Rise of the Titans (edited)

by darkmage1997

Chapter 9: Attack the Flying fortess (again)

After leaving to go and work on the jets, Francisco was just pondering what'll happen if they do fail to protect Trinity, and Season Harvest, if they're not to late, "Lets hope this modification works the way I need it to," Francisco said to him self, as the magenta jewel in his headband started glowing, as the jets were glowing the same color as well, "There, that should do it," he said, as he left to go and find his brothers.

In the Titan Lair lounge, the children were all contemplating on how they can help with the situation, while the adults and the other present titans were waiting for Francisco to come back. And the wait wasn't long, as they saw the spacial teen coming towards them, "Alright guys, the jets are ship shape, and ready to go!" Francisco said, as he led them back to the hanger.

"Kids, listen to me, I want all of you to stay here in Ponyville while we go and rescue Toby and the other elements of harmony," Twilight said in a soft yet serious manner, which everyone nodded in understanding. Twilight then continued to follow the others to the hanger. Upon entering the hanger, a look of confusion was etched on everyone's faces.

"Uh, Francisco, what is the modification?" Silver asked.

"I added a fighter mode to the jets. Just pull the red lever to have the jets change modes. I also added some extra seats for whoever is coming with us," Francisco explained.

"Well, I'd better come with, and help look for Toby and Season Harvest," Fluttershy said.

"I'm coming with for sure!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I'll tag along as well," Twilight said, raising her hoof.

"Ah ain't gonna let that monster of a father of Toby's bring anymore harm to him or mah daughter!" Applejack said with determination.

"I'm afraid I will have to sit this one out. Someone has to watch the children," Rarity said.

"And we'll come as well. Our enemies might be working with James," Matterhorn said, as she and her teammates stepped forward.

"I would come too, but someone else besides Rarity should stay behind to watch the children," Discord said.

"Alright, and we should pick up Eris and the others if we see them along the way," Silver said, which everyone nodded in agreement, as they got into their own different jets, with the Pegasi waiting outside the hanger. As soon as the jets were out of the hanger, they all took off.

"I hope Francisco will be alright," Kelly commented.

"Like I said, my big bwothers are all wewwy stwong!" Heaven reassured.

"I hope you're right Heaven," Discord said uneasily. as they all retreated back into the cave lair.

Back in the skies,

"You really shouldn't try to take on James so soon Francisco," Radiance said.

"I feel fine! I can take care of myself," Francisco reassured.

"Even so, I feel you should be back at the lair, resting, even if you're tough," Brian said.

"Yeah, but we're a team! We have a better chance of stopping James if we all work together!" Francisco argued.

"Francisco is right, we do have a better chance if we work together," Silver said, which everyone nodded in agreement, and continued to try to find the Mane Carrier.

In a deep ravine,

As they continued to search for the remaining fragments of the Master Element, Eris and her group looked up to see a large battleship flying over head, "What's that thing?" Filli Second asked.

"From what Silver told me on the radio, that's James' battleship," Raiden replied, as some jets came down in front of the group.

"Hey guys, need a lift?" Silver asked.

"Uh, sure!" Raiden replied, as the group hopped into the jets, and took off for the Mane Carrier.

Inside the Mane Carrier, where Alpha had returned,

After taking Toby and Season from the Titan Lair, Alpha was able to make it safely back into the Mane Carrier docking bay. As he levitated down onto the floor, he dropped both the boy and the filly onto the floor. Standing back up on their feet and hooves, Toby and Season looked around, trying to find out where they were.

"Where do ya reckon we're at?" Season Harvest asked.

"I don't know, some sort of robotic base, perhaps?" Toby suggested with a shrug.

"Quite right, son," they turned to see James coming towards them with a smug smirk on his face.

"D-daddy, what do you want from us?" Toby asked, backing up.

Scowling at his son, James then grabbed Toby by the arm, "With you, you're coming back with me to Earth, so I can toughen you up! And as for her," James said, glaring daggers at Season, "I plan on using her as a part of my ultimate revenge against this pitiful land," James replied.

"No Daddy, I don't want to go back with you! I love my life here in Equestria!" Toby said, as he struggled in getting out of his fathers grip.

"Let go of him!" Season demanded, bucking James in the knee, causing him to let go of Toby out of pain. Season was quick enough to break Toby's fall, "You ok Toby?" she asked.

"Yeah, thanks Season," Toby replied.

