A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

40 - Le Date, Part Deux

A Bad Day to Fish
By FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 40 - Le Date, Part Deux

        The streets were filled with ponies, most of them heading and milling around the market, their saddlebags full of food. Mike nodded and waved to the ponies he spotted before finally making it to Sweet Apple Acres. He walked up to the farmhouse and was about to knock before he spotted a tall red earth pony bucking trees, Applebloom collecting the apples that fell.
        He trotted over and cleared his throat. “Um… excuse me?” he asked.
        Big Mac paused in mid-kick and looked at him. “Eeyup?”
        “Is Martin around? I wanted to chat with him..”
        Big Mac tapped his chin. “Ah think he’s in the house with AJ.”
        “Thank you kindly,” he said and trotted back to the house. He paused and knocked.
        After a moment, the door opened and revealed Granny Smith. “Can Ah help ya sonny?”
        Mike blinked. “I was wondering if Martin was around?”
        She leaned closer. “Ya need ta speak up if ya want anypony ta hear ya.”
        “IS MARTIN AROUND?” Mike yelled.
        “Oh, ya mean AJ’s coltfriend? I think he’s upstairs.”
        Mike grinned. “CAN I SEE HIM?” Surprised he can’t hear me now...
        She tilted her head. “Ah think he said something… but Ah can’t remember what is was… Go ahead." She moved aside.
        Mike nodded and walked inside before heading upstairs. He looked at the doors and stopped at a closed door, a Stetson hat emblazoned on the door. He went to knock but the door wasn’t all the way shut and it creaked open, revealing AJ and Martin cuddling on the bed.
        The two ponies looked up. “Michael?” Martin asked, surprised.
        Mike blushed. “Oh well look at the time, sorry to interrupt,” he said and went to shut the door.
        Martin hopped out of the bed and caught the door. “I always got time for me mate. Now let’s have a proper hello.” He hugged the pegasus tightly. “Good to see ya.”
        Mike patted his back. “Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to stop by and say hi,” he chuckled.
        “You weren’t interrupting anything, aye AJ?” AJ nodded, the cowpony missing her hat and her mane was unbraided.
        “Are you sure?”
        He nodded. “What do ya think we were doing, aye?”
        Mike’s face turned pink. “N-nothing…”
        Martin laughed. “It’s always the same with ya. Anyways, how are things going?”
        “It’s been an interesting day…”
        Martin tilted his head. “Really? What happened?”
        Mike’s face took an even darker red shade. “Uh… stuff… yeah, anyway, I saw Death again.”
        “You know… I’d rather know about the ‘stuff’… Death can wait, aye?” AJ got up and stood next to him, an eyebrow raised.
        “Er… Actually Death is a good fellow, just takes some time to get to know him. Me and him are a lot alike.” Mike nervously chuckled.
        Martin nodded. “Ok… now what about that ‘stuff’ that happened. Anything interesting?”
        Mike’s wings shot out. “Nope, nothing at all.” He squeaked as AJ started laughing.
        Martin tried to hide a grin. “Nothing?” He poked Mike’s wing. “That doesn’t look like nothing…”
        Mike stumbled backwards. “Well, I better go check on the others… it was nice talkingtoyoubye!” He turned around and got ready to run.
        Martin jumped on his back and pinned him down. “Now mate, we can have this the easy or hard way…”
        Mike started crawling towards the stairs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
        “Hey AJ… do ya like tickling people?”
        She grinned. “Ah sure do and it’s been awhile since Ah needed ta.” She said and cracked her hooves.
        “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he scrambled towards the stairs more.
        AJ walked in front of the pinned pegasus and smiled at Martin. “Could ya turn him around.” Martin chuckled and rolled him on his back as she began to tickle Mike.
        Mike gasped for air, laughing and failing his hooves. “S-stop it!”
        Martin held him down. “If ya tell us what that ‘stuff’ was, sure.”
        “N-never!” Mike started to cry.
        Martin chuckled. “AJ… show no mercy.” She grinned and tickled more.
