A Aliena Orbis

by Gidget_TheGear

Pretty, Pink Princess Summit at Sunset

Tec sat apart from his friends on the rickety train as he wondered why he even decided to come on this trip and watched the scenery pass by. These pass two weeks have been hell... he thought to himself.
Why? It's not like it's been much different then when you first got here? Gidget piped in.
Exactly... After what we did... She's acting as if she doesn't even remember it... Tec thought to her. He set his chin on his hand and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. He felt a hot breath trail down his neck, which caused him to shudder. "Please... don't do that..." He said as his thoughts continued on, unless you plan on finishing what you started. He opened his eyes and looked up only to be met with the object of his current obsessions. He put on his best fake smile and looked up to her. "Hey Pinkie."
"Why are you all the way over here?" She asked, she looked as if some, but not all, of her colors had faded.
"Because, I'm tired and not a morning person. I much prefer staying up late to getting up early." He half lied as he allowed a yawn to come through.
"Oh... ok..." She said as she turned away. Tec swore he could see her colors darken even more and her hair flatten a bit.
Great... Now my bad mood is depressing her... Even if I feel like shit... I don't want to make her feel like shit... Gidget can you take over for a bit? He thought to Gidget.
I thought you'd never ask. Gidget said happily. Tec's hair and body shifted as Gidget took the body over. "Oh, it feels so good to get some fresh air. Well then, time to have some fun." She continued as she stood up, turned around and made her way over to her friends. "Hey girls, it's been a little while hasn't it." She said, giggling a little, happy for her current freedom.
Tec sat in the recesses of his mind thinking of all the possibilities, trying to distract himself from his sadness. Wait, if Discord loves Fluttershy, then why would he betray them to Tirek. If... if.... Oh, this isn't helping I'm still thinking about Pinkie... Maybe I should just go to 'sleep' and wake up when I'm needed... Yeah... I'll just do that... He thought as he allowed his consciousness to fade into a state similar to hibernation.
Fluttershy eeped a bit at Gidget's interruption, Rarity just raised her eyebrow, Rainbow laughed a bit while Twilight and Applejack wore guilty smiles. Pinkie just looked out the window at the passing scenery, slowly becoming duller and duller as each minute passed. "What's... What's up?" Gidget asked a little confused at the sudden silence as she walked in.
"Well darling, if you must know, we were talking about... what Twilight was going to wear, this is her first Princess Summit after all, good impressions must be ma..." Rarity began saying.
"Yeah, even if I wasn't an empath I could hear the lie in that. Come on tell me the truth, please." Gidget interrupted. Rarity just got wide eyed and closed her mouth.
"Sarry sugarcube, it ain't really our place ta say." Applejack said. Gidget looked over to Pinkie and thought. Well then, should I... nope, not my place either.
"Well, if you say so..." Gidget answered thoughtfully, her gaze lingering on Pinkie for a bit longer. She shifted her gaze over to Twilight and said with a growing smile, "Though, if you want to play a little Pretty, princess dress-up, I might be able to help." Twilight's eyes grew wide as she paled and charged up a spell. Gidget licked her thumb and pointer finger and pinched the spell off with an evil grin still growing on her face. Rainbow and Aj laughed and laughed... until they realized that Gidget's gaze had turned to them. "Don't know why you're laughing," she started, looking over to Rarity, who was smiling as well.
"Yes, darlings, you're going to be coming with." Rarity stated with a small chuckle. They tried to shoot off, but, as this was a train, they were easily caught in Rarity's magic as she and Fluttershy trotted off to the back, the two boyish mares floating behind them with defeated looks. Gidget looked back to Twilight and giggled.
"Now that you're not the only one, will you promise not to use your magic to escape or do I have to put a block up?" She asked.
"I... I..." Twilight sighed, "Yes. I promise."
"Pinkie Promise?" Gidget continued.
"Yes, yes. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Twilight answered.
"Ok." Gidget said as she let her horn go. "Now, go on and follow them. I still have something to do first." She said as her gaze trailed back to Pinkie, who was still just staring out the window. Twilight nodded and trailed on behind her other friends. Gidget walked over to Pinkie and went to put her hand on her shoulder.
