted towards them.

When I arrived, Shining Armor was already climbing onto the carriage.

I looked at Twilight and smiled. But, before I could say anything, Cadance leaned out the window and threw the flowers into the air.

"I got it!" I yelled as I shot upward, determined to catch them.

But, before I could reach them, I was thrown back by an unseen force.

I caught myself and looked back to see Rarity knocking some mares out of the way to catch the bundle of flowers.

"Oh, very lady like." I muttered, smiling as I flew back down to Twilight and the others as the carriage rolled away.

"Now thiswas a great wedding." Twilight said as I put a wing over her.

"Oh yeah, just wait until you see what I have planned for the bachelor party!" Spike said happily.

We all began to laugh at him.

"Bro, that happens before the wedding." I said with a chuckle.

"Oh... now I know why Shining Armor kept asking me about it." Spike said as he smiled sheepishly.

I shook my head while laughing.

"Lance?" Twilight said beside me.

I looked at her and smiled, "Yes?"

She smiled and nuzzled my cheek, "Thank you."

I cocked my head while still smiling, "For what?"

"For believing me when I told you about Cadance. You were the only one who believed me." She said, laying her head on my shoulder.

I smiled and nuzzled the top of her head, "Well, of course I believed you Twi. You are my wife after all. You know I love and trust you."

She nodded and made a movement to move forward. I began to walk forward, Twilight still under my wing.

"I know. But still, thank you for believing me."

I chuckled, "No problem Twi. I'll always believe and follow you, where ever you go."

She stopped and looked up at me, "I love you."

I looked into her eyes and smiled, "I love you too Twilight."

She leaned up and pressed her lips against mine, giving me one of the most passionate kisses she's given me in a long time.

Life... life is awesome!

How do you like that? Two large chapters in one day. Nice, now I can write the Nightmare Night chapter tomorrow.

Also, those are now my new favorite episodes.