//------------------------------// // Selflessness // Story: Seventh Element // by Stormwhite //------------------------------// The now red lit equestria was stuck with fear. The people of ponyville and canterlot were in a state of anarchy. People were running around and panicking it was mass hysteria. Most of the people of ponyville were in the emergency shelter. Not too many people knew about it since it never had to be used before. Pinkie Pie was there watching over the children as instructed by Twilight sparkle. Though worried she kept up her usual happy persona. “Pinkie pie? Will everyone be ok?” The young pipsqueak asked worried about everyone not in the shelter. “Don’t be silly of course they’ll be alright.” Pinkie said with the utmost confidence. Meanwhile the victims of Fusions wrath had started to become conscious. Fluttershy and Rainbow dash were first. Their bodies ached from their wing being broken that’s probably the worst pain they can feel. Spike stood up brushed himself off, and ran over to Rarity and tried to wake her up. He succeeded, and was overjoyed she was alright. Apple jack was last to come around, but first to notice the giant meteor. “What in the great name of Celestia is that!?”She said with a mix of panic and fear in her voice. “It looks like a meteor” added Rainbow dash. “Eeyup and that guy is our one and only hope at stopping it” Said Big Mac. Fusion was laughing hysterically “Fool! You’re all fools if you think he can stop it!” Celestia looked at Fusion out of anger “Will you stop talking? G is smart enough to know what he can and can’t do. I know for a fact he wouldn’t do this if he didn’t think he could.” Fusion fell silent being told off by a person he hated infuriated him to know end. Luna was worried about her friend he had just returned, and in another instant he could be gone this time forever. Then the final moments of anticipation came about. Pinkie hugged the children around her, Twilights friends all looked up in unison as well as the people of Ponyville and canterlot. G looked straight into the massive object as he crashed into it. G hit it and broke the outer shell relatively easily. This impact caused the Meteor to slow down tremendously. It also made a giant dust cloud appear from where he had hit the meteor. G kept punching his way through until he was near the core f the giant rock. G was aching all over his hand’s were bloody from hitting through the hard rock, his legs were wobbling, and he was sweating from the unbearable heat. Now that he was in the core, and made some room around him to sit. He sat and began to generate all his power into his core. Well it’s all or nothing now. Were Gs final thoughts before he amplified the gravity two hundred times and expanded his core. The core grew into a bubble looking sphere and continued to expand rapidly. It ate through the rock like it was butter. After a few moments the meteor exploded into thousands of fragments. All that could be seen were tiny rocks burning up in the atmosphere, Dust, and the Gravity bubble that caused it. G felt light headed as it all happened so fast. He began to lose consciousness and freefall downwards and an increasingly fast rate. Though He looked like another Rock from the meteor from the people standing on the ground. G fell into the forest and crashed down hard, not that anybody saw. Everybody cheered as their threat was now destroyed, and they could live in peace now. Though Fusion still remained only few people knew he was here. “It-it’s not possible! How could he do that! My back up plan destroyed?” Fusion fell to his knees. “It’s possible” Twilight said confidently. “G used the strength of everyone in ponyville mine, Princess Lunas, Princess Celestias and countless others. Everyone who believed he could do it gave him strength and enough to destroy that meteor.” “Shut up!” Fusion said as he lunged at Twilight only to be punched by Big Mac. “I’ll stall for time” was all he said before running and striking another blow onto Fusion. Fusion threw a punch witch connected to Big Macs stomach. Big Mac endured the blow and then delivered a round house kick which landed at Fusions jaw nearly snapping it off. Apple jack saw her big brother fight and was amazed. When exactly did he learn to fight like this? The girl thought. Twilights friends returned to her and gave a great big group hug. “You guys alright?” Twilight asked “yeah were fine just a little ruffed up is all.” Applejack said taking her attention away from her brother. “Hey guys!” Pinkie Pie said as she closed in on her friends. “My pinkie sense was telling me you needed my help!” As always her Pinkie sense was spot on. Meanwhile Big Mac elbowed Fusion in the stomach, then pooped his fist up to hit his face, then reached across and punched him with his other hand. A three hit combo which made Fusion really angry. So much so that he just blasted Big Mac away as to not have to fight him anymore. This was too much Both Luna and Celestia were here plus the elements of harmony. He couldn’t win, and he knew it. He had to leave he needed to retreat. Fusion was about to run when he was told to stop by Twilight. Her and her friends were in their Iconic position for using the elements. Big Mac was behind them kneeling and holding his side. Celestia and Luna both waited for the girls to use the elements and end this. “It can’t end like this!” Fusion shouted at the old Twilight Sparkle. Twilight didn’t say a word, but rather began to use the elements. Apple jack, Rarity, Flutter shy, Rainbow dash and Pinkie Pie began to float behind Twilight. Twilights eyes illuminated, and then a rainbow formed, and attacked Fusion. However the man was able to stop it. Well not really stop it, but more hold it back. Gasps of disbelief escaped from the heroes as Fusion held back the power of the elements with his own personified hatred. Celestia was most shocked as she had never seen or heard of anything like this. Were the elements weakened or was he truly that powerful. Fusion had a red force field around him generated from his own hatred and insanity. Twilight’s confidence began to waver, and the rainbow beam was pushed further back. That’s when G’s voice echoed in her head. “Twilight remember who you’re fighting for.” In that Moment Twilight thought of everyone. Twilight thought of her friends Princess Celestia and Luna, the CMC, the citizens of ponyville, and canterlot. Then her confidence returned, and pushed back Fusions Barrier. Though it wasn’t enough they needed more power just a bit more. That’s when it appeared from the wood’s a star like object came shooting at Fusion. It broke his force field on Impact, and then the rainbow beam got there as well. Just like that it was over. Fusion was completely obliterated in the combined explosions powers of the rainbow beam and the shooting star. However the question remained where it came from. It just kind of came from nowhere. Celestia took everyone back to Ponyville to get their injuries healed. It had been a very rough day and an even rougher battle. Celestia went around ponyville making sure people were all right before heading over to canterlot. Twilight went to sleep to rest her body, and mind after the stressful day. Apple jack went home, and fixed up big Mac who took a bulk of the beating. Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash became hospital buddies as their wings needed to heal, and Rarity took care of spike for the rest of the day. Luna however wondered off into the forest. She knew what she was looking for, and knew it was in the woods. After about two hours of searching she came across him. G was lying down in a pile of ruble beaten, broken, and scared. She walked over to him knelled down, and put his head in her lap. Luna looked down at him he seemed so peaceful. Poor guy had been through a thousand years of torture, at least she was trapped in the moon in a hibernation state. She closed her eyes to fight back the tears, and then she felt a tap on her forehead. She quickly opened her eyes, and saw G staring back at her. “You didn’t really think that killed me did ya?” G said with a raspy voice. Luna couldn’t help, but smile, and for the first time in a long time she was truly happy. Luna looked down and smiled; G looked up, and smiled. Luna leaned over and G lifted his head their lips met. They kissed and realized that they had a long road ahead of them, and they were ready for the journey. ----------- Authors Notes Well this is the "Final" chapter. I say that becuase I may or may not write an alternate ending to it. Still on the fence if I receive enough input that I should I probably will. Also this is probably the last time I will write a story with them as humans. I just thought it was easier for some of the fighting part's , but it could of easily been done with them as ponies. Any constructive criticism would be nice Please ,and thank you.