Trixie and Maud: Heart of Stone

by TheCrimsonDM

Chapter Thirty Five: The Stage

Chapter Thirty Five: The Stage
Written by TheCrimsonDM

Together Twilight and Trixie walked through the town. The hoods of their cloaks were drawn over their faces. Trixie was beginning to question whether this was a good idea; until she saw the magic show.

A large group of ponies stood in front of a large stage, Even Trixie’s friends were there in the front row, as well as Maud. On the stage there stood a nearly perfect duplication of Trixie, the only difference’s were the red eyes, and slightly darker fur. Scath was staring at the crowd and grinning. Scath was wearing a red cape and a red magician’s hat. Trixie wasn’t sure where Scath had obtained them, but she had to admit that Scath had good tastes. Trixie and Twilight tried to blend into the side of the crowd and watch.

Scath stood firm and proud as she said, “The Great and Powerful…Trixie is finally here to show you Ponyvillians exactly what true magic is.”

Trixie was beginning to worry about how Maud was feeling about this situation, and tried to get a feel for her emotions. There were too many ponies in the crowd, their emotions were overpowering all the smaller ones. Trixie could only watch in silence as Scath continued her show.

Scath paced on the stage saying, “Trixie had come here two years ago, trying her best to give you all a show you could watch and enjoy. That show was for a very special pony, one who is very dear to Trixie’s heart. And you all ruined the show, you all hurt this gentle ponies feelings. Trixie vowed revenge, and finally the time has come. Either you will love Trixie, or fear her. Those are your only options now.”

Trixie followed Twilight through the crowd and around to the side of the stage. The crowd was beginning to get upset. Trixie knew this could end badly if nothing was done quickly. This show was terrible so far, one could not simply insult her crowd without proof of being better than them. It’s not ego if you can prove it.

Scath then said, “Trixie is disappointed with the towns behavior, and now Trixie will finally make this up to Fluttershy. Trixie has always cared for you Fluttershy, and now she will proclaim her-“

Trixie heard Fluttershy’s name mentioned and charged, just as Scath was about to finish her sentence Trixie swung a hoof into Scath’s face. Scath was knocked over onto her side and Trixie stood still. Her hood had fallen back from the quick movement and Trixie’s hoof was now sore. Trixie stood there staring down at the surprised Scath in anger. Trixie said, “shut your dirty rotten mouth.”

Scath stood up slowly and laughed before saying, “I can’t believe that you had the apples to come up here and do that. I The Great and Powerful Scath, am impressed.”

Trixie could feel the confusion from the audience, and quickly realized that she was standing on a stage. Everypony stared at her waiting to be told what was going on. Twilight was still cloaked and looked a little embarrassed; Trixie just ruined her cover. Trixie felt a great fear rising inside of her, the ponies were all judging her, all of them watching.

“Are you going to stand there and leave your captive audience in confusion, or are you going to give them a show to remember, Trixie?” Babel asked in a whisper next to her.

Trixie looked towards the sound of the voice finding nothing but air. But despite the fact that Babel was just a voice in her head, she knew that he was right. Trixie took a deep breath and prepared herself. Standing on her hind legs Trixie called out in a loud voice, “behold the true Great and Powerful Trixie! Trixie has come to stop this imposter from causing any more trouble for the wonderful citizens of Ponyville.”

Scath began laughing again and said, “oh and how will you do that? A magic dual perhaps?”

Trixie landed on all fours and looked at her, Trixie was unable to come up with a better plan for the moment, hopefully Twilight was working on one already. “Trixie shall challenge you, and show you, who is truly the greatest unicorn in all of Equestria!” Trixie realized with every single word the grave she was digging herself into was getting deeper and deeper.

Scath grinned, and Trixie noticed Scath’s red eyes had a slight glow to them. Scath’s horn began glowing purple and suddenly Rainbow Dash who was standing in the front row was lifted up into the air and dropped onto the stage. Rainbow Dash looked up looking a little agitated as she said, “you could’ve been a little more gentle.”

Scath scoffed at her and said, “bah, you have had more serious falls, Rainbow Rash.”

Rainbow Dash growled at Scath and Trixie’s ears fold back as she felt bad for Rainbow Dash being drawn into this. Scath grinned and said, “now watch everypony, as Scath turns this vibrant colored pony into a dull boring one.”

Scath’s horn glowed again and Rainbow Dash’s mane became gray, and her fur became white. Trixie was stunned to see Rainbow Dash missing her usual colors. Rainbow Dash examined her body and tail in horror before saying, “uh-uh-uh…please tell me you can fix this.”