        Mike’s hooves twitched and he could see. “S-stop!” he said, his voice getting weaker. He tried to turn away but his wings were blocking any attempt.
        “Just tell us and this’ll be over…”
        “Lemme guess, it has to do with Fluttershy?”
        Mike’s face turned pink. Martin blinked in surprise. “Oh”… He looked at AJ and connected the dots. “Oh… OHHHH!!” he said with a huge grin. He let go of the pegasus and whispered something into AJ’s ear.
        Mike laid on the floor, gasping for breath as AJ’s eyes grew and she looked between the two ponies. Martin leaned his friend up and slapped him on the back. “Wow mate, I’m honestly surprised.”
        “Wh-what are you talking about?” His face still red as he fought against wings.
        He winked at AJ. “We both know mate, well done.”
        “I-I-I…” The pegasus stuttered.
        “Aye…” He leaned close to Mike’s face. “Ya had sex with Fluttershy, didn’t ya?”
        He grabbed Martin suddenly and pushed him against the wall. “You two can’t tell anyone, ok?!” he frantically asked.
        Martin chuckled. “Calm down mate, I won’t. But what’s all the fuss about? What’d be so bad if I told anyone?”
        Mike seemed to deflate a little. “I don’t know… I’m not sure if everypony would be ok with it…” He whispered.
        “That’s none of our business what ya do with your marefriend. As long as she agreed to it I don’t see why anyone wouldn't be ok with it.” Mike nodded, silent.
        AJ patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry sugarcube, we won’t tell anypony.”
        “Thank you…” He sighed.
        Martin stood next to his friend and leaned next to his ear. “Now, how was it aye?”
        Mike’s face turned bright red. “It… it was wonderful.” His voice on par with Fluttershy’s.
        AJ and Martin smiled. “That’s good but I assumed she’d be too shy. How did that even happen?”
        “Uh… spur of the moment?” he awkwardly said intently staring at the ground.        
        Martin chuckled. “Well I guess it ain’t me business. How about we go downstairs and eat some apple fritters?”
        “Sounds like a great plan,” Mike said and turned to the stairs. He tripped over his hooves and fell down the rest of the stairs.
        Martin laughed as he landed face first on the ground floor. AJ quickly rushed down after him. “A real friend helps after he laughs!” he said, holding his stomach. After a moment, he walked down the stairs and helped AJ carry him to the dining room table. “Need some ice?”
        Mike held a hoof to his head. “That’d be great…” He squinted, a large bump on his head. “Could somepony turn down the lights, it’s really bright…” He turned to AJ. “Thanks for helping…”
        She smiled. “Course sugarcube. I might have to talk ta somepony later.” She glared at Martin.
        “Real friends help after they laugh,” he repeated before he grabbed the ice and hoofed it to Mike.
        Mike chuckled and held it to his head, hissing at the cold. “That’s debatable, you laugh after you make sure their not hurt.” He squinted in pain. “Ouch…”
        Martin looked at his friend and scratched his chin. “Oh yeah, I always mess that part up.”
        Mike rolled his eyes. “Well as fun as this was, I should leave the two of you alone.” He said, standing up.
        “Aww… well, alright mate. Look after yourself.”
        “You know me, I’ll be fine.”
        Martin shook his head and laughed. “I highly doubt that.” He led the little group to the door before Mike gave them a hug before hoofing over the ice pack.
        “I’ll see you two around,” he said and waved goodbye, the lump a little smaller.
        Martin smiled and put the ice pack back in the fridge as AJ shut the door.


        The spa was peaceful, only two ponies inside at the moment. Rarity was reclining on a white chair, mud on her face as cucumbers relaxed on her eyes. Fluttershy was in the jacuzzi, the warm water making her sleepy. She yawned quietly as Rarity continued to talk about the Boutique. Fluttershy nodded and gasped when appropriate, but her thoughts were elsewhere.
        “...It took me two days to finish that dress and in the end, she didn’t even want it. She said it was the work of an amateur.” Rarity said and sighed, her story finished. “But enough about me, what have you been up to lately darling?”