"Please... don't..." Pinkie said without looking back. Gidget sighed and sat down across from her. Pinkie looked at her with sadness in her eyes. "What?" She asked simply. Gidget took a deep breath and looked Pinkie directly in her eyes.
"Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie to you?" She asked. Pinkie looked utterly confused at what Gidget just said.
"The... truth... I guess..." She said as she tried to understand Gidget's question.
"Ok... before I tell you anything, I have to know. Do you remember what happened just before you passed out a few weeks ago?" Gidget asked.
"I was asleep in a tree right..." Pinkie answered, still extremely confused as to where this was going.
She doesn't remember... Gidget tried thinking to Tec, but found that only silence answered her. Tec... She tried again. "Well then..." She said aloud without paying attention as she realized that Tec had decided to really leave her in complete control by going into a prolonged sleep-state.
"Well, then... What?" Pinkie asked
"Oh, um..." Gidget said as she tried to decide if she should tell Pinkie... Fuck it, she thought. "Pinkie, just before you passed out, Tec Kissed you. Not on the cheek either." She continued. Pinkie just stared at her for a second and mulled over the implications of what Gidget just said. Her eyes grew huge and her colors and mane returned to their natural state.
"You mean he... He actually, really, really likes me?" Pinkie asked.
"Pinkie, though you have to ask him for the actual answer, I think he doesn't just really, really like you." Pinkie deflated a bit at that. "I think he loves you." Gidget continued. Pinkie quickly poofed back up once more at that as she started to grin like a mad pony. "Now, you ready to get all gorgeous so you can talk to Tec and pull him out of his shlump when he wakes up?" She asked. Pinkie gave her a quick affirmative as she grabbed on to Gidget and shot to where the rest of her friends had gone as Gidget struggled to not fall over and keep up.

8 hours and a whole lot of bitching later

"Oh, come on Dash you and the rest of the girls all look absolutely gorgeous." Gidget said with a small giggle.
"Come on, are we done yet..." Rainbow asked grimacing at her appearance. "We've been doing this forever..." She continued.
"Oh, darling, it's only been a few hours." Rarity said with a classy smirk.
"Yeah, a few hours I could have been sleeping..." Rainbow muttered to herself.
"What was that, Dashie... I could have sworn you were just bitching." Gidget said with an evil grin. "And if I remember correctly, any bitching adds more time. Right Twilight?" She continued. Twilight, who had been finished with a little over an hour ago giggled and nodded.
"Yes, that was what had been agreed on after a while." She answered. Aj, who had been done for only about a half hour, laughed at Rainbow's discomfort. Pinkie giggled as she hopped around in her new attire and makeup, which had been finished not to long ago as well.
"Nope! Nu-uh! Totally wasn't what I was doing. Not-At-All." Rainbow answered rapidly.
"That's what I thought." Gidget said as she turned back to Fluttershy and carefully applied some eyeliner and other makeup. "And with that, you are finished Shy. Rares, are you finished with Dash?" She added, hoping that the short while that it took to finish Flutter's makeup had been enough.
"Just about, darling. Why?" Rarity asked as she stopped and turned to face Gidget.
"Because, we've arrived." She answered and pointed towards the Crystal Palace that slowly became larger in the window. Rarity put the finishing touches on Dash and chuckled.
"Don't we just look fabulous." She said to the group.
"Yes Rarity, we look gorgeous." Gidget stated, "Even if some of us," She started again as she panned her vision to Dash and Aj, "Bitched about it." She finished. The train slowed to a stop shortly after. The girls headed towards the door of the train while Gidget held to the back and found herself looking at her new friends. She smiled and took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I would do anything to protect them. She ended up running into someone after walking like that for a short while. "Oh, I'm so..." Her apology caught in her throat as she saw Pinkie staring at her with a smile that seemed a little different than her normal ones. "Sorry, Pinkie. Is there something you'd like?" She continued after a moment.
"You care just as much don't you." Pinkie stated. She had a calm in her voice that Gidget had a hard time attributing to her.