"GAH, alright, NOW I'm mad!" James said, as he grabbed Toby once again, but more roughly, "Alpha, take the horse to the brig, I will deal with her shortly," James ordered, which the robot complied, taking Season by her legs, and dragging her off in the opposite direction of where James was heading with Toby, "And as for YOU, you're going to come with me to the bridge, and watch my conquest of this land, along with some friends I made while I was here," James said cruelly, taking Toby towards the bridge.

Outside the Mane Carrier,

"Alright, lets get to work, we first blast those turrets out of commission, and give ourselves a large enough opening to go in," Silver said to the other jets.

"ROGER THAT!" the others called.

"Ready? OPEN FIRE!" Silver called, as the jets started blasting the Mane Carrier with more force than before.

Back on the bridge,

As the villains continued to supervise operations on the bridge, they felt a large jerk, "GAH! What was that?!" High Heel asked, as she and the others tried to regain their bearings.

"Its those jets from before! They're back!" one of the mummy minions said.

"WHAT!? Well, don't just sit there, BLAST THEM OUT OF THE SKIES AGAIN!" the Pharaoh ordered, which the mummies complied, firing all the turrets they had.

Back with our heroes,

"Alright, here come the bullets!" Silver said, as they all scattered.

"Launch the missiles!" Francisco called, as each jet launched a barrage of rockets at the turrets, blasting all the turrets to dust.

"Ok, they've come prepared this time," Long Face said uneasily, as he looked at the monitors.

"Don't worry, I built one other weapon into the Mane Carrier," they turned to see James with Toby with his arms in James hands, "Pharaoh, can you tell your minions to transform the Mane Carrier?" James asked.

"You heard him minions, TRANSFORM THE MANE CARRIER INTO BATTLE MODE!" the Pharaoh ordered, which the minions complied, and with the push of some buttons, the entire Mane Carrier transformed.

As the titans continued to blast the Mane Carrier, the Mane Carrier transformed, now appearing to have rocket launchers under its wings, and it unveiled a large cannon like piece from the front of the ship, "Alright, I'm ready for this," Francisco said, as he remembered what had happened to him and his brothers earlier. Just then, they all noticed the cannon was beginning to charge up for a large blast, "Alright guys, it will take a few seconds for battle armor mode to activate, so go ahead and pull the red levers now!" Francisco said, which the other nodded in understanding, as they all pulled a red lever. And just as Francisco predicted, the jets began glowing.

"FIRE THE CANNON!" James ordered, which had a large energy blast fired towards the jets, which were able dodge just in time. When they came back, the jets had transformed, giving them the appearance of having arms.

"Alright! Battle armor mode works like a charm!" Francisco said, as he and the other went back to keep on the attack.

"How dare they?! Fire rockets!" James ordered, and just like that, rockets were flying towards the jets.

"Look out guys!" Rainbow Dash called.

"Don't worry, now if we time it just right," Francisco said, just as one of the arms of the jets grew a spike out of the wrist, similar to a shield, ad blocked the rockets.

"Ha, cool!" the others commented, just as a rather sharper blade came out of the other wrists, and sliced each of the rockets.

"Alright, how do ya like me now James? C'mon tough guy, I'm ready for ya!" Francisco taunted, before hearing tapping on his jets glass cover.

"Cool it Francis, lets not make thing worse than they already are," Stealth told him.

"Heh, I guess I was getting a tad over confident right there, wasn't I?" Francisco asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"They're coming in for a landing!" Mane-iac said.

"Well, lets give them a warm welcome," James said, as some of the mummies pressed some buttons, which released some fireworks, and an animatronic cheerleading squad and a conductor, with a banner that said 'WELCOME' on it.

"Who could ask for a warmer welcome than that?" a mummy said, as the villains and Toby just facehoofed/palmed.

"You ninnies! James was being sarcastic!" the Pharaoh yelled.

As they finished slashing through the rockets, the jets all came in closer to the Mane Carrier, "Alright! Hey Francisco?" Silver asked.

"Yeah?" the spacial teen asked.

"How do we land these things?" Silver asked.

Francisco's eyes widened in realization, "GAH, OH NO!" he cried.

"What's wrong?" Raiden asked.

"We'll have to settle for a nice and bumpy landing, I forgot to put in landing gear for battle armor mode!" Francisco replied.

"WHAT?!" everyone cried, as they all crash landed on the battleships deck.