        Fluttershy blinked. “Oh nothing really, just taking care of the animals. Mr Rabbity Rabu was sick all yesterday…”
        Rarity nodded. “Splendid darling, and Michael? How is he?”
        “Oh.. he’s um… good?”
        The unicorn smiled. “I assumed as much. Has he done anything ‘new’ though, since yesterday?”
        Fluttershy’s cheeks turned pink. “W-well… he did give me that locket this morning…” She pointed at it on the table.
        Rarity took a cucumber off her eye and looked at the locket. “Indeed, it looks wonderful. But I was talking about something else. Did he maybe… behave differently? Did he do something ‘unexpected’?”
        The shy pegasus sunk lower into the water, trying to hide her cheeks. “Um… sorta…” She whispered.
        Rarity’s eyebrow shot up and she smirked. “Sorta… was it something nice or even amazing?” She paused. “How did he like the outfit?”
        “H-he loved and it… a-and a-a-amazing…” She eeped as she said that, covering her eyes with her hooves.
        Rarity nodded. “Looks like my little talk with him might have done something…” She giggled, leaning forward and took the other cucumber off her eye. “Tell me about it darling, I know you must be dying to share.”
        "O-oh well… we um.. h-he k-k-kissed me and we…” She trailed off, her face red and hidden behind her mane.
        “Yes darling?”
        She murmured. Rarity giggled and leaned forward even more. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t possibly hear you.”
        “We had s-sex…” Fluttershy managed to squeak out.
        Rarity clapped her hooves together. “Wonderful! Give me a few details…” She asked curiously.
        Fluttershy’s mouth moved, but no noise came out.
        Rarity smiled at her and placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “It’s nothing to be shy about.”
        Fluttershy’s blush darkened. “I-it… it was amazing. I-I don’t eve know how to describe it...”
        “Was it big?”
        Every part of Fluttershy seemed to go red as she faintly nodded.
        Rarity giggled. “Well it seems everything went perfect. Are you planning on doing it again soon?”
        Fluttershy squeaked again. “I-if he wants too…”
        Rarity looked at her blushing friend. “Oh darling, don’t be like that. I’m sure you can do it as well.” She used her magic and put the cucumbers back over her eyes.
        “O-oh, I don’t know Rarity…” She said hesitantly.
        Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. “Just try it sometime. Michael will be more than grateful.”
        Fluttershy nervously scratched at the bottom of the jacuzzi. “R-really? It’d make him h-happy?”
        “Of course dear.”
        “I-if you say so Rarity…”
        “But that can wait, I’m sure he still has to process what happened.”
        Fluttershy nodded into the water, her wings still sticking out.


        The sun was on it’s descent, the moon slowly coming to power. It looked like the ponies in town were closing up for the day as they walked home. Fluttershy was cleaning up after a long day of taking care of several animals, including Opal and Winona. Michael opened the front door, carrying a bag of bits and a scroll in his mouth. “Good evening Flutters," he said around the scroll.
        She looked up and smiled. “Oh Michael, how are you?” she asked as she walked over to him.        
        “I’m ok… slightly confused but confused. How are you?”
        “I’m ok… The day at the spa was exactly what I needed.” She tilted her head. “But why are you confused, did something happen?”
        He sighed and put the bag down before hoofing her the scroll. “Apparently, I’m being reassigned to help Twilight with ‘research’ at the library…”
        “Oh… is that bad?”
        “No, just I got fired from my job at the bookstore… I sort of liked working there…”
        She looked at him sadly and hugged him tightly. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll enjoy working with Twilight as well…”
        He wrapped his hooves around her. “I know… it’s just odd, Celestia doesn’t seem like the type of pony to randomly switch jobs on us…” He sighed. “Any ways, I was thinking…” He blushed, his voice faltering at the end.
        “Hmm? I-I didn’t hear you…”
        “D-do you want… to… goonadatewithme?” He said, his face turning redder.