Trixie wasn’t sure that she actually could, but she was going to try her best.

Trixie summoned magic into her horn and felt the power growing. Her head was beginning to hurt, and she closed her eyes fighting through the pain. This was a simple illusion spell, it couldn’t damage her that badly, right?

Trixie channeled the magic into a cantrip spell to change Rainbow Dash back into her usual colorful self. To Trixie’s surprise it wasn’t all that hard to use the spell, and her horn only hurt a little, but her hoof was beginning to sting where she had gotten cut during the night.

Trixie looked down at her hoof, a red stain was appearing through the bandage. Ignoring the slight pain, Trixie stood on her hind legs and declared, “Trixie is truly the greatest, you should give up before you embarrass yourself further, Scath!” the audience all cheered.

Scath growled at Trixie and said, “we are not done here.”

A magic glow surrounded Rainbow Dash and shoved her off the stage. Scath then pulled an apple from behind the stage and said, “Scath can turn this Apple into something wonderful.” Scath’s horn flashed and the apple glowed brightly for a second before dimming. Trixie stared in amazement, for what used to be an apple was now an orange. “Can you turn this back, or is it too difficult a task for a false unicorn such as yourself?”

Trixie snarled at Scath. Trixie hadn’t been very good at transmutation spells, this must have been something that Scath inherited from Twilight. Speaking of Twilight where had she gone off to? It didn’t matter Trixie had to perform the spell or risk losing this dual, and Trixie refused to lose to this imposter.

Trixie concentrated on the orange and summoned forth more energy then she had before. Scath had made a mistake in performing the spell in front of Trixie. Trixie now knew her spell, and if she could only reverse it then she could make the orange into an apple.

It took a few seconds, and the cut on her hoof was beginning to burn, and her horn was throbbing in pain, but she transformed the orange back into an apple. Trixie then proudly stated, “do you still wish to test The Great and Powerful Trixie?”

Everypony in the audience cheered at Trixie’s success; this drew scorn from Scath. As the cheers calmed down Scath said, “Scath is still not done, she still has one more test for you.” A magic glow enveloped Fluttershy and lifted her into the air. Trixie watched in horror as Fluttershy was gently set down on the stage. Fluttershy looked terrified to be on stage. Scath took a second to admire Fluttershy’s purple cloak, and her eyes lingered on Fluttershy’s legs for a second. Scath said, “Scath will now turn this shy little pony, into a brave, fearless one.”

Scath’s eyes began glowing green and a purple aura surrounded them, as well as her horn. Trixie wasn’t sure what would happen if she didn’t stop Scath now, but she had no choice. Trixie began charging magic into her horn and stopped suddenly as she saw Twilight just behind Scath.

Twilight unleashed a pink laser from her horn at Scath. Scath turned and created a shield of green energy blocking the laser just in time. Trixie quickly wrapped a leg around Fluttershy and helped her get going off the stage. Scath shot a green laser back at Twilight who brought up her own pink energy shield. Trixie watched Fluttershy get to safety next to Rainbow Dash.

The crowd was watching in awe at the battle between Scath and Twilight. Twilight fired another pink laser at Scath, but just as Scath made the shield Trixie turned and applebucked Scath. Scath’s shield broke before getting hit in the shoulder by the laser. Scath fell to the ground screaming in pain and anger.

Trixie turned and watched Twilight charge another pink laser spell into her horn. Scath took the time to shoot a orb of green energy at Twilight. Twilight brought up a shield spell just in time as the energy orb hit the shield and exploded. The force of the explosion knocked Twilight off the stage and onto the ground. Scath stood up and galloped away, her gallop had a slight limp in it.

Twilight stood up and shook herself shouting, “DARN IT! I’m going to get her for that.”

Twilight began galloping after Scath, and Trixie followed. After a few seconds of running Rainbow Dash caught up and asked, “hey, what in Tartarus is going on?”

Trixie looked at Rainbow Dash and said, “Trixie and Twilight are stopping an evil mirror clone. You should go back and wait with the others, we have this handled.”

Rainbow Dash said, “okay, we will hang back for a little bit. Take care Trixie…kick that poser’s butt.” Trixie nodded and then Rainbow Dash turned around and disappeared.

Trixie caught up to Twilight just as they entered the forest. Twilight slowed to a trot and said, “I know where she is going. And with her leg in that condition she won’t get far. It’s just like the Pinkie clones all over again.”