Bon Bon The Hero Of Falmra

by Phony15

Lyra: 1

Lyra woke up yawning, and left her room rubbing her eyes, she didnt see Bon Bon around so she guessed she was in the kitchen making breakfast so she walked into there and she was some pancakes burning on the stove, she turned the stove off and looked around confused and worried, why would Bon just leave something burning?... She walked out of the house, she thought maybe Bon forgot about it and went to her candy store so she went there, when she walked in all the lights where out and that worried her more but then she thought maybe she rushed to the store and as she was walking there she was Derpy, Octavia, Roseluck, and Vinyl walking around, she ran up to them.

"Oh hiya Lyra! Your up early!" Derpy said smiling.

"I am? Aww... I could have slept more... Wait thats not important!" Lyras face clearly showed her wordiness, Lyra was never good at hiding her feelings like Bon was.

Octavia seemed to notice the worry in her face "Whats wrong Lyra? You look like you seen a ghost"

Lyra looked around, her mind was in shambles, when Bon left while she was asleep Bon would always leave a note but there was none. "I cant find Bon Bon, she didnt leave anything to tell me and there was some burning pancakes on the stove, have you guys seen her!?"

"Nopey!" Derpy stated happly, oblivious to anything going on around her.

"No i didnt see her" Roseluck said starting to get worried her self, after all Bon was there friend

"Sorry darling i havent seen her..." Octavia said "Do you know Vinyl?" She was hoping Vinyl would know

"No idea though..." Vinyl didnt see this as THAT big of a deal because Bon was probably out somewhere, after all ponies dont just go missing. "I have heard of this stallion running around kidnapping ponies to feed them to his timber wolfs!" Lyra was shocked and scared and it clearly showed

Octavia slapped Vinyl in the back of the head "Dont say that stuff..."

Lyra sighed "If you need me i will be at home. I am just going to wait for her there..."