//------------------------------// // The secrets out // Story: Secrets // by grapesRblu //------------------------------// After walking out of the bathroom, Fluttershy realized she still had classes, luckily, she didn't share the rest of her classes with any of her friends.. In biology she been so distracted by her classmate next to her. She could smell his O+ blood. "Well, that's a rare type, I sure he wouldn't miss a pint or two." The dark voice said, Fluttershy was actually thinking of a way to get him, but fortunately her, sanity saved her once more. "No. No killing. No blood. It's wrong and I know it." she would tell herself, this would go on in the rest of her classes. At one point she wasn't even learning, she was focusing on not eating Cloud Kicker. When the bell finally rang, she got up walked towards the door thinking she can go home, she bumped into Sunset Shimmer. "OOf- woah sorry th-, oh Fluttershy! I was just looking for you." Sunset shimmer said, while Fluttershy paled...how could she forgot...she and Sunset Shimmer had volunteered to help the animal shelter...until eight. "Oh, um... Hey." Fluttershy said awkwardly. She hoped that Sunset Shimmer had forgotten. "So, you ready to help some animals or what?" Sunset Shimmer said too enthusiastic for her own taste, but she let a "yay". /\/\/\ While walking towards the shelter, an awkward silence fell between the two, trying break the silence, Sunset Shimmer began talking. "So, um...how was class?"she said as thought to herself "well maybe she will open a bit if we break the ice.." "Oh, well I..."she couldn't tell her about how she almost murdered someone in class, "...it was okay?" She said as if it was a question. "Oh. Well did you feed your locker?" Sunset Shimmer asked, but facepalmed in her mind. "Are you serious? Why did you bring it up?" Fluttershy looked confused at first,but, remembered her awful excuse to run away. "Oh my...great now I need to make another lie. Great." She thought, but stuttered, "O-oh, well I had t-to..."she looked for an escape, anything to save her from this question, but luck was not on her side today. "You know, you can trust me, right? It's alright, I know already." Sunset Shimmer stopped walking, and looked into Fluttershy's eyes. "Um.."she ran out of words. "SHE KNOWS?!" She screamed at her self in her mind. "Can you just tell me already.." Sunset started, "Goodbye life." Fluttershy thought as she shut her eyes. "... Who you like?" Was not what Fluttershy expected. "What?" She said as she opened her eyes, Sunset Shimmer looked at her, and said "Well me and the girls noticed how you're more shy now, and nervous all the time. So we figured it out."Sunset spoke and waited for Fluttershy's answer. "Wait, they don't know...Thank God, but what do I say about my 'crush'."she thought and decided to play along. "Oh. Um. He's really...tall."she squeaked. "Really?" "Yeah, and is a....jock." "Well can I know his name?" "Oh my, look we're already late, come she said while running to the shelter, leaving a dumbfounded Sunset Shimmer. "Well at least she admitted it..." Sunset thought as she ran to catch up with Fluttershy. \/\/\/ Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer had been working for couple hours now, since Fluttershy "confessed" about her crush, things were going like usual, they would talk, and tell jokes, and mess around a bit, like they have done before. They were cleaning the cages, when a mans voice called out to them. "Well girls I'm heading home. Be sure to lock the doors." He said before he left. "Hey 'shy look a bar is broken." Sunset Shimmer said,while pointing towards a sharp metal rod. "Oh, we can let Mr. Wilson fix it." Fluttershy said as she walked towards Sunset Shimmer. "Don't worry I got it." she said as she attempted to fix it, but instead Fluttershy's fear came true. "Ow! Goddamit! I cut myself. Fluttershy can you get the first aid kit?" Sunset said as held her hand with a small opening on her palm, the blood was flowing. "Hey 'shy, you okay? "Sunset said worried about her friend who was pale as a sheet. Fluttershy walked towards Sunset Shimmer, she took a deep breath, smelling the addicting smell, and shivered as she felt her fangs poke her lower lip. "You know how you said you knew my secret? Well you don't." She smiled allowing her fangs to show. "Oh my God." Sunset managed to choke out. "I will now let you know my secret.."