        She blushed as well and kissed his cheek. “I-I’d love to…”
        He grinned and sigh. “Oh good… um… where do you want to go?”
        She tapped her chin. “Um… h-how about the Outside Gardens?”
        He kissed her snout. “I’ll be right back ok?” He said and headed towards the door, holding her hoof for a moment.
        She blushed a little more and nodded, before he left, the door shut behind him.
        He trotted through town, trying to find it before giving up and going to the one pony he knew knew where it was.


        “Well of course darling, it’s just opposite of Blazing’s Jewelry. It’s built around a small patch of trees, you can’t miss it if you open your eyes.” Rarity said as she stood in the doorway of the boutique.
        “Thank you so much! Would’ve spent hours looking for it.”
        “No worries darling, I’m always happy to help.”
        “Um… I hate to ask… but… do you know how their prices are?”
        She tapped her chin. “Rather expensive. They really care about the origin of their supplies. I’ve eaten there before, it’s worth the bits.”
        His smile faltered. Oh… huh… Do you know anywhere else that’s a little cheaper?
        She smiled. “Wait here…” She turned around and disappeared inside for a moment before returning with a piece of paper. “Here, take this coupon. It’ll save you fifty percent off all prices.”
        “A-are you sure?”
        She nodded. “Don’t worry darling, I’m more than willing to help when it comes to romance.”
        He blushed. “Thanks again Rarity…” He said as he grabbed the coupon.
        She hugged him goodbye and leaned towards his ear. “And congratulations Michael, I’m very proud of you.” She whispered.
        He hugged back. “For what?”
        She giggled. “For helping Fluttershy of course.” She let go and winked, walking back into the boutique and shut the door.
        He stood there, his mouth open a little. What in the world is she talking about-oh… His face turned bright pink and his wings shot out. He quickly trotted to the cafe, fighting against his wings.


        Fluttershy laid on the couch, Angel asleep on lap as she read a book. She was engrossed in the book to the point she didn’t hear Michael come back.
        He sighed and leaned against the door for a moment. “Hey Flutters.”
        She eeped and quickly hid the book. “M-Michael? A-and?”
        He looked at her. “What are you reading?”
        She blushed. “Umm… N-nothing..”
        “Come on Flutters, it can’t be that bad…”
        She shook her head, the book hidden behind her. “N-no really… i-it doesn’t m-matter…”
        He sighed and walked over, kissing her gently on the lips. “It’s ok…” He said, staring into her eyes.
        She blushed heavier and kissed back. “A-and?”
        “We have reservations at 6:30.” He chuckled and sat on the couch, careful not to wake Angel.
        She smiled and got up, putting Angel on Michael’s lap before quickly hiding the book in the bookshelf. She looked at the clock. “S-so we have another hour…”
        “Mmhm…” He said, slowly petting Angel. “What would you like to do?”
        She sat down next to him and snuggled up to him. He wrapped his hooves around, careful of the medallion. She kissed his cheek. “M-maybe we could just sit here..”
        He smiled. “That sounds like a great plan…” He nuzzled her cheek and rested his head underneath her chin. The two of them sat there cuddling, holding onto each other as time seemed to fly by. Angel woke up and left, leaving the two of them alone.
        Michael fell asleep in her arms, listening to the beat of her heart. “Don’t leave…” He whispered in his sleep, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
        Fluttershy looked at him nervously and gently shook him. “M-Michael? Are you okay?”
        He started twitching in his sleep. “Fluttershy… why…” He said with a frown.
        She shook him again. “Michael?”
        He started awake, opening his eyes. “Flutters? Huh?”
        She looked at him worriedly. “You fell asleep, you were muttering something and you cried…”
        He looked surprised. “I did?” He wiped his eyes. “Huh… I must’ve been dreaming…” He paused before he hugged her tightly.
        She eeped and hugged him back just as tight. “I-it’s ok Michael… I’m here..”
        “Please don’t leave me…” He whispered, his face buried into her chest.
        She rested her head on top of his. “I won’t…”
        “Thank you…” he said, not wanting to move.
