//------------------------------// // Chapter Forty Two: Sweetly Dreaming // Story: Trixie and Maud: Heart of Stone // by TheCrimsonDM //------------------------------// HEART OF STONE Chapter Forty Two: Sweetly Dreaming. Written by TheCrimsonDM Trixie imagined herself standing inside a beautiful meadow filled with various flowers, and surrounded by a dense forest. The sky was bright and the sun was shining, but she could still see the stars in the sky. Dreams could be truly fantastic Trixie thought as she looked up at the sky. Now she had only one question to answer. “Should I make this a sex dream, or a magic dream?” Trixie debated with this for a little while and then decided, “a magical sex dream. That sounds awesome!” Trixie didn’t feel any embarrassment in her dream, after all that’s all this was so why should she? Trixie used her magic to summon forth two of her friends, Rarity, and Fluttershy. The two appeared in front of her and sat still, looking at her with blank expressions. “hmm, I want you two to make out.” At her direction the two ponies began kissing each other vigorously, much to Trixie’s delight. Trixie watched them for a few moments and decided she would like a plaything of her own. So she summoned both Maud, and Pinkie Pie. Maud appeared at her side and Trixie had Maud hug her. Pinkie Pie however stood up on her hind legs and said, “okay, Trixie…what are you doing?” Trixie grinned and explained to the dream Pinkie, “I am dreaming, why what do you usually dream of?” Pinkie Pie smiled as she said, “frosting…mmm lots of frosting.” “Frosting…that’s the best idea ever,” Trixie exclaimed. Frosting appeared on Pinkie’s body covering her lower region and chest area. Trixie grinned as she said, “oh no, Maud, look at your sister she is covered in frosting. Why don’t you go and help her clean up…with your mouth.” Pinkie’s face turned into a deep shade of red as she backed away from the slowly advancing Maud. Pinkie then shouted, “STOP!” The world around Trixie shattered and turned into a white blank canvas, just waiting for her imagination to shape it into anything she could imagine. And everypony except for Pinkie Pie vanished. Trixie stared at Pinkie and watched as Pinkie began wiping the frosting of herself. Trixie growled and said, “why did you do that dream Pinkie. I want to have a magical sex dream and you’re ruining it. After everything your friends did to me I think I’m entitled to it.” Pinkie let out a sigh and said, “do you even realize that everypony has been stuck inside your head, we have all seen what happened through your eyes, felt what you did, and even heard your thoughts. Seriously Trixie, we have all found ourselves feeling like crap. I think I heard Rainbow Dash say that we were all a bunch of buttholes about twenty times now.” Trixie sat there and thought about it for a little bit, she did have the feeling that somepony was watching, but she didn’t care. This was a dream, her dream and she was going to make it crazy if she wanted to. Trixie then said, “pfft I don’t care, now put that icing back on. If you won’t let Maud clean you, then I will…I’ll have Maud clean me next.” Pinkie glared at Trixie and said, “no, Trixie, I am not going to make everypony go through that.” Trixie stood up and said, “you are my dream, and I decided that I want to be weird. Now let me be weird.” Pinkie stomped her hoof down and said, “I am the real Pinkie Pie. I am not a part of your dream, it’s just taken me a while to figure out how to get out of your head.” Trixie stood for a little bit before giving up and sitting down. Trixie then crossed her legs and said, “fine, I won’t be weird with you…but I’m still going to be weird with Maud. Maybe she likes frosting…” Pinkie Pie shook her head and explained, “do you remember that spell Twilight was going to use. The one that would let us view one of her memories…well it didn’t go quite as planned, instead we all viewed one of your memories, and now we are viewing one of your dreams.” Things were beginning to make a bad bit of sense to Trixie. No wonder Luna wanted her to wake up so badly, but Trixie wasn’t ready to wake up yet. “Pinkie Pie…I don’t have good dreams. If I’m finally having a lucid dream…I want it to be good, and happy, and sexy. Can I please just have this one thing, just this one…I just want this to be a happy dream.” Trixie could feel tears running down her face as she began crying. It wasn’t fair, all she ever had were nightmares of the past or dreams that she couldn’t recall. It was rare that her dreams were ever truly good…and even the sex dreams were scary for her sometimes. “Stop that, Trixie I can hear your thoughts…I’m sorry you don’t have good dreams but don’t force us to watch and feel you have sex…please that’s just a little too much,” Pinkie Pie explained. Trixie looked up at her and said, “but…this is the only place I can be special. I can’t use magic anymore Pinkie, my magic is corrupted by whatever the hay Blood Magic is, and it’s trying to kill me every single time I use it. This is the only place I can be a real unicorn again…it’s…it’s like I’m a pegasus without wings…I guess that doesn’t make sense to you.” “Trixie I can feel your feelings, it