Quest For Uncovering

by Gingerboyman


It is dark in this cave. At least, that’s where I assume I am. There is a crack of light shining into the dark through a roughly circular opening that looks like someone has punched their fist through it. The light shines down onto my face, dazzling my eyes, which contrast with the darkness that engulfs me.

It is cold. I can feel it seeping through the uncomfortable wicker basket I am in. The blankets that I am tightly wrapped in do little to keep out the cold. My eyes focus on the light. I can not hear a thing save for my soft shaky breathing.

After a few moments, suddenly, I hear something, soft and far away, but distinct. I hold my breath and carefully listen, hoping that I am imagining the noise.

Then, I hear it again. The sound is familiar but out of place. I can hear it a little more clearly now, and it sounds like it is coming towards me.

Clip, Clop, Clip, Clop, Clip, Clop,

The sound is still far away, though. Fortunately, there does not seem to be anything scary about it, but then, why does it send shivers down my spine?

Clip, Clop, Clip, Clop, Clip, Clop,

Maybe there is no sound. Maybe it is just part of my imagination?

The sound grows closer and closer. I am scared, but I don't know why. I do not dare breathe in, in case it hears my short, panicky breaths.

Clip, Clop, Clip, Clop,

I am sure that the sound is steadily getting closer.

Clip, Clop, Clip,

I am rooted to the spot. I start to shiver uncontrollably from my tail to the tips of my horns. My eyes start to water. Fear stops me from crying out.

Clip, Clop, Clip, Clop, Clip,
It has only now occurred to me that I am in plain sight of the hole. If something were to look in, then I would see it, but it would also see me.

Hastily, I start to move, but then stop. I strain my ears, but I hear nothing. Maybe whatever it was has left.

Then, I hear something murmuring and muttering. The light suddenly disappears, and when my eyes finally adjust, I see a blue eye blocking the hole.

I stare at the eye. The shock and fear in my face seems to be matched by the same emotions in the eye, but then, the expression in the eye turns to rage.

I start shivering again and am on the verge of tears. There is no point in holding the sobs back anymore. Just as the first tear starts to fall, I see the expression in the eye change to one of pity, and I hear a deep, gruff voice say,

“You’re on your own, kid."

The eye then pulls away to be replaced by a faint, blue glow. A rock of some sort then covers the hole, leaving me in total darkness...