//------------------------------// // Fixing Things Up // Story: My Little Pony Forever: A Doctor Derpy AND Dinky New Years // by TyprotTeasaMLP //------------------------------// You should first apologize to your wife. The you must go back to the time when you pressed the button and cut it off, instead of pressing it. Finally you must- The rest of the page was smudged. How was he supposed to know what to do? He checked one more time, flipping the pages and squinted his eyes. But it was true that nothing was there. Does the ghost think I can handle this on my own? He thought to himself. A shadow started to peek over his shoulders. It snapped it's fingers and threw the doctor off focus. ''How is the research going? I can see that everything is going perfectly fine. You better start working.'' It said. This ghost was not anymore safe then those Christmas ghost he met. Hooves ditched the shadow and walked back into Tardis. He tripped over something while walking inside. A microphone. He picked it up and hollered across the town. ''The Doctor is back! And not by himself this time!'' He set the microphone back down as everyone cheered out his name,'' Doctor Hooves, Doctor Hooves!'' ''Hit it, Tardis. I think my retirement hours, are now officially over.'' he claimed. Tardis activated itself and traveled back into time when the doctor first pressed the button. ''Remember, don't press the button.'' Tardis reminded him. He tried not to trip and accidentally press the button. Since this was the place with buttons and scissors, he picked up a pair. He pulled the scissor blades apart and cut the button off. The lights shut down and the Tardis disappeared. I cannot do this without Tardis. So he left. Hooves checked outside and the sky was covered in lava red with lightning. Flames were everywhere. On top of houses and even burning up a couple of ponies. Lightning shocked half of the citizens in the city.