Book of Chaos

by SCP Pinkamena

It's Only in Your Head

Discord was sitting on his throne wondering how ponies could live without chaos, when he already knew what the answer was. He snapped his fingers and in front of him came a quill and paper. He took a deep breath and began writing.

It's been three years now that I have taken the throne, and to be honest, I don't like it at all. The throne is supposed to be a symbol of power...but all I see is a stupid chair. Nothing what I thought it would be. The only thing I do is sit in this damn chair always...always, I don't know anymore. The only thing I do is make chaos like I always have. Either way I'm sorta king but yet I don't want to...if I could go back and stop myself I would, but like my father said "What's done is done."

Discord was interrupted by the sound of the door opening to see a pony slave walk in with a bowl of fruit. The slave coward and walked over to Discord and presented the fruit. "You are wonderful slave thank you, blah, blah, blah." He said as the slave was walking out. Discord had an idea, and asked the pony to come back for a brief chat. "Tell me pony, if you had a choice to be free and a choice to be...per say like me, what would you choose?" The slave pony stumbled at the question. The slave pony put her hoof to her chin. "I would be like you." she said. "Are you saying that because I'm standing right here?" Discord countered. The slave smiled sheepishly, and nodded. Discord only sighed, and brought his head down.
"I don't want to be like this! I want to live and make chaos in a town that enjoys it. Not ransack some village and...overthrow the rulers." Discord said. Looking at the pony slave and her shackles on her hooves, he snapped his fingers and produced a key and unlocked her from her bonds.

"The least I can do is set all of you free..." Discord said unlocking her shackles. When he was done Discord gave her the key. "Free the others and tell "them" to get rid of me." The slave pony nodded and went down the hallway. He produced another paper and with quill in claw (hand?) he started to write again.

I freed a slave now she's going to set the others free, along with..."them". If they are merciful then maybe I'll have a second chance at doing things over. I'll fix everything up and take away whats been done. I'll make everypony normal and I'll apologize for what I did. If they're not merciful, well its one of two things, I get banished to Everfree for eternity, or be sealed away. Everything I do always ends in disaster, hopefully they are on their way now to get rid of me.

When Discord heard ponies in the hallway, he poked his head out of the door to see a more pleasant sight. Ponies running free away from their bonds. He smiled when the small slave pony came back and gave him the key. She nodded and ran to the crowd of ever growing ponies. He sighed and quickly grabbed a bottle and one more piece of paper he wrote on it quickly, and lifted the throne with his power he placed the bottle down in a hole and on the hole he placed a picture of the sun.

He set down the throne and a while afterwards a loud bang came from the door. Celestia and Luna stood there with the elements of harmony, charging the elements. Discord flew to the garden and stood on a stone pedastle. Luna and Celestia flew out to the garden and circled Discord while the magic turned him to stone. He threw one arm on his chest, the other in the air and began laughing. Discords laughing stopped but his mouth was not closed, his eyes where closed in his mind before the spell reached his head he thought only one thing, "Forgive me for what I have done."

Thousand years later

Celestia stood by and watched as the unicorns tried to lift the throne for castle maintenance. She called Twilight Sparkle to help and Twilight gladly accepted. With the five unicorns combined magic, they lifted the throne to revel a small mound of dirt and a picture of the sun. Twilight moved the picture to find a small bottle with a note in it. "When did.." Twilight mumbled and brought the bottle closer to her face to see what was written on the inside. She brought Celestia and she opened it to read it.

Dear Celestia,
Hopefully you got this and if you didn't that's fine too, but I wrote this to tell you that I don't want to rule anymore just spread fun, not the fun you have in mind, but fun none the less. Hopefully the pony I gave the key to told you that I gave up once again if she didn't that's fine. Now the real reason I wrote this was to tell you that the power of the throne means nothing its all in your head and always will don't let it get to your head.

Your Friend

P.S. look inside the throne for a little surprise if you never knew who I was.

Celestia looked a the throne and noted that the cushion had hinges on it. She opened the little cupboard and inside it was a hat and cape combo, with stars and bells on both pieces. Twilight noted that it looked like her Starswrill The Bearded costume from Nightmare Night. Celestia produced a single tear, and told the guard to put the cape, hat and note in the Starswrill The Bearded wing.

Later that night Celestia went to Discords statue, and looked up at it. "Why didn't you tell me you were Starswrill?" She asked not expecting an answer. She turned and started heading back to the castle when she heard a faint voice on the wind.
I wanted to be a surprise.