//------------------------------// // Chapter Thirteen // Story: Past Shadows // by ChaosDragoon //------------------------------// The train arrived at the Canterlot train station, its wheels screeching before steam blasted from the bottom of the train. The doors of the cars opened before many of the guards rushed out with their injured and wounded, heading to the hospital. Twilight and her friends traverse the crowd of guards looking around for any sign of Flash or Weaponry. Dash and Fluttershy hovered over the crow scanning for them. “That damn idiot!” Flash’s voice roared as he galloped out of the train and towards the conductor who had stepped down from the train and wiped the sweat from his brow. He was suddenly flung onto the side of one of the cars as Flash held his hoof on his throat and said, “You get back in there and take me back to Ponyville, Now!” the conductor was both confused and scared at the sudden outburst. He tried to speak but he felt Flash’s hoof push further onto his throat. Flash felt his body jerk back as Applejack and Rainbow Dash pulled him away from the pony. The conductor coughed as he caught his breath, wheezing with every breath. “Flash, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked as Applejack and Rainbow Dash let go of him. Flash turned back to the conductor. “You need to take me back to Ponyville now!” Flash yelled “Are you crazy? There’s a swarm of changelings attacking the town and are probably heading towards Canterlot as we speak. There’s no way I’m heading back into that madness,” the conductor said. Flash suddenly pushed the conductor to the ground and place a hoof over his face, applying pressure to the conductor’s skull. “You’re going to get back in that train and take me there or I swear to Celestia I’ll crush your skull,” Flash threatened. Applejack and Rainbow Dash once again pulled Flash from the conductor who quickly got up and ran from them. “Get back here and take me back to Ponyville you cowered,” Flash said flailing his back hooves in the air. “Flash, calm down! What happened, where’s Weaponry?” Twilight said. Flash stopped kicking; his body fell to the ground. “Weaponry said even if we got to the train. The changelings would get to us before we were able to depart. He wanted to stay behind and give us some time. I wasn’t about to let him stay alone and wanted to help him, but he knocked me out and had two guards take me to the train. We need to head back to Ponyville! He won’t survive that many changelings on his own,” Flash explained. “How? The conductor ran off and I highly doubt any other conductor would be crazy enough to help us go back there,” Rarity said. “What the hell are we going to do now?” Rainbow Dash groaned as she kicked the dirt under her. “The princes!” Twilight said. Her friends looked at her as she added, “We can get Celestia to authorize an extraction team to go back to Ponyville and get Weaponry.” The seven quickly galloped towards the castle as a golden bubble incased Canterlot. --- Celestia sighed as the glow around her horn dissipated. A guard walked up to her and Saluted before he said, “The ponies of Ponyville have all found residence in all the Inns in Canterlot. We’ve also received word that all the guards in the towns, cities, and villages around Equestria will arrive in Canterlot tomorrow morning.” She nodded before the massive doors swung open before flash, Twilight, and her friends all ran into throne room. “Princess, we need your help,” Twilight said between breathes. Before she could explain, Flash quickly walked to the front and Saluted. “We would like to request that you authorize an extraction team to head to Ponyville and get one of the guards left there back to Canterlot safely,” Flash said. “There are still guards in Ponyville?” Celestia questioned. “No, but a friend stayed behind to make sure the rest of the guards could escape,” Rainbow Dash said as she shook her head “Please princess, he’s a dear friend to us and we can’t just leave him there to die,” Flash said. Pinkie paced back and forth before she stopped and shouted, “He broke a pinkie promise!” Celestia listened to them before she sighed. “I’m sorry, but I can’t authorize that,” Celestia said What!?”Twilight and her friends said in unison. Flash’s mouth hung open at her response before he said, “Why?” “I understand your concern however, as princess of Equestria I must make some tough decisions and to risk all of ponykind for one pony is something I can’t do. I’m truly sorry but I can’t,” Celestia said. All seven where shocked at her response which caused Flash to snap. “What do you mean you’re not going to help him? He’s been loyal to this kingdom, to you and now you’re going to let him die! I wouldn’t fight so hard for a princess if I knew I was that expendable!” Flash yelled. “Flash,” Twilight said before he lashed out at her. “No! Don’t