Diary of the Night

by CalebH

The Unexpected Journey - Chapter 154

Sir Sombra. It is as we knew him best and it is as we best remember him. He was the best of both our worlds, the bravest and boldest of my knights and the most noble of your nobles. Who but us could be counted his better, in knowledge, in skill, in power, in morality? He was the master of whatever he put his hoof to.

When dragons threatened our gleaming allies to the north and we pondered the cost of neutrality with the dragon king Bold Sir Sombra marched without second thought. When their fire finally overcame the Crystal Heart’s power Brave Sir Sombra stood the gap. When the wyrms shattered the Crystal Empire’s guard and consumed their rulers Mighty Sir Sombra finally drove the beasts off, never to return. When the Crystal Empire sat broken in the north who else but Noble Sir Sombra could rule and give them hope again?

He did not learn that from me, sister. In months he rebuilt, within a year the Crystal Empire was at a height and prosperity it had never known. In ruling he was second only to you. And so we left him be, the Brave and Mighty, the Wise and Merciful, the Great Sombra, King in the North.

Do not blindly offer me your forgiveness, sister. The dark paths he tread made Sombra powerful but he was still only a mortal. The darkness of Nightmare Moon was mine and mine alone. Do not belittle actions that affect me so by blaming them on another.

It is with a sardonic humor that I read your parting statement. You suspect Sombra of influencing my fall and I suspect myself of influencing his. Who else but I could have brought low one who shone so brightly? Who else but the demon of Bloodridge Aerie, the Ripper of the Golden Plains, the Black Storm of the Eastern Sea, who else but Nightmare Moon could bring about such darkness?

The cruel jest at the end of this story is that he gave me hope. He inspired me. He showed me a version of myself that was kind and caring where I could not have been. A version of myself that was much more like you.
