//------------------------------// // Not What They Seem // Story: Not What They Seem // by MischiefHowl //------------------------------// The sun was high in the blue sky and there was no clouds as of the moment. Rainbow Dash had most likely cleared the sky for today. Most likely in ten seconds flat-- She had thought as she remembered quite a few times that the rainbow pegasus had said. Her ears perk up at the birds that sang a happy tune in the tree's. Welcoming her or just singing. Such a lovely day. Her yellow feathered wings had to stretch out some to get some circulation back within them. Her cottage was within eyesight now and her bag felt much lighter than when it had when she was browsing the shops for some animal feed as well as some carrots for Angel Bunny. The price for carrots, by Celestia's Grace, hadn't raised, which she was happy about since it had raised up One Bit just last week. Fluttershy, you're such a worry wart. She thought. Upon reaching the bridge that would lead her to her door, did the ferret suddenly come rushing and poking at her right hind hoof, making noises that only she understood. "Somepony was in trouble?! Oh my!" Her low voice was now worried. Somepony. On the outskirts of Ponyville? What if it was one of the Crusaders, trying to venture into the Everfree Forest again? The birds had come to and chirped with the ferret. And she placed her bag by her door and her wings left her body and flapped against the air as she ran to gain some speed before her hooves kicked off against the ground and gently she took flight. Jay was leading the way, having chosen to go since he was the fastest (in his mind at least). The blue jay