"Um... What? What do you mean?" Gidget asked. Her obvious confusion coating her voice. Pinkie just smiled and kissed her cheek before she turned and made her way to the castle. "Gods damned Pinkie Pie... I don't even think Discord can completely follow that mare." Gidget continued. She caught up with the group, who had already made it to the castle, and saw Cadence walking up to her, the girls already heading to bed.
"Ah, hello... Gidget right." Cadence said. One of Gidget's eyebrows rose in response.
"Yes. That would be correct. I guess I should thank you for my current circumstance." She said as she shrugged her shoulders, "Though, it would have happened anyways." She continued.
"Wait, what do you mean it would have happened anyways." Cadence asked, very confused. "Wait, no, that can wait until morning. I'm sure you're tired as well. Have a good night's rest." She continued. Gidget smirked at her.
"Truthfully, I'll probably be up for another several hours. If you wish to talk, feel free." Gidget said through her grin. Her grin only grew as she made sure that they were alone. "Or maybe, there's something else you would be doing, or rather someone you would rather be doing." Gidget giggled out. Cadence's face barely reacted as she looked Gidget in the eye with a smile of her own.
"Truthfully, yes, yes I would. Good night Gidget. Sweet dreams." She answered.
"Night, Cadence. Have fun, and be careful." Gidget said as she turned, still giggling, and made her way to the guest room she was occupying. Once there she found the room's bathroom, took out a towel, turned the shower on to heat up and began the tedius process of removing her makeup.
Tec sat in the peaceful, lonely, boring silence of his dream state. Probably should have told her before I did this. He thought with a deep breath. Always running from my problems. Always... His thoughts continued as he sighed. Running... I need to talk to her. I can't live like this, not again. Yes... I can't live in fear. I have to take control of my own life. I have to... His thoughts were cut short by a dark, malignant laugh. "What the hell?" He said aloud. He looked around utterly confused. Nothing seemed to be happening so Tec closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Whatever or whoever you are, this is my dream scape. I will ask you this only once. Leave or suffer the consequences." He said in a calm, but loud voice that echoed throughout his mental plane. All that followed his declaration for a while was silence.
Tec chuckled a bit before returning to his previous thoughts. I have... His mental pep talk was cut short once more by a searing pain right behind his eyes, which caused him to open his eyes, scream loudly and fall forward. Seconds later the pain dulled to a throb that thumped in time to his pulse. He soon realized that something was happening in front of him and he couldn't help but watch as blood pooled on the ground in front of him. Then he heard in the same dark, but indistinguishable, voice. "Foolish ponies." Fear gripped Tec as the vision ended and he tried to calm himself
Gidget woke suddenly to being shaken. In her half-asleep stupor she screamed, "STRANGE NOODLES!!"
"What?" Twilight asked very confused.
"Uh... don't... don't worry about it... just a weird dream." Gidget answered as she came too. "So, why are you shaking me awake?" She continued.
"Do not know?" Twilight continued.
"Know what?" Gidget quizzed.
"How did you not get woken up last night with all the..." Twilight started, "Never mind, just get dressed and come with me." She continued, then turned around and stepped out of the room.
"O...k, then..." Gidget said as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She crawled out of the bed and lazily got dressed, putting on a simple purple shirt and a pair of jeans along with socks and shoes. Then she followed Twilight out of the bedroom and to a meeting of minds around a mirror that pulsed with magic. Oh... that's what I slept through... Gidget thought to herself as she remembered about Sunset Shimmer.
Once everyone was situated, Luna spoke, "This, my friends, is no ordinary mirror. It houses powerful magics that open a gateway to another world. A gateway that, sadly, only opens once every thirty moons."
"Ooooo! Sparkly!" Pinkie said excitedly as she put her hand on the magic mirror and the portal bubbled around her hand. Luna grabbed Pinkie's hand with her indigo magic and drug her away.
"So, roughly two and a half years." Gidget said as she did the simple math in her head.
"Yes." Luna answered. "Now, it had been held in the throne room in Canterlot Castle. When Cadance took over the the Crystal Empire, however, we sent it to her for safe-keeping." She continued.
