Saiyan of Equestria

by Boyzilla

Chapter 57: Triangular Battle

Tournament Saga

Chapter 57: Triangular Battle

Our half saiyan heroine couldn't figure out while all her opponents were extreme speedsters to the hugest degree, sure it's fun to be super duper fast, but what's the point if you can barely do any damage to your opponent in the first place?

Well turns out, her newest opponent had certain abilities tied to speed, techniques which Kira's child-filled imagination couldn't help but be very excited to figure out what they do.

The battle between Kira and her pony Pegasus opponent had begun merely two minutes ago, her foe went in quickly for the win, but our hybrid little girl sensed his approach and quickly dodged.

"You are fast!" Kira complimented her opponent, "But I found a lot of speedy fighters before you, so I'm sure I'll win!" The hybrid said with complete confidence.

Triangle Strike, the pegasus, started to fly at three points around Kira. The half human girl watched with interest and anticipation at the stallion's curious movements.

From the perspective of the audience, the quick blur movements the pegasus fighter made, seemed to conjure the illusion of a Triangle surrounding the eight year old child. Suddenly, the stallion flew into the air, grasped a cloud, and shot down lighting onto the illusion shape.

The result, strangely enough, engulfed everything within that triangle with electricity, the ring lighting up with blue glow.

"Aaaaaahh!" Kira screamed out in pain, feeling her entire body being continuously shocked with large amounts of electrical energy. The little girl's figure seized, Kira's head reeled back as she tried to contort her body, attempting to erase the pain in a crudely protective matter.

As quick as it came it stopped as the electricity discharged. Kira breathed deeply, before calming again as she glared at her opponent. Whom shot at the half saiyan fighter with blinding speed, Kira attempted to bring her arms to bear, but instead her legs moved toward.

'What!?' Kira thought a little too late.


Kira's face went sideways from the hoof strike to her cheek, Triangle Strike gave no recovery time as he continued to strike at our heroine's body relentlessly. Kira's body flinched and recoiled with every attack, her position edging closer and closer to being out of bounds.

'Dang it body, work right!' Kira screamed in her mind, trying to regain her bodies movements which seemed to have been scrambled by Triangle Strike's technique.

"Having trouble?" The stallion taunted as he continued to slam his martial arts at Kira, "My technique is designed to short circuit your body's natural nervous impulses, rendering you unable to act for ten minutes until it readjusts itself."

'So my body is pretty much shocked so much that it's not moving right... Mmh... Well, it's my body, and the electricity went inside so I gotta burn it out?' Kira's human mind raced as he tried to figure out multiple ways to deal with the situation.

Kira closed her eyes, ignoring the small snippets of pain that was repeatingely being laid upon her by the stallion's attacks.

'My right hand controls my left elbow... Right foot is my right hands' fingers... Left leg seems to be switched with right leg...'

Kira tilted backward, making the pegasus tumble a bit as his hoof strike missed, his eyes widened as our female hero slammed her head straight into his.

"Gah!" Triangle Strike yelped in pain as he staggered backward, clutching his head in pain. "How the hay did you recover so quickly! That's... That's impossible! Nopony, no one! Should recover that fast!"

Kira managed to grin as she aimed her hands toward him, and started to fire a spray of Ki blasts toward the stallion fighter.

The pegasus disappeared in a after image, zipping to the side hovering over the arena flow, wings beating quickly as the Ki blasts missed their targets and exploded apart the ground instead, dust kicking up in their wake.

'Pew pew pew!' Kira couldn't help but make fun of the battle, she was enjoying it, despite being partially paralyzed at the moment.

The hybrid sensed her opponent behind her, and went to turn, but she forgot that her nerves were kinda a wreck at the moment and made herself fall on her own bottom.

'Oh Frost Tarts!' Kira thought in annoyance.

"Ouch!" Kira yelled in pain as she was sent rolling across the stage, before landing on her stomach. She clutched her backside with her hand, wincing in pain as that was where her opponent hit her. She sensed his approach incoming and struggled to get up.

'Come on, come on, come on!' Kira thought hysterically as she took notice that the stallion was forming the triangle technique around her again. 'I can't get hit by it a second time!'

Kira's brother, Ken, cheered from the fighter's booth. "Come on nee-chan, you can do it!"

Kira smiled, "I'll beat him, no sweat!" Kira said, giving out a thumbs up. She returned her attention back to her opponent who flew into the air to finish his lightning terrifying technique.

"Here's round two, kid!" The stallion yelled as he charged up the energy in his hoof.

'Like I'm dumb enough to get hit a second time by that...' Kira thought in amusement as she clenched her hands at each side.

"Hiiiaaaayaa!" Triangle Strike yelled as a bolt of lightning shot down straight toward the arena once more, the shape below glowing blue.

But Kira's blue aura flared outward, and she launched straight into the sky, the electric bolt of energy passing right by her as she charged toward the pegasus who looked in surprise.

"Kaio-ken!" Kira shouted, a burst of red Ki erupting around her entire form.



Triangle Strike was sent flying, further into the sky. Kira's shot faster than a bullet, a red trail of Ki energy in her wake as she sped right past him and above him. Clutching both hands together, she slammed her fists straight into the stallion fighter's face. But she was going to stop, oh no, she's going to repay him back in full!

Kira's figure erupted forth, still in Kaio-ken form, she sped quicker than gravity toward the ground, before raising her right leg and kicking Triangle's body right back up to the sky before he hit the arena floor.

"Let's see how you like Kaio-ken times two-raaaaahhh!" Kira roared her battle cry as her aura exploded outward as it gained a increase in power.

The half saiyan girl disappeared in small flames of red Ki energy, the audience exclaiming their shocked gasps as they looked around to spot the eight year old child. Soon enough, they heard the resounding echo in the sky, a big circle of air forming as what seemed like the sound barrier breaking.