        She glanced at the clock. “We should go now, we’ll be late otherwise.”
        He sighed, letting her go and got up. “Ok…”
        She got up and the two of them headed to the cottage. They quickly arrived at the restaurant and a young mare led them to their table underneath a tree. They sat down and the waitress hoofed them their menus and left for a few minutes.
        “So are you two ready to order?” She looked at them.
        “Umm… I’d like the dandelion and rose salad… i-if that’s ok…” The waitress wrote it down and took her menu.
        “What’d bout you?”
        Mike looked at the menu. “I’d like the… uh… dandelion sandwich with a side of hay fries?”
        She nodded and wrote it down. “Anything to drink? I recommend the Canterlot Grape Red Wine.”
        Michael looked at her. “Want some of that?”
        She leaned closer. “That sounds awfully expensive…”
        “Don’t worry, I got  it, order whatever you like.” He gulped. “Do you want to try it? I gotta say, I’ve never drank wine before…”
        She smiled and nodded and the waitress looked at them. “Half a bottle? Or just a third?”
        “How about a third and we’ll go from there?”
        Fluttershy nodded and the waitress wrote it down. “I’ll be back in a few.” She turned around with a smile and disappeared into the kitchen. Fluttershy sighed as she looked at the flowers and plants around the table.
        He grabbed her hoof reassuringly. “You ok?”
        She looked into his eyes. “I-...yes… don’t worry…” She blushed.
        He stared back in her eyes before nodding his head and gave her hoof a little squeeze. “If you want to talk…”
        “Don’t worry Michael, I-I’m ok…”
        “Alright…” He let go of her hoof and looked around. “Nice place.”
        She nodded. “I’ve never ate here before… it’s usually rather full here…”
        “Really? Huh, I can see why.” The restaurant was half-empty. “There isn’t anything special coming up is there?”
        She paused and tapped her chin. “I-I don’t think so…”
        The waitress returned with a jug full of red liquid and two glasses. She placed it on the table and poured it into the glasses. “Enjoy the wine, it’s a classic.” She said, leaving them alone.
        Fluttershy took a small sip and smiled. “It’s wonderful…” He grabbed the other glass and stared at it. “Don’t worry, you’ll like it…” She said and took his hoof.
        He looked at her before taking a deep breath. “I-if you say so…” He took a sip. The wine went easily down and he slowly relaxed. “Wow… that was actually pretty good.” He took another sip.
        “I knew you’d like it…”
        He chuckled. “Never thought I was a wine guy…”
        The waitress came back a while later, two plates on her back. She placed the food in front fo the them. “Is the wine to your liking?” she asked as Fluttershy took another sip.
        “Yeah, it’s good.”
        She nodded and walked away. Fluttershy looked at the food. “The food looks just as good as I imagined.”
        He nodded and grabbed the sandwich and took a bite. “Oh my, this is amazing…” He said and ate a bit faster.
        She began on her salad, finishing her first bite and sipped some more wine.
        The meal was quiet between the two of them for awhile, each enjoying their own food. “So how’s your food?” He asked and took a drink.
        “Wonderful… just as good as it looks. Yours?”
        “Really good…” He smiled at her. “Not as good as yours though.”
        She giggled and blushed slightly. “I’m not sure about that…”
        He nodded, his face flushed. “Yeah, it’s really good.”
        They finished the food in silent, letting each other try the other’s food. Once they were finished, the jug was empty and both of their cheeks were red. The waitress collected their plates and returned with the bill. “That’ll be ninety-four bits.” She said and hoofed the bill.
        He faintly smiled and gave her the bag with the coupon. “Here you go…” He took a deep breath, finishing up his water.
        She nodded and walked away. Fluttershy grabbed his hoof. “Did you enjoy the food?”
        “I loved it.” He nuzzled her cheek.
        The waitress returned, the bitbag significantly lighter. “Here you go. Have a good night.”
        They nodded and he left a few bits on the table as they got up and left the restaurant. They held hooves as they made their way back to the cottage, their tailed entwined. Her face was a bit red and she leaned against him. He put a wing over her back, nuzzling her cheek. The moon was already climbing into the star-filled sky.