Princess Celestia sighed and spoke while she looked at the mirror, "I had hoped that Sunset Shimmer would one day return seeking my guidance or teaching. Obviously this isn't what happened."
Cadance took this time and spoke to Twilight directly, "Twilight you understand what you must do."
Luna spoke once more. "Yes, your crown does not belong in this world and in Sunset Shimmer's possession harm most definitely will come from your element of harmony. They, unfortunately, will have no defense."
Celestia looked to Twilight and asked, "Do you understand the importance of your task?"
"Of course." Twilight answered.
"Good, go at once and be careful my precious pupil." Celestia said as she hugged Twilight.
Gidget quickly put a hand on Rainbow's shoulder to stop her from moving and said, "Wait, I understand that only a small group can go through, to minimize the possible damage. However, I don't think she should go alone. I'll go with her since I'm already a stranger to this world and Spike would follow anyways if he wasn't allowed."
Everyone simply looked at her for a moment then Spike said, "She's right." Luna, Celestia and Cadance sighed.
"Go." Celestia said to Twilight, Gidget and Spike. Spike and Twilight went through the portal shortly after.
"Sorry girls, but I'll keep Twi safe." Gidget said, then she tried to follow Twilight through the mirror. When she came in contact with it, however, the portal pulsed and drug Gidget in while shooting an unconscious Tec across the room.
The mares in the room all gasped at what had occurred. Pinkie shot to him with tears in her eyes and tried to wake him. He stirred after a short while and rubbed his eyes. "Fuck... my head is throbbing..." He said as he came to. Pinkie crushed him in a heartfelt hug, which he returned after he realized who it was. Once she released him, he asked, "Ok, two things. One, what the hell just happened and two, why the hell am I naked?" He covered himself.
Luna looked from the portal to Tec and answered, "The answer to both may be one and the same. Although I am not sure, I believe Gidget and you may have been separated by the portal."
Tec looked at the mirror and started, "Oh... um... can someone teleport me to my roo..." Then screamed, "WHAT?!" He started to hyperventilate as his emotions and thoughts fell out of control. "Great, now she's floundering around without me in an unknown situation and place!" He continued. Celestia took this time to teleport him and her to his guest room. He got his clothes out and put them on without paying much attention to them, which ended up with his shirt ending up backwards. He sighed and took some deep calming breaths while he switched his shirt around.
Once he had calmed down for the most part, Celestia asked him a question, "So, am I to take it that this situation that Sunset Shimmer caused did not happen in your... show, was it?"
Tec looked her and shook his head, "If it did then I came to Equestria before it aired. I am at the end of my rope with that knowledge. The last thing I saw was Twilight's coronation in my old world." Tec took a few more deep breaths and his vision from his dream scape returned to him. "We can figure out what to do with Gidget and myself when she returns. Celestia could you call Luna here?"
"Of course, but what is wrong my friend?" Celestia asked. Concern laced her voice.
"You'll know soon enough..." He said as he buried his head in his hands. Celestia closed her eyes for a second then, shortly after, Luna appeared next to her sister.
"Tec, what seems to be the matter?" Luna asked.
He sighed and explained to them about his premonition. "I honestly can't tell you more than that and I know that it is only a possibility, however, I have yet to have one that hasn't come true." He said afterwards.
Luna and Celestia looked at Tec for a moment before Luna asked, "You are sure this was a vision and not some kind of dream?"
"Positive." He said softly.
"And you know not when it is supposed to happen?" She continued.
"Unfortunately, no. All I know is that it happens when the Elements of Harmony are powerless. It may happen tomorrow or it may happen in ten years. I just don't know. I'm sorry." He answered.
They continued looking at him before nodding. Luna said to Celestia, "Sister, this is... disheartening. We must be somewhat prepared for this possible threat."
"I agree Lulu, but how. We don't even know what we must protect against." Celestia said to her sister.
"Actually... I, might be able to do something, if you allow me... It would have to be tomorrow though, I have to plan it out and build up the energy necessary." Tec said as he had an idea.