makes sense to all of us…I…darn it. I don’t want to stop you from enjoying yourself, but can you be a little less perverted about it…please?” Pinkie Pie asked. The world shifted and transformed into a beautiful cloudscape, with Trixie sitting on a cloud staring out at the night sky. Pinkie Pie was standing on the same cloud right next to her. Trixie smiled and said, “fine, I won’t let my deviant side take over…yet. How about this instead.” Trixie’s horn began to glow and the aura surrounded the two of them. Pinkie Pie found herself with a new unicorn horn, and a pair of pink feather wings. Trixie had her own pair of blue wings. Trixie grinned and said, “we can be alicorn princesses and fly as free as any pegasus. Is that acceptable?” Pinkie Pie beamed widely and nearly screamed, “that sounds awesome!” Trixie then jumped off the cloud and began free falling towards the water below. She looked up and saw Pinkie Pie following her lead. Trixie stretched her wings out and caught an up drift and began soaring through the sky. She felt free, unrestricted and happy. As Pinkie flew up to her side Trixie asked, “so Princess Pinkie, how do you like the new wings? Is Trixie not the greatest unicorn..er alicorn ever?” Pinkie Pie grinned and said, “you are truly the coolest Alicorn Princess ever. Thanks for letting me join in the fun.” “The Great Alicorn Princess Trixie couldn’t leave you behind Pinkie. Despite how much of a pervert Trixie is, she still considers you to be her sister,” Trixie said. “Good thing you didn’t try and do anything with Applejack then,” Pinkie said. Trixie began imagining all the dirty things one could do with Applejack, some of them involved apples. Pinkie Pie facehoofed and said, “I shouldn’t have opened my big mouth.” “This one is not Trixie’s fault, Trixie cannot control her thoughts normally, how could she control them in her dreams,” Trixie defended. Memories of Pinkie’s secret box’s underneath her bed began playing in her head and she wondered what it would be like to use some of those toys on Maud. Pinkie Pie suddenly shouted, “Okay Trixie stop it seriously, if you can’t control your thoughts you are going to reveal everyponies secrets by mistake. We should wake up.” Trixie hated to admit it, but Pinkie Pie had a point, there was no purpose in revealing everything she had learned. It would be especially painful if she revealed her old feelings for Fluttershy…darn it. Trixie screamed in frustration and suddenly she stopped in mid air. Pinkie Pie stopped moving as well. “So are you ready to wake up yet, Princess Lulamoon?” Luna said as she flew up to their eye level. Trixie let out a sigh and said, “yeah…it was fun while it lasted…no point in staying like this right, I’ll need to go back to being useless sooner or later.” Luna stayed quiet when Trixie expected to hear her say something encouraging. Trixie then felt a little worse and added, “Trixie is useless, and worthless, and broken...no magic, no self confidence, no nothing to show for her long, hard life…why aren’t you stopping me?” Luna gave a kind understanding smile to Trixie and said, “it sounds like you have a lot to get off of your chest. But I do have to ask, do you really believe all of that?” Trixie was quiet for a few seconds while she thought about it, she did feel like those things were true, but at the same time she knew that they weren’t. Trixie let out a sigh and said, “I guess that I don’t…but sometimes I just want to hear that I’m valued…” “You know that you are valued, and I think that you will find everypony will be willing to offer you their love and support if only you should ask for it. I’m sure that your special somepony would love to tell you exactly how much she loves you,” Luna said. Trixie grinned and said, “alright, but the first thing I’m doing is taking Maud into the bathroom and bucking her brains out,” Trixie paused for a moment and then added, “um…I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Can we go now?” Pinkie groaned and said, “wouldn’t matter they would’ve heard it anyway.” Luna stretched out her foreleg and said, “take my hoof and I will guide you to your waking self.” Trixie reached out and said, “thank you Luna…you are truly too nice to me.” Trixie grabbed Luna’s hoof and everything became bright. *** Trixie opened her eyes and found herself lying in Twilight’s living room. Everypony around her was still asleep, and Maud was lying next to her. She saw Luna watching the sleeping group of ponies and suddenly their eyes met. Luna turned and began galloping away. Trixie stood up quickly and chased after her. After having been helped so much by the princess, she couldn’t simply let Luna leave without giving her thanks in person. Trixie chased Luna up the stairs until they reached a long room with bookshelves lining the walls. At the end of the room was a balcony and an open glass pane door. Luna was almost at the door, and she could fly off without getting thanks from Trixie. Trixie reached out with her magic and forced the door shut. Luna then slammed face first into the glass paned window. Trixie slowed down and cringed at what just happened, she didn’t mean for that to happen, she didn’t expect her