//------------------------------// // Dirty Work // Story: The Battle For Equestria (book 1) // by StarBlitz //------------------------------// Villain Perspective Equestria Narration 20,000 years ago, Terrible times struck Equestria. An inter-dimensional war raged through its land and another far off. Deep withen the castle of Cantorlot, evil and good alike, work together to save Equestria from the enemy. Sombra's POV Times like this get me excited, people suffering, war without end, constant hate and destruction, Oh how I love it all. But now isn't the time for enjoyment, for with the fact that we are losing the war, I won't have anything to draw misery from. So in the matters at hoof, I have excepted a truce with the royals around the globe, we currently reside in the ruins of cantorlot castle, board room. I am here on a form of parole, since I've previously been imprisoned in the Icy depths of the Antarctic realm, and I was released so I could help because Equestria's troops are so weak. But enough about myself, the real action is taking place in front of me. "As you all know, we are failing to defend from the human enemy. Our casualties are high and we are running out of soldiers, supplies have run out at our stockpiles in the Foal Mountain Reserve forts 1, 2, and 3 and in trotingham down south of here, as well as defeats in Reignstown Fencylvania, Cloverton Maressachusetts and right here in Cantorlot. To make matters worse, spies have reported that a super weapon is being developed by the humans capable of annihilating mountains", general highfire announced, "But I bring good news as well; The super weapon is the most important thing to humans at this time, without it, the humans are defenseless, for they have made a poor decision to move their defenses in to attack, making them have to use weapon instead while their defenses are attacking. I have devised a plan for a small group of our best troops to infiltrate their research labs, and destroy what you can of the super weapon while we retreat all our remaining troops. Once the weapon is destroyed, we can lay waste to the humans and end this war!" "So who exactly will you send in" I asked. "You and Chrysalis" he replied "What exactly makes you want to send us to do the job" "Because neither of you can actually die, and even though the princesses are powerful, they are not battle trained. Your skills in specific are whats needed for the task, you can send blackout thorough out the base, cut of communications, and make it very easy to get in, once there, Chrysalis can send her changelings in disguise to locate and destroy the weapon." "And what makes you think it'll work?" I replied. "We're losing this war and this plan is our only chance to win it. So just shut it and at least try to help", He replies rather angrily. "I'll have you know that I could skin your hide and mount your head for speeking to me in that tone!". I'd usually threaten worse but Im not in the mood. I just just want to make the most of the time to annoy and peeve him. "Enough" Celestia cuts in blatantly, "While it may seem impossible, its all we have right now, so follow your orders". The meeting ended there and we stocked up to comense the plan. Chrysalis's troops and I stalked two scouts, ironic really, on the way back to human camp 427, and we cut them off a few miles to the base. After a few minutes, two changlings disguised themselves as the scouts while the other five stood guard. I melted into shadow for my own cover. As we approach the camp, i can begin to smell their strong, ammo residue and i can see three large, gate like towers, almost like lightning rods, protruding from the side of an extremely large barracks. Two more buildings are at its side, one with their strange vehicles that fly and look like small trains and the other with weird dishes and smaller gated towers on its roof. The smell of ash and smoke reek through the landscape and the air tastes metallic, ash sodden trees surround it and the streams glow a venomous green. "So, this is how humans live, looks rather disgusting and unhealthy, and I would know", I state. "Memories retrieved from the scouts show that this is what their world looks like now" one of the changlings say. I start by sending a blackout to the base. I don't know what exactly powers this place but i learned they used electricity, so i used a spell that destroys lightning. I stalk around as a shadow and seal off what looks to be alarms and prevent them from sounding, and I finish with a sleeping spell to knock out the inhabitants. I then follow the changlings inside and they use their memories to get through the chromatic building with the dishes. They said it was called the, "control" center. In no time at all, we reach the room with the weapon and we start to figure out how to destroy it. "What do we do first?" I ask "The scouts know nothing about the weapon in particular and we need a higher form", the first changling replies. I grasp one of the white coated humans in my magic and offer it to him. The changling accepts and morphs into the human. "This being will work sufficiently," he starts, "According to this one, the core of the machine holds the cell transmitter, that sends a form of AI to implants in the users brain, it has a learning capability to adapt in battle, but can be easily tampered with; we could send directions to destroy itself- a kill code, make it repel the user, we could even just blow it up" I get an idea, "you said it could rebel the host right?" "Yes" "Well do you think we could make it rebel in our favor, to be more specific, my favor?"