Celestia and Luna were silent for a while before Celestia finally said, "Make your plan and bring it to us, then we shall decide." Luna nodded in agreement.
"Thank you both, for listening to me and for believing me." Tec said as he sat on the bed. The two Princesses nodded then walked out of the room. Tec laid back on the bed, his legs hanging over and sighed as he began to put his plan together. Not to long after they had left there was a knock on the door. "Yes, come in." He said as he peered at the door over himself.
It opened and in walked Pinkie with a nervous smile. "Um... He... hey, Tec." She said in an unusually, for her, voice.
Tec shot up immediately into a sitting position and coughed a bit. "Oh... uh... hi, Pinkie..." He said as he scratched the back of his head.
"So... um... was Gidget telling the truth?" Pinkie asked after she walked in some more and shut the door quietly.
Tec scrunched up his face in confusion and asked, "About what?"
"A... about what you did?" She stammered out.
"What did I do?" He asked only getting more and more confused.
"Wh... when you... k... kk... ki... kissed me..." She managed after a second as a blush covered her face.
Tec blushed as well and he stuttered quietly, "Oh... uh... y... yes. I... I did... s... sorry."
Pinkie's smile grew and she made her way over to Tec. She cupped his chin and pulled his face up so that they were looking eye to eye. "You have nothing to be sorry for." She said before kissing him deeply. When they finally pulled apart both were smiling and breathing a little heavily. "Tec, I love you." Pinkie whispered to him.
"And I love you Pinkie." Tec said as he wrapped his arms around her and held her closely. He stared into her eyes in silence for a moment before he continued, "Pinkie, your eyes are brilliantly gorgeous." Pinkie giggled cutely at his compliment and put her arms around him.
"And I can get lost in your handsomely dark eyes." She countered. His smile deepened.
"Hey, so will you be my marefriend?" Tec asked, knowing it was a little silly.
Pinkie giggled and kissed him again. "Yes, I'll be your marefriend." she answered happily.
After a moment of staring into her eyes, Tec shyly asked, "Um... Pinkie... do you want to cuddle for a bit?"
"That sounds wonderful!" She answered excitedly. Pinkie hopped up quickly and dashed out of the room.
"Um... Ok then." He said a bit confused.
Pinkie bounced quickly down the hallway giggling the whole way. As she went she saw Rarity and Fluttershy talking. She stopped and said, "Hiya."
"Well, you seem to be in quite an excited mood, even for you. What's going on, hmm?" Rarity asked with a smile.
"Well." Pinkie started, but had to stop momentarily to suppress a giggle-fit. "Tec not only asked me out, but told me he loves me!" She finished exuberantly.
Rarity and Fluttershy both smiled widely and hugged her, "Oh, we are so happy for you, Pinkie." Fluttershy said.
"You're both happy for yourselves as well, aren't you." Pinkie stated in a knowing tone, her smile still wide. "You're happy for what this could mean, right?" She asked though she knew the answer already. They both shook there heads yes as Pinkie felt their faces heat up with a blush. "You can tell the girls that I will talk to him about herding, but for now I have a cuddle to get to." Pinkie finished then removed herself from the hug and bounced off to her room.

Several hours later

Tec stretched a bit and looked at the plan he had written down. I hope this works. He thought with a sigh. He set the paper and quill down on the desk and took off his shoes. And I am really glad I asked Rarity to make me an extra pair of shoes now. His thoughts continued. "I hope Gidget, Twi and Spike are ok." He stated aloud as he laid down and stretched across the bed. Knocking sounded at the door and Tec smiled. "Come in." He answered. Pinkie walked in, wearing her pajamas and smiled at him. He smiled back happily and surprised himself with a yawn. "I guess everything took longer than I thought." He said with a chuckle. He decided to be lazy tonight and just sleep in his clothes. "So, are we going to cuddle in our sleep?" He asked.
"Yep." Pinkie said with a gorgeous smile and got into bed with him. Tec turned himself towards her and put his arms around her. She, in turn, snuggled into his chest as they both slowly fell fast asleep.