magic to work either. Luna moaned as she stood up, and Trixie quickly wrapped her hooves around Luna’s neck saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” Luna pushed Trixie away and said, “we cannot be seen here, why did you stop us?” Trixie sat down hard and said, “I wanted to thank you…for helping me in my darkest hours, for letting me speak to Maud when I was dying…and for the stars.” Luna gave Trixie an inquisitive look as she asked, “what do you mean by, the stars?” Trixie looked away and explained, “I’ve always like the night sky, the moon, the stars all of it. but when you came back to Equestria I noticed just how much prettier the stars looked, you made them truly come to life…and I’ve spent many nights just looking up at them and admiring their beauty…so thank you for giving us that gift.” When Luna didn’t answer Trixie looked up and noticed a few tears running down Luna’s face. Luna then said, “nopony has ever thanked me for…the night before. I’ve met ponies who enjoy the night, but they never thank me for my hard work…I…I’m so grateful.” Luna threw her legs around Trixie and gave her a hug. Trixie then heard some shouting from downstairs and the ponies calling out her name. Luna pulled away and looked at the rising sun saying, “okay, I really do have to leave now. But I promise I will give you that lucid dream you wanted some other time. I promise.” Luna then opened the door and flew off into the sky before hanging to the right and disappearing from sight. Trixie was thankful for finally getting to meet Princess Luna in person and thanking her. Trixie heard some hoof steps coming up the stairs and she was distracted from her thoughts as Rarity said, “oh thank Celestia you didn’t run away. Trixie I have something I need to discuss with you right away.” Trixie didn’t turn to face her but said, “what is it?” Rarity found a spot to sit next to her and said, “I’m sorry.” That was not exactly what Trixie had expected to hear from Rarity. Trixie turned and asked, “what?” Rarity simply looked out the window and explained, “we were so terrible to you…I said that unicorns need to have grace, and well…I was lacking in that quality when I assaulted your show. I was the first one to speak, I didn’t even give your show a chance. If I had kept my loud mouth shut, then maybe you would have had a better time in Ponyville.” Trixie wasn’t sure how to handle an apology like this, so did the only thing she could, the only thing she ever could. Trixie wrapped a leg around Rarity and said, “I for-“ Rarity stood suddenly and said, “no you cannot simply forgive me, what I have done to you is absolutely abhorrent, you need to punish me.” Rarity was quiet for a moment with a contemplative look on her face. Rarity quickly said, “hit me.” Trixie tilted her head to the side and said, “what?” Rarity grabbed one of Trixie’s legs and touched it to her face while saying, “I deserve only the worst from you, so hit me. I will not hold it against you, no matter how badly you hurt me. Even a black eye will be forgiven.” Trixie refused to hit Rarity, but she had another idea for a fitting punishment. Trixie began petting Rarity’s soft white fury cheek and said, “I won’t hurt you, but if you do intend to make this up to me there is only one way. Go ask Maud if you can join in a threesome with us. Don’t worry she’s been looking for a third party member for awhile now.” Rarity’s white face turned pink and she said, “I-I-I um…oh darling I don’t know if…are you sure?” “That is the only way we can truly make things up with one another,” Trixie said gently. Rarity struck a determined expression and said, “then I shall ask her permission for this threesome. It will happen and then I will be forgiven.” Rarity then stalked off and disappeared down the stairs. The second that Rarity was out of earshot Trixie burst into a fit of laughter. Maud might actually agree to this, but Trixie wouldn’t. It would be hilarious to see how this plays out, maybe this was a little mean but at least Trixie wouldn’t have to hurt the sexy unicorn. Speaking of sexy things, there was something that Trixie needed to take care of, and to Tartarus with the consequences. *** Trixie made her way downstairs and found the others all sitting down. They all looked ashamed of their past behavior, and tried to apologize to Trixie the second she walked into the room. Except for Maud who was looking at Trixie with a flat expression, Trixie expected that Maud was waiting for Trixie to come down and get her. “I forgive all of you for everything you have ever done,“ Trixie said. Trixie then walked over the Maud and turned around. She made sure to sway her tail in just the right way for Maud to get a nice view before wrapping her tail gently around Maud’s neck and saying, “come on, Maud.” Trixie lead Maud out of the room and everypony looked very surprised to see this behavior from Trixie. Rainbow Dash asked, “where are you two going?” Trixie turned to face her, and noticed Maud’s eyes leering down at Trixie’s rump. A slight blush was on Maud’s face, another secret victory for Trixie. Trixie said, “we are going to the bathroom.” Trixie then left the room with Maud hot on her tail, literally.