you dare try to defend her! She’s nothing but a dictator who sees her guards as cattle! Once their usefulness is up, she throws them into the meat grinder. I’ve lost a sister already; I’m not losing somepony who feels like a brother to me!” Flash yelled. “Enough!” Celestia bellowed. The whole room shook as the seven started at her. Her face didn’t show anger but sadness and sorrow before she got up from her throne and walked over to Flash. She suddenly placed her wings around him and said, “I’m so sorry, but this decision is hard for me as well. To lose such a loyal guard is heartbreaking, but must be done.” When she walked back from him, he saw tears in her eyes. “I-I’m sorry princess, I just can’t,” Flash said. “I know how you feel. When I banished my sister to the moon I felt so terrible. I would lay awake at night wondering if what I did was right. I even contemplated brining her back from her imprisonment so many times, but I knew I couldn’t. We must respect his wish to stay behind and protect everyone. It’s so hard to lose someone who’s family, but we all must make decisions that we regret,” Celestia said. “But,” Pinkie said before her mane deflated as tears swelled in her eyes as she added, “He broke a Pinkie promise.” Applejack walked over and comforted her friend, “I know. I know sugar cube. He didn’t intend to break it; it must have been a last minute decision.” Applejack stroked Pinkie’s mane as tears slowly formed in Applejack’s eyes. “He probably decided to do that so he wouldn’t have to pay me back for the cider,” Rainbow Dash cucked as she turned away from her friends and wiped away the tears in her eyes. --- A changeling fell to the ground with a black sword imbedded in its skull. Another had its right leg crushed by a morning star. It fell to the ground in pain as one of its bones stuck out from its flesh, blood oozing from the wound. Weaponry breathed heavily as blood covered the right side of his face. His coat was mangled with crimson blood and green changeling blood mixed into it. He limped back as he felt the pain shoot up his front left hoof. He looked up at Canterlot to see the golden bubble around it as a smile formed on his face. “They’ve all made it back safe, I don’t need to worry anymore,” Weaponry said before he turned to the swarm and added, “Get ready to pests! You’re coming with me to.” His speech was broken off by a scream. He froze, please let that be just in my head. He thought. “Somepony please help me!” a voice screamed. Weaponry’s scythe spun around and sliced a changeling in half. As the two half’s fell to the ground he galloped towards the location of the screamed. How could there still be a pony here. They all should’ve gotten on the train to Canterlot. The pain shot up his leg with every step but he fought through the pain and as he ran around a building he saw a bright green mare pined against the side of a wall as the changelings slowly drew closer. One of the changelings leaped for the mare but a black morning star crashed into his skull as fragments of his brains spread on the ground. One of the changelings turned as Weaponry slammed into it. The changeling slid on the ground before it leaped up into the air and dive bombed towards him as three other changelings charged at him. He winced as his horn glowed black as green orbs appeared around it. His eye shot open as it glowed. The green orbs shot towards the changelings around him and fazed into each changeling skull. Within seconds each changelings head piped like a zit, jettisoning green blood all over. Their bodies twitching on the ground before going limp. Weaponry shook his head as his horn and eye stopped glowing. He stumbled before he got his footing and turned to the mare behind him. “Are you alright?” he asked. She just stood there, mouth hanging open before she answered him, “Y-yes I’m fine. Thank you so much for rescuing me.” Weaponry suddenly turned to see the large swarm coming closer to them. He quickly stood in front of the mare and four black orbs shot out of his horn and changed into weapons. “Stay behind me, we’ll get through this and get you to Canterlot,” Weaponry said. Easier said than done. I can feel my magic wavering and if we were to get out of Ponyville and head to Canterlot. It’s a good eight day hick to get there. Weaponry thought before he shook his head, no! I won’t allow anypony to die here. “Thank you,” the mare said with a sly smile on her face. Weaponry was so focused on the swarm coming towards him that he didn’t notice the mare changing. She grew taller, her frame becoming black with insect like wings on her back. Her hooves became hollow and filled with holes. Her yellow mane becoming long and blue with a jagged horn growing from her temple. Atop her head a crown like appendage appeared. Her horn glowed green and before Weaponry knew it: darkness overtook him.