//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: A New... Ally? // Story: An Unexpected Visitor... At The Wrong Time // by TheUltimateBrony-Class-S //------------------------------// In the Crystal Empire, in Amethyst Marrow and Emerald Fletcher's bedroom Twilight is standing over the crib where her two little foals are sound asleep 'hmmmmm... they are so adorable when they are asleep'. To Queen Twilight they were her two precious 'gems'. She leaves the room and quietly closes the doors, "Good night my little gems." Twilight whispers. "So how are our children Twilight?" Twilight turns around to see a stallion that has a mane as black as shadow,a coat as grey as a storm cloud a curved red horn, wears a red royal-like cape, and has the same eyes as Queen Twilight, green eyes with red reptilian-like pupils with purple flame-like smoke emitting from them with a hint of compassion in them at the moment which is rae to see, coming from King Sombra, if you weren't Twilight Sparkle that is. "Our little gems just got back to sleep, my King" Twilight says, with hint of compassion in her voice, she then kisses him on the muzzle and he returns the kiss. When she pulls back after kissing she gets slight tingling feeling in her head, "S-somb-" Twilight tries to say but is interrupted when her eyes glow white from a vision. But King Sombra doesn't know she is in a vision, "M-my queen? Twilight? Twilight?!". Sombra then calls for a servant to come in immediately. A unicorn servant comes running to King Sombra's side, "Yes, my Lord?" the unicorn askes in a nervous tone. Sombra points to Twilight with his hoof and shouts, "GET HER TO THE INFIRMARY NOW!!". "Right away, my King!" the unicorn says while picking up Twilight with his magic and runs off to the infirmary carrying Twilight with his magic. Sombra stands in his spot for a moment and mumbles worryingly "please... please let her be alright..." then transforms into a blob of shadow and makes his way to the infirmary. In Twilight's vision "W-where am I?" Twilight asks herself out loud. She looks around and realizes she is in a different room with... something... there with her. "Who are you?" Twilight asks the creature, it doesn't respond, "Who are you? And... what are you?" she asks in a more demanding tone. The creature again doesn't respond, and Twilight goes to hit it with her hoof, "How dare you igno-!" she says as her hoof goes through the creature, "Huh?! Wait a second... is this a vision?". She looks around the room she's in and notices the pictures on the walls... they were well drawn in her opinion. Then she notices that she is in some of the pictures fighting creatures she either heard were just a myth or never even seen before, were fighting her friends or ex-mentor, or was fighting against previous enemies in her past including... King Sombra. She looks away and then notices the other pictures on the wall opposite of her pictures that had Sombra fighting either her, one of her friends, her ex-mentor, or one of her previous enemies, excluding King Sombra of course. She then turns head to the far wall and notices alot of pictures that her AND Sombra in them mainly where they were protecting each other. Then Twilight heard a voice say, "All I want is power whether it is magic or dark magic I don't care..." Twilight quickly turns to the source of the voice and is looking at the creature she tried to speak to earlier. It speaks again, "and I want to be in the world where Queen Twilight and King Sombra rule the Crystal Empire not stay on this crummy rock that has no magic.". Twilight thinks for a moment 'no magic? He wants magic whether it's normal or dark? And he wants to be here? Well I think me and Sombra can do that... then the opens her eyes to find herself in the infirmary. End of Twilight's vision In the Infirmary Twilight starts to wake up and finds King Sombra sleeping on a chair next to her bed. She slowly wakes him up, "W-what? T-Twilight?" he says drowsily as he rubs his eyes with his fore-hoof then moves his fore-hoof quickly away from his eyes and opens his eyes widely and looks at Twilight, "Twilight? Twilight!" he hugs her tightly, "My Queen, I was worried that you were hurt or worse-!". Twilight interrupts him, "It's OK, my King, I just had a vision is all." she says calmly. "A-a vision? Oh... what a relief..." Sombra says, then looks at Twilight and asks, "What was it a vision of?". Twilight smiles, "It was of a possible new ally to OUR cause." she calmly with a hint of excitement well hidden. Sombra looks at her with an amused smile mixed with a raised eyebrow, "Oh really what was this pony's name?". Twilight shakes her head "Not a pony but I don't know who or what he is all I know is that he wants 2 things we can give him..." she waits letting the information sink in "the first thing is entry to this realm... the second... is magic, whether it's regular or dark magic.". Sombra scratches his chin thinking, then responds, "I think we can do that but... how do we know this... creature... won't attack us?". Twilight answers, "Because he knows who we are and what we can do and his world doesn't have magic... at all... according to him at least. But I believe we can trust him to fight for us.". Sombra looks at Twilight and sighs, "Very well, if you trust, then so shall I." In the Ritual Room hidden within the Crystal Castle King Sombra and Queen Twilight prepared everything needed for the ritual summoning spell. Twilight gathered and place the items required in their positions while Sombra used a chalk stick to create the needed patterns and symbols for the ritual. Each item Twilight placed she had to put an enchantment on so that they can't be removed while Sombra put an enchantment on each symbol or pattern he created so that they won't get smudged or washed away without a certain item being used to remove the pattern or symbol. When they were done both Twilight and Sombra were done they looked at each other and thought the same thing 'I hope this works'. Then they both started to cast a spell nopony remembers the... 'seal-breaker spell' used to break a seal that either stops or make a ritual slow. After that, they chanted words in the old Equestrian language repeating, but faster and slightly louder each time. Slowly, a door made out of onyx, started to grow out of the ground, when it stopped growing Twilight and Sombra stopped chanting and looked at the door curiously. Then the handle on the door started to turn and the door opened slowly and a bright light emitted from the crack of the door. Only when the door closed did they dare open their eyes and what stood before them was the same thing Twilight saw in her vision. Twilight smiled and said, "Hello I'm Queen Twilight Sparkle".