Chrysalis last hope

by thenamless

Hope is on both sides

Chrysalis sat on her throne. Waiting for the battle report.

They had to hold the line. Chrysalis thought. If we lose outpost Blackfall, then we have lost.

"My queen!" A Changeling ran up to her throne. "Outpost Blackfall has fallen to Equestrian troops!"

Chrysalis eyes widen in horror.

She then dismissed the guard. What was she going to do? With Outpost Blackfall gone, the Equestrian have a clear way to her hive.

A smile came across her face. Who would have thought Celestia and Luna would go this far?

Her smile slowly faded.

She got out of her throne and headed towards her bedroom. She was just about to reach her room when she heard something.

"My queen!" Chrysalis stops and turns to see a Changeling sage running up to her.

"What is it sage?" Chrysalis asked.

"I'm sorry to disturb you my queen." The sage bowed. "But we may have found a way to win this battle."

Chrysalis raises a eyebrow. "And what is that?"

Chrysalis followed the sage as he lead her to the room where her sages worked. They worked to find a way to help the hive in anyway.

She had listen how they had found a book which contain a spell. The spell would ask the one who uses the spell a question. The spell would them answer the question by bringing what ever the user needs.

"However my queen... We can only perform this spell once. The spell is too strong itself, leading it to destroy itself. At least it would leave us with something useful." The sage smirks when saying this. The queen wasn't to sure of this idea but she had no choice. If this spell could save her hive then she would do it. No matter the cost.

"We are ready when you are my queen."

Chrysalis notice she was now in the sages room. She looks around and see's 3 other sages standing in each corner of the room. The last sage walks toward his own corner. Chrysalis notice a symbol glowing on the floor. With a sigh Chrysalis walks into the middle of the symbol. "Ready." She says.

The sages all start to mumble as their horn glows. The symbol starts to get brighter. "My queen now." Says one of the sages.

Chrysalis takes a deep breath. "I ask upon this spell to bring something to take us out of this hell."

Chrysalis waits for a while. Did it work? She thought.

Suddenly a portal opens on the wall in front of Chrysalis. The sages shoot out glowing green chains into the portal. A few seconds past before the chains stopped going in. The chains start to pull itself back to the sages.

The chains stop.

"Harder my fellow sages!" One of the sages cried. Within a moment each sage start pulling like their lives were on the hook. Which it was. "Almost there."

Suddenly a flash blind Chrysalis and the sages. Their vision returns to see the portal had close. Chrysalis was confused for a while before she notice smoke. Chrysalis looks down on the floor.

She just stares at what lay's ahead. There stood a figure. It seem to have a similar body of an ape. How ever this creature was wearing a ebony armour with a red torn cape flowing on top. She notice a necklace was tied around the creatures neck. She look as the chains slowly fell off the creature. Curiosity got the better of her and she started to walk closer.

She stood above the creature. She could hear a slow and steady breathing.

Chrysalis then tries to reach for it's necklace. But her hoof is stopped as the creature suddenly looks up and grabs her hoof. Chrysalis was in shock not knowing what to do. She heard as the sages started to light their horns.

She then notices the creatures eyes. On the left eye the pupil was as white as snow while the other was as black as night. She felt lost in the creatures gaze as it felt like it was looking into her soul. She would of stayed like that for a while but the creature suddenly let's go of her and falls back to the ground. Chrysalis still in shock manage to snap out of it when she notice a flow of blood started to fill the middle of the room. She saw it was coming form the creature chest.

Without a second going by she screamed at her sages. "Sages! Quickly get this creature better. It may be our only hope!"

The sages run towards the creature. They all pick it up and rush out of the room.

Let us hope that our flame hasn't died out. Chrysalis thought as she watch them carry the creature away.

"Uh...what happened?" I muttered to myself. I try to open my eyes only to have them quickly shut. It was too bright where ever I was. I tired again. Managing to ignore the pain , I got to see where I was. I was in a black room with a couple of candles nearby. Too bright? I tired to move only to have fail. I look at my body. My armour had been stripped. However what confused me even more was when I saw I was cover in some green goo.

I tired to escape only to have failed again. I heard a door opening. I look at the source of the sound only to have more questions. Entering was a small, black creature with bug like wings and fangs. It came right up to me. It followed my gaze. I watched it's every move.

I started to calm down after the creature just stood their looking at me. What could be the worst? I thought. The creature suddenly brought out a needle which contains some green liquid. I seen that some where before. Wait... That helps you to go to sleep.

To this I had second thoughts. I waited as it came close.

As soon as it was close enough I quickly kick upwards. This hits the creatures head while it growls in pain. It stares at me with a angry look while I smile back. The creature suddenly drops to the floor.

"Too easy." I said to myself as I had watched him fall. If only it remembered the needle. I thought while seeing the needle sticking out of it's head.

But I still need to get out. I know!

I start to lift my right leg towards the candle. This is going to hurt. I thought as I kicked the candle over. To my luck it fell on me and lit the goo. I felt as it got hotter but I also felt it coming loose. Within a couple of seconds I broke myself out and ran towards the door. I should have warm up as my body still ache in pain but I'm already warm...sorry.. I opened it and went out the door. I slammed it, once I got through. Not to let anyone...or any creature know about what just happened. I was in a hallway. Paintings laid on each sides of the wall. However I didn't care as I saw a window on the other side.

