Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Warning!: Booping Vinetion's nose = DEATH!

Just advertising for a friend. So, check this out XD

I'm very sorry about this! I was on an important trip and only had a few minutes to write this. But hey, at least I get to the point XD

Again, sorry this is so short.

Also, thanks to Alexander, I bought Portal 2 at the PX today. And I must say, great game. Also, I have a main reason for purchasing this game. Mainly, to study it for when it gets into this story. (Consider that a small spoiler.)

Chapter 119

<So, we just boop her on the nose?>
[Yep, that's all we gotta do.]
{That will be easy.}

I smiled as I walked down the hallway that lead to Celestia's and Vinetion's room.

Along the way, I said hi to a few guards (None of them said hi back though) and looked at the paintings on the walls.

After walking a few more minutes, I arrived at the double doors that lead into their room.

[Let's do this!]

I pushed open the doors and walked in, "Ohhhh Vinetion!"

Across the room Vinetion looked up from her desk and smiled, "Hey Lance, what do you need?"

I began to trot over to her, a large smile on my face, "I just want to do something."

She raised an eyebrow, "Like what?"

Once I reached her desk, which was pretty darn big, I leaned over and reached out with my hoof.

She began to say something, but I pushed my hoof forward and tapped it against her snout, "Boop."

I leaned back and... began to walk backwards.

Vinetion's eyes were narrowing and she was visibly shaking.... with anger.

[You know, I'm starting to think Graze trolled us.]
{... He did.}
[Well fuck. What do you think she's going to do to us?]

Vinetion let out a low growl and stood, "Did you just boop me on the nose?!"

I gulped, "Ummm, yes... we friends?"

She glared, "Oh, we're friends..."

I forced a smile, "Okay... good. I guess I'll be...."

She yelled in rage and put her hooves under her desk, "YOU'RE GOING NO WHERE!" She then threw, yes threw, the large desk at me.

I jumped to the side, letting the large oak desk fly past me and out into the hallway.

Vinetion leaned forward, preparing to charge.

<... RUN!>

Following Dawn's advice, I turned ran away like a little filly, with sound effects!

I ran out of the room, screaming like a girl. Why? Because... VINETION WAS GOING MURDER ME!

[HAHAHA! We can't die! Let her do her worst!]
<NO! We can't die, but she can torture us!>

"GET BACK HERE LANCE!" Vinetion screamed as she began to catch up to me.

I pushed myself harder, picking up more and more speed as I sprinted down the long as hell hallway.

Up ahead, two guards were walking my way, either chatting or on duty.

Before I ran past them, I spread my wings, "Sorry about this boys!"

My wings slammed into both of them, knocking them to the ground.

After a few more seconds of running, I heard a thud.

{YES! It worked!}
[No, no it didn't. That thud was her stomping her hoof... fuck.]

Before I could reach the bend in the hallway, a vine shot up and wrapped around my neck. I was then lifted into the air and turned around.

Vinetion came to a stop a few feet from me and glared, "You're going to pay for that."

I smiled sheepishly, "Oh come on Vine. It's only a nose boop."

She snarled, "Only a nose boop? If you only knew how much that bothered me... I will end you!"

I smirked, "Can't die, remember? Looks like you're gonna have to let me go."

She smirked back, "Oh? Can't die huh?"

She stomped her hoof, causing more than a dozen vines to shoot up behind her. Half of them regular vines, and the others... with thorns.

She smiled slyly, "Tell me Lance, have you ever watched hentai?"

I gulped, "Yes."

She chuckled, "Good, then you know about tentacle hentai, correct?"

My eyes widened, "... Oh God! NO!"

She laughed cruelly, "Hey, you shouldn't have booped my nose. But, since you did, you have to pay the ultimate price."

<This... This is gonna hurt...>
[.... Oh fucking monkey balls from space!]
[I don't know.... We're screwed.]

Vinetion stomped her hoof again and the vines shot forward.

Spark's POV

"You beat him down?" Star Chaser asked with a smile.

I nodded, "Yep. I also threw him in the trash, where he belongs."

Star Chaser laughed, "Good job Spark. We'll have to watch over Nova from now on. We don't want another colt like that around her."

I nodded again, "I'll make sure no other colts tou...."


We both jumped at the sudden scream of pain that echoed through the entire palace.

"What was that?" I asked, looking around.

Star Chaser looked around also, "I have no idea."

I cocked my head, "That sounded like... my dad?"


I shuddered, "I don't want to know whats going on."

"Me either." Star Chaser said as he walked towards the door to close it and block out the sound of the screams.


The door closed, cutting off the rest of the sentence.

"What do you think happened?" I asked with a uneasy feeling.

Star Chaser shrugged, "He probably tapped her on the nose. I remember the last guard who accidently did that. Poor stallion didn't even see it coming."

I gulped, "What happened to him?"

"That... I do not really know."

I looked at the door, where I could barely hear the muffled screams, "Where is he now?"

Star Chaser rubbed his chin, "Last I heard, he was in the trauma treatment ward at the hospital."

"Well... That's not good."

Star Chaser chuckled, "You got that right. If that is your dad, then I feel sorry for him." He then walked over to the window, "Wanna go fly around Canterlot?"

I looked at the door then him, "Sure, it's better than staying here."

We then flew out the window, leaving the screams of some unlucky stallion behind.

Sucks to be Lance right now...