The amazing world of Spike Watterson

by dulz

Just when your done with it

The next day, after School Spike, Gumball and Darwin were playing multi-player on Zelmore(Again)and the two were jetting absolutely p-wned by Spike."Damn it!!How are you so good?"Gumball asked."I was practicing all night dude,"Spike replied.When Spike was about to finish them off he heard the door bell ring and went to go get it and when he opened the door he saw Twilight, she wasn't transformed into a cat, unlike him."Um hi I'm looking for a little dragon called Spike, have you seen him?"she asked.
"Twa-Twilight!?"Spike shouted.When Gumball and Darwin heard that they rushed towards the door.
"Spa-Spike!?Who are these guys?"Twilight questioned.
"Theyr'e my brothers but..well...I can't really explaine since I don't know what happened,"Spike replied.
"Well Spike we've been searching for days and...we need you back,"
"I just got used to this place and now you just come and ruin it!?"
"Its not like that we..."
"FORGET IT!!"Spike slammed the door and ran up the stairs and into the kids room.He saw Twilight walk away through the window and cried.The next day Spike realized there was a way to stay in Elmore and go back to Equestria.He ran out of class and ran through the street and found Twilight just sitting on the walkway, crying.