I ran over only to have my eyes widened. There in front of me stood a whole city of these creatures.

I felt something sharp touch my back, followed by a scream. I turn around to see a armoured creature with a spear pointed at me. It seemed to have called for back up as more armoured creatures came. I was surround by six armoured creatures with spears.

I only had one way out.

I smile at the creatures as they looked back in confusion. I turn and jumped out the window. I closed my eyes as I heard glass shatter followed by more screaming.

I felt something soft hit my body. While I was still in pain I manage to see I landed on a cart full of hay. Heh... I ignored the pain again while I jumped out of the cart. I heard screaming coming closer. I turn and ran towards what seemed like a alleyway.

After reaching the ally I jumped behind, from what I presume. A garbage bin. I heard as the voices started to drift away.

Few I was safe. I thought.

Unlucky for me I heard a small cry while the hairs on my back stood. I turn around to see the same type of creature on the floor. It seemed to be a armored creature. It looks at me while my eyes are caught on it's belly. It had a huge cut across it. I looked in horror as green stuff was spewing out.

I walk towards it, while I hear it whimper. I sat down in front of it and pet it's head. I then started to look around. That's when I notice the creature was reaching for something. I saw it was reaching for a bag.

I grabbed the bag and looked inside. Lucky creature. I thought as I saw a Med kit inside. I take the Med kit and drop the bag. I then open it. To my surprise it only had a bottle on the inside. I picked up the bottle and stared at it. It contain an orange goo. A note then falls out of the med kit. I pick it up guessing it was useful.

From what I could tell from the picture. I should rub this along the problem. I open the bottle and pour the goo into my hand. I went back to the creature and sat besides it. It tired to run away but couldn't. I then proceeded to rub along the cut, being careful not to touch it's insides. The creature breath starts to quicken.

I watched in shocked as the cut slowly began healing it's self. After a few second, there was not cut at all. The creature breath slows down as it then looks to me with a smile.

Suddenly the creature face turns to horror.


I was dragged down to the floor. I looked in horror with the creature to see chains on my arms and legs. I look at who had held the chains only to see a armoured creatures holding each chain.

I started to panic.

I pulled as the chains slowly pulling them closer to me. They were strong but I was stronger. One of the armoured creatures cried out as more came into view. Eight more came each going to a chain. Three were now on each chain. I felt myself being dragged to the floor.

No! I thought I will not go down with a fight!

I quickly move towards one of the chains, using the pulling power to speed on through. The creatures holding the chain let's go as they back away. One chain down three to go.

"Enough!" I heard as my head turned towards the sound. There stood a creature bigger than the others. I was going to see more before it suddenly shot out a green light towards me.

My vision was slowly going black. The bigger creature shot again. I almost could see nothing. I felt as something tackled me to the ground. I barely saw as four creatures pinned me to the floor. I felt my head being lifted only to be greeted with the bigger creature face. She smiles then hit me again with a blast.

I fell to the floor. I saw nothing. Before I knew it I was unconscious.

Where I'm I? I thought as I heard the sound of chains being dragged. Out of nowhere pain filled my body. I wanted to cry out but couldn't as it was too much. The sound of chains stopped and I heard doors closing. I manage to open my eyes only to be punched by the light.

I looked around the place I was in. I noticed two creatures guarding the doors. I look back at myself. I saw how the four chains have been locked to the floor.

A feint cough makes me look up.

I saw a throne containing the bigger creature.

"Is the creature awake?" It spoke.

I guessed it was talking to me as I slowly nod.

"Ah...It understands us...good." It walked towards me until it was right in front of me. "Now you creature do you have a name?"

I didn't reply.

"Why the sound of quite?" It spoke. It then started to circle around me. " not won't I expected but after watching you in action, I couldn't be happier. Now creature, you were sent to me after my spell. You are the one to save us."

"Save you?" I asked.

"Ah you do speak...good. However yes." I was then dragged by the creature to a window. "Look at my Changeling's. They can't live like this any more."

Changeling's? So that's what they are.

"We have been pushed back to out last deference and are almost wiped out." She looked at me. I noticed a tear forming in her eye. "You are our last hope." She broke the chains that held my body. She then placed me back down. "All I ask of you is to save them and their Queen." She locked her eyes with mine.

"I.." I stopped to thing about this. A kingdom was in danger and I'm the one that a spell brought. I sighed. I can't fight magic. Plus how hard could it be? "May I ask what you name is?"

The queen looked confused then smiled. "Of course! How rude of me. My name is Queen Chrysalis. Queen of the Changeling's."

I got up on my feet and looked at the queen.

"Well then my queen. It seems I am no longer at home. So I might as well make myself useful here." I watched as the Queen raised an eyebrow. "So then." I bowed. "I am yours to server but I will not call you my queen until I see fit."

After a moment of silence I heard laughter. I looked up to see the Queen laughing. "Wonderful!" She spoke as a smile speared across her face. She came up to me and placed a hoof on my shoulder. "But I still need your name."

I smiled backed at the Queen and spoke. "When I see fit." The Queen face was even more puzzled but then smiled.

She then leaned near my ear. "So be it. We are going to have so much fun!" She then leaned away and went back towards her throne. I suddenly got pulled by the guards towards the doors.

This is going to be a long day.