And again!


Kira's form reappeared with each strike, her increasingly sped-fast body attacking Triangle Strike with new found power that he could not hope to match. Finally, the stallion stopped himself in midair, bruised, scrapped, and bleeding a little from his nose and mouth. He dropped to let gravity get him, avoiding Kira's next attack just barely.

The hybrid girl clenched her teeth in annoyance on how she missed her opponent, her Kaio-Ken form dispersing away. She breathed a bit, quickly recovering as her body was now used to using Kaio-Ken one to two freely and without risk, at least to her knowledge.

"How did you...?" Triangle Strike questioned.

"Beat your technique? Easy! Kaio-Ken makes my body's... Cells? Yeah, be enhanced with a great burst of energy, which burnt out the annoying electricity stuff inside me!" Kira said, nodding to herself.

"You.... Ugh, you're still in elementary, sheesh."

The announcer decided to speak up at last, "Ladies and Gentlecolts, I never seen blazing displays of speed! Clearly these two fighters are some of the most fastest beings in the whole tournament! But now, who will win this match? The resourceful heroine, Kira? Or the electrifying shape, Triangle Strike?"

Triangle Strike wasted no time in attacking Kira again, but the hybrid simply blocked each and every strike, her arms moving so fast that it seemed she had ten additional appendages attached to her body. Kira dropped to the floor, and sweep kicked the stallion off balance, she then bounced herself back upright with her hands, and flew into the air. A white aura bursting around her as the saiyan girl shot upward into the sky.

Kira placed both her palms to her forehead, concentrating Ki energy into a single point in front of it. Yellow colored Ki began to form, appearing to be barely contained by a invisible force as it spiked outward in many directions.

"Masenko..." Kira chanted her technique's name.

"HAAA!" Kira suddenly out, energy rushing to her technique before all being released in a beam of raw yellow Ki. The wave journeyed downward with great speed, unrelenting in its destination, it met with the arena floor only seconds after our heroine finished it.

The stone flooring of the arena exploded outward, remnant Ki energy and dust causing a great outbreak of sheer force which created winds that managed to knock back the audience watching.

Kira looked around for her opponent, her teeth clenched and her hands placed defensively in front of her.

Her eyes widened as she looked upward to her attitude level, and she crossed her arms just in time to block a devastating kick to her chest region. She was sent flying back only slightly, before she blocked another strike to her neck, she grasped Triangle's right leg that tried to spin kick her and shot her left knee upward, causing it to strike the pony's mid-leg region.

"Argh!" Triangle Strike called out in pain, but he suddenly glared and a magical aura encased him.

"Huh!?" Kira gasped out in surprise before being a hoof slammed into her left shoulder. "Oh, Frosty!" Kira shouted as her left eye winced.

"I'm getting serious now, I won't lose this tournament!" Triangle Strike shouted at Kira.

Kira found herself back on the defensive, Triangle Strike's attacks seemed like a blur to her! He was so fast! It was unbelievable how fast he was despite how weaker his energy level was compared to her!

Then again, she should know that power levels don't mean everything.

The half saiyan girl had crossed her arms in front of her, hooves slamming at what seemed like every corner her body as she tried to think of a solution of getting out of her current predicament.

"If I didn't see it for my own eyes," The announcer shouted, "I wouldn't believe it! The sheer speed that Triangle Strike attacks is so fast that Kira can't counter without risking being hit! Is this it? Is the match going to be decided?"

'Not if I can do anything about it! I'm going to win!' Kira thought to herself as she glared at the stallion fighter that besieged her, risking a move, she flared out her arms in front of her, Ki aura bursting into existence. "AAAAAAHH!" Kira screamed as a wave of Ki launched from her hands.

Triangle Strike dodged it by flying upward, Kira looked up, stopping her attack. The pony came right back down to her, face to face, ready to begin again.

But Kira acted quickly, she brought both hands, stretched outward, to the sides of her face and closed her eyes.

"Solar Flare!" Kira yelled.

The sky became as bright as the sun for a full three seconds.

Now, what happens when sudden brightness meets a creature with quite large eyes?


"Now's my chance, Kaio-Ken times two!" Kira shouted, her figure erupting in a red flaring aura, muscles bulging and power increasing. She clenched both hands together to make a fist, and with all her strength, slammed down right into the stallion's head.

He went skyrocketing all the way down to the arena, and landed harshly, his body bounced back slightly from the floor before landing once more, still.

Kira breathed heavily from the use of Kaio-Ken after such time of not using the technique, she floated downward, feet meeting the floor as the air cooled down her body.

"Ah... The wind feels so good..." Kira sighed in relief.

The Announcer walked up into the arena and checked Triangle Strike, before yelling out, "Triangle Strike is completely out cold! Kira Heartstrings wins!"

Kira grinned as the audience cheered, and she returned to the bubbling ball of energy she is but jumping up and down, and giving out victory handsigns to the people who watched her fight.

"I won! I won! I won!" Kira happily yelled.

Ken meet her in the arena, "Great job sis! That looked like a tough fight!" The twin brother complimented.

Kira scratched her nose, a wide grin still on her face, "It was nothing... I knew I would win!"

Ken smiled happily, his tail wagging behind him. "Wanna go meet mom and Aunt Bon-Bon before seeing Copper Will's fight?"

Kira nodded, "That sounds great! We can all watch together, and eat snacks too, I'm so thirsty after that fight, got any water?"

"Think there some in the fighter waiting place," Ken said with a small thoughtful expression.

"Great, let's go, then meet mommy!" Kira said as she pulled on her brother's hand.

"Nee-chan, I can walk too!"