        He sighed, leaned lightly against her. “So how was it?”
        She kissed his cheek. “I couldn’t have wanted anything else… to be as perfect as this…”
        He blushed. “Me too Flutters, tonight was one the best nights I’ve ever had…” He nuzzled the back of her neck.
        They made it to the cottage as he opened the door for her. They greeted all the nocturnal animals and gave them food before he plopped on the couch and she flew to the bookshelf. She grabbed the book from earlier and skimmed through it again, her face getting even redder.
        “What book is that”? Michael tried to read the title from the couch, but couldn’t get a clear look.
        “I-it’s nothing…” She quickly put it back and flew in front of him. “M-michael?” She stuttered, her face even redder.
        He looked at her, his face burning redder as she leaned closer. “Y-yes?”
        She kissed him passionately, the world melting. He fell back in surprise. He closed his eyes and the two seemed to kiss for eternity. Finally she broke the kiss.
        “M-michael… Y-you make me feel so special… S-so I -want to g-give you s-something in return…” She leaned forward and kissed him one more time.


        Celestia sighed and rested on her balcony railing. She looked over Canterlot, the city’s inhabitants in a hurry as usual. It made her sad, watching the Canterlot ponies ignore the beauty of life to fill their pocket, but some evil is necessary. She stretched and turend her head to look at her desk, full of papers to sign and read. She levitated the cup of tea her hoof madien had brought a while ago.
        Somepony knocked on the door and her horn glowed, the doorknob encased in her magical glow and it opened. John stood in the doorway, his black suit sucking up all the light around him. The bandages covering his face were white and new. He looked at Celestia and smiled. “Hello Tia,” he said and walked into the room.
        She faintly smiled and put the cup of tea down. She walked over to him and gave him a brief hug. “Hello John, it’s nice to see you.” She said and motioned him to sit down before she sat behind her desk.”So what is it that you wished to discuss?”
        He cleared his throat. “I just wanted to talk about the things that happened lately. The war, Martin and Michael.”
        She sighed. “Ah yes… What do you think of our otherworldly guests?”
        He grinned. “They will prove themselves important for the future of Equestria.. and my future.”
        She nodded. “I sensed as much…” She smiled sadly. “I feel that you’re at peace with yourself.”
        He solemnly nodded. “Yes… My heart has begun beating again a few days ago. The first time in six thousand years.”
        “I’m truly glad to hear that… but how did that happen?”
        He stared at the ground for a moment before looking up at her. “I have nothing to fear anymore. I forgot something very important… but Michael reminded me of it.”
        She smiled and patted his hand. “I’m glad to hear that. After all this time, I was afraid you’d never listen to your heart again…”
        “Thank you Tia, but I wish I could enjoy it more. I have a lot of work to do lately. Since Martin activated the Iron Army, the war seems to end fast.”
        “The reports I’ve been receiving have showed me the same.” She looked out the balcony door. “I’m not sure if I agree with such tactics but I’m not fighting the war…” She glanced at the pile of papers before turning her attention back to John. “So much death John and no matter what I do, it just seems to get worse.”
        He chuckled. “I’m sorry to hear that Tia, but some returned from the battles and learned from their mistakes. A second chance is all that they needed.”
        It was silent as she stared into his eyes. “And the other day, I sensed you were here. Care to enlighten me why?”
        He nodded as the smile returned. “I talked to Luna. I’m sure you noticed something changed that day?”
        “Indeed, I sensed Nightmare’s magic again. But I thought the girls ended her.”
        He shook his head. “I’m afraid she’s still there. I provoked her to be sure, I talked to the “Demon of the Night” that day.”
        Celestia sighed and held her head in her hooves. “Then it is as I feared…”
        John raised his hand. “Don’t worry Tia. Their souls have almost separated completely. She is weaker than before but still strong. She’s still had enough control to decide upon Michael’s future.”
