//------------------------------// // (Prolog) Prologue // Story: Bis zu meinem letzten Atemzug (Till my dying breath) // by Ernest Wood //------------------------------// “What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe.” -Adolf Hitler The tank rumbled as a shot bounced off the hull making me and my comrades rock back in forth. We had been in an siege for four hours against the Americans and they hadn't let up, air raids, artillery fire, and now a damn Sherman assault. The Americans most certainly are devoted but their shells can't even punch through our superior Tiger armor. "Ready to fire!" my loader Klaus yelled and right on cue another Sherman rolled around. I shouted out to my gunner Hanz "Their in our sites! Fire again!" Hanz complied unleashing an armor piercing round into the Sherman's maw blowing right through the upper half of tank. "That had to take out their commander." Laurenz said looking through the scope. "Good. Finish them." I said smirking, the Americans put up a good fight but none shall take this city from us. "Were loaded, fire again." Klaus said as Hanz complied firing another round into the Sherman's back this blowing out the engine and setting the tank alight. The members of said tank began trying to get out of the command hatch to escape the fiery inferno, their screams filling the air. "Laurenz, mow them down." I said resting in my chair. "Are you sure Anton?" He asked hands on the gun. "The smell will get to me. Kill them in the mud like the dogs they are." I said pulling out my canteen and getting a swig of water. The screams had now been replaced by the sound of bullets meeting flesh and bodies hitting the dirt. "It's done commander." Laurenz said pulling out his chalk and writing his 9th tally on the wall of the tank. "Good. Now all we have to do is hold this position, till our reinforcements arrive. Hanz turn on your radio, were gonna be here for a while." "Sir yes sir." He reached over and pulled out an dusty record player. He blew the dust off and put on a record from home. I sighed as the music began playing and whispered "Heil Hitler." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tYKmhUOYjM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As the music filled the tank I began hearing a familiar rumbling noise cautious I told Laurenz to get on the scope. "I don't see anythi-" *Bang* An exploding noise rocked through the tank turning my men fearful. "What was that!" Laurenz asked turning back to the scope. "Hanz turn the turret!" I yelled trying to get a view on what was attacking us, as I did another shot shook the tank this time making the oil leak out onto us. "I can't see what's out there!" Laurenz said slightly panicking "Laurenz get a hold of yourself! I'm going up to look." I said withdrawing my Luger."Careful commander." Hanz said as I gave him a reassuring nod. I slowly opened the hatch to be met with two American soldiers holding grenades. I fired at the first one making him drop his grenade outside the tank while the other threw his in and closed the hatch. There was only one thing I could do now. I grabbed both grenades and tucked them under myself trying to save my crew. "Nein!" I heard Hanz say as a scuffle was heard in the tank. "We cant save him." I heard Klaus say. As the ticking was counting down I said my last words to my crew. "Heil Hitler, mien friends." The last thing I heard was two explosions.