//------------------------------// // What A Birthday... // Story: Adventures in Equestria // by finalforce12 //------------------------------// Ellie's perspective I...am not your average angel...I was treated horribly by both my kin and by others. The only person who loved me was....HER...But I can hear the lies in her tone, but I can't retaliate at her...because she is the last person of my family left. How did this happen? How did I become who I am today? Well...it began a long time ago, when I was a 5 year old. Me, my sister and my parents were celebrating a birthday, my sister's and my birthday. Everything was all well and good, until...IT happened. You see, my parents were captains of the warrior angels, and they always fought with agile moves; they made it look easy! On my birthday, of all days, warrior demons attacked our village in the clouds, and they requested a "prize" if they killed the captains. Needless to say, the demons put 2 ends of 2 knives together to make a katana...and they slashed my parents... "NOOOOO!" "NOOOOO!" Me and my sister both saw the 2 fallen angels fall to the floor, dead. I was crying and holding my amber wavy hair, cringing at the fact that this had happened... I looked up at my sister, my tan eyes shimmering with tears still streaming, as she was crying, trying to not believe on the recent event. "Soo... Where is our prize? One of yours, I think the deal was?" Every single angel stared at me and my sister. So I made the most insane thing I would ever do: I stepped up and offered myself. The demon grinned and told me to pack up, as my sister helped me out. We talked a little while we packed. "I overheard the demon saying that they'll take you to an orphanage...How...fun?" "I'm not happy either, but, at least we'll write to each other, right?" "Right! Maybe I'll visit one day! You'll introduce me to your step-family!" "Elize... Don't think so over your head. These are demons we're talking about! The creatures with the messed up minds?! HELLO?!" "But, Elizabeth...we will send pictures to each other, and we will survive our disasters and obstacles to success! ...Right?" "Right. Hey, Elize? Make a promise to me. Promise that you'll never change?" "Promise. And don't forget our twinsy picture!" "How could I? Well...I guess this is good-bye..." My sister and I hugged, while the others waved good-bye. The demon asked if I could fly, and all I did was stare at my angel wings. It groaned, then put me on it's back, zooming into the under realm. The demon dropped me in the orphanage and after 2 hours, a lady adopted me. Her name was Stephanie, she had a husband and a son who was 8, and that she was the more beautiful demon I had ever seen. Stephanie took me home and showed me around the huge house. There was a ton of rooms, big space and a backyard that leads to a hill with an ancient tree growing. Her son came home from school, and he picked me up and he swung me around, laughing. His name was Devon, and his bat wings looked cooler than any other demon. Finally, the dad, called Fang came home, and he abused Stephanie. 4 years later, after the adoption It's been 2 months since Stephanie died, and I've been silent ever since. Sure, I replied with a few hand motions and simple shakes and nods of the head, but I didn't have playful banter, or joyous chit-chats with anyone. Now, the bullies at school were really getting in my skin, just because I wear a light purple hoodie! But I don't care, who did care about fashion, anyway? But, one faithful day made me alter my destiny. While I was working on finishing the last few measures and details of my doll, I heard Devon barge in my room. He was now 12 while I was now 9, but he spoke in an extremely happy voice. "Hey Elizabeth! Guess what? Tomorrow, I'll be gone with my friends for 2 days!" "Oh...sounds like fun!" "Sis...You don't have to lie..." "No no, you go have fun. It's just that my concert's tomorrow..." "Sorry sis, but these are my friends! You understand, don't you?" "Yeah." I felt like there was fire in my wings, my brain, my stomach and my heart. How could he even leave? Why would he leave?! But it wasn't even scratching the surface! After my concert, Fang had slashed my right wrist down to the bone, so I kicked his ugly mug and flew into my room and stitched the wound up. Then, something inside my good girl soul snapped. Something twisted and turned and wrangled: it was my insanity, it wanted to be free, so I let it free, and it took control. I got a message from Devon saying that he'll be home in a few hours because one of his friends got his ears stung by demonic wasps, so I snuck into Devon's room and found a 19 MM pistol. I heard the door open then shut, and Devon walked in my room, so I pulled the trigger and shot my brother not once, but twice. I grinned evilly and made my way into Fang's room, shooting him 4 times, twice in the chest, and twice in the head. I framed my dad and packed up my stuff, and I flew off to the hill. My insanity faded into my brain, and all I could do is cry. Then, I heard a voice, behind me. "Hey! Girlie! Wing-ding!" I swung my head around and saw a boy staring back at me. "You ok?" "N..no..."