        The alicorn looked up, horrified. “What do you mean, control over his future?”
        “Well… nothing that can’t be changed Tia. She thinks that nothing can be done to save him… but she’s foolish. Her own greed for power made her think her plan won’t fail. But in the end, it’s up to me…” He looked at the ground, the happiness draining from his face. “Tia… we both know something will happen to me. Something that might cause this world to fall out of balance.”
        “Yes… I have seen it as well, I can’t tell what but your time as Death is ending soon.” She said flatly. “I’m sorry John, I wish I could do something to stop it-”
        He shook his head. “No…” He smiled. “I couldn’t be happier. After thousands of years… I get to rest. Never to be the end again.” He looked outside. “Someone has been waiting for me and they’ve waited long enough.”
        She faintly smiled back. “Veronica has been waiting for you… But who should replace you?”
        He turned back to her. “That is not for me to decide. You should ask Discord.”
        She laughed and leaned back in the chair. “Who knows what he has planned. He’s too unpredictable”. She said with a smile.
        John chuckled. “Indeed, but we have to trust him.”
        “As scary as that is, that’s all we can do.” She leaned forward. “I’m still concerned with Lu-lu… I haven’t felt her since yesterday.”
        He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry to hear that… but she is still there. I can see her…”
        “I’m afraid Nightmare is planning something. I can feel it…” She sighed. “And you said she had ‘control’ over Michael? How was she guaranteeing that?”
        “A medallion. She forced him to wear it. He can’t take it off… it has a strong enchantment that, if it was to be taken off, the wearer would confronted with every negative experience they’ve ever had. Not all of them are true, some are false but what might have occurred.”
        She was taken aback, falling back against her chair. Her mouth worked a few times before her eyes filled with anger. “She’s using the medallion again! This has gone to far!” She said, instantly standing up.
        He shook his head. “And now what? There is nothing you can do to get it off of him.”
        She glared at him, her mane ablaze. Finally she sighed again, falling into her chair and looked every year her age. “You’re right…”
        He leaned back into his chair. "The more I think about it, I know what will happen to me. "
        "You do?"
        He nodded and got up. "Yes," he walked out onto the balcony and leaned against the railing. She followed him quietly and they stared out across the city, taking in the sight.
        “I’m sorry it has to end this way.”
        John looked at a pot with flowers and grabbed a rose, twirling it in his grasp. “Don’t worry about me Tia, time catches up with everyone.” He put the rose back. “I am glad that it will end…” He chuckled. “I used to be a lonely man, I stumbled through the darkness blindly. But someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into the light.”
        She patted his shoulder. “Everypony deserves that someone.”
        “But when she left this world, I fell, I fell for so long. Blinded by the cold around me, the darkness. Nothing was worth going on for, but there was no end in sight. But then, someone pushed me back up, someone who had been there all this time. Someone I tried to forget but never could. All I needed was a little push and the darkness dissolved into light. Even though I planned to cause him a lot of pain and suffering, he tried to help me.” He looked at her. “And he did. Now it’s my turn to help him.” They walked back inside. “My end is near but his future is in danger Tia, I can only do a little to help. But he needs his friends more than he needs me… My heart will beat only to make sure he lives. Tia, can you do me a favor?”
        “If Nightmare Moon tries to separate Michael and Fluttershy… or any of them, let her know that she isn't immortal. She needs Luna as a vessel. But if we separate them, she will not be welcomed in the third realm.”
        She paused and looked at him a final time. “I’ll do what I can, but we both know what’s to happen if she returns…”
        He nodded. “Yes, but she will learn to fear Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and especially Michael and Martin.”
        “I’ll keep an eye out.”
        John smiled and walked towards the door. “Thank you Tia.” He opened the rift door, the swirling vortex absorbing any light. “Farewell Tia, may the war end soon.” He said, walking into the darkness.
        “Farewell John, sleep well.”
        He stopped and turned, giving her a lopsided smile. “I will.” The door shut by itself, leaving Celestia alone once again.
        She sighed and walked out to the balcony, staring at the moon.