Only one left

by HighclassDragon

Nap time's over

A young man with had short golden brown hair and blue eyes slowly comes into consciousness as his mind began to restart itself. Two figures come into view, one blackish the other mostly white. "I believe it is waking,sister." Said the first figure in a regale feminine voice,prompting the second to move in closer.

Can you understand me?" She asked. There was silence for a moment before the darker blur spoke

"I don't think it can understand-" She was cut-off by the young man.

"What...Where am I?" He inquired, still able to make out little more than a few shapes in the room.

"You are within my bedroom the Canterlot castle." The white figure stated. The man's eyes began to take in his surroundings for the first time in full. There were two horse-like figures with free-flowing manes one black the other white, and no one else to have been speaking. He fell silent and pale with confusion which they noticed. "Are you okay? You look ill?" He was mute for a moment before falling unconscious yet again ------

He reawakens to the same room however with slightly different company.The white alicorn was speaking to an armored gray unicorn. "What...what...what..." The man couldn't find any words.

"Ah,you're awake." The alicorn noted turning to the visitor. "You must be quite offset by these standing events." She added

"What's going on? Where are the doctors?"

"Doctors?" the alicorn inquired turning to the guard whom explained the man was found in some type of medical facility "I see." she returns focus to the stranger "That location was very foreign to us. That could make you from an undocumented point of time."

"What do you mean 'Undocumented'?" The young human asked now somewhat acceptance of the fact that he is speaking to a ten foot tall pony.

"Just that.You are from a time before Equestria's recorded history. What remains of the civilization of your kind is likely just that small portion we found under this mountain and other tiny scraps like it across the world.I am sorry, but you said doctors are you ill?" She inquired

" No, I-I was testing the cryogenics sleep pods to find if they were safe for long-term uses." He explained

"Hmm...I see. Do you have a name?" she asked

"My name? It's Anthony. Anthony James, but most people just call me AJ. And you; what's your name?"

"I am Princess Celestia. It's a pleasure." She introduced "And the mare from earlier was my sister Princess Luna."

"Like-wise." AJ looked around the room " Say... you wouldn't happen to have my pod would you? It has some of my things inside."

"Yes I believe so, but my guards say that it refused to open at there ever mean."

"It's okay. I have the lock code...*if it still works*" He said raising from his borrowed bed. He was fairly tall, just about 5'10, and he wore a black cotton shirt and jeans on over his pale white skin which made him look as if he'd rarely step outside. Based on his looks he was no older than eighteen or nineteen years of age. With Celestia's instruction the guard lead Anthony to the steal and glass tube where he punched a series of numbers in before the drawer slipped part way open. AJ gave a sigh of relief as he removed the sneakers from the case knowing he'd not be barefoot and took the remaining devises from the drawer: his cellphone and laptop being among them.

After returning to Celestia he was informed of his being the only pod intact to which he was unfazed. AJ found himself with little more than what he had in his box and saw no real solution for his predicament. Seeing as things had gone he found no other solution than to ask Celestia for help.

"Living arrangements?" Celestia thought aloud after hearing the man's question.

"Yeah, it's a bit much to ask but I couldn't ask you to put me up in your castle." He reasoned.

"I suppose I could find someplace for you to live outside the castle if that is what you want. I'll make the arrangements for your relocation as soon as I find an appropriate location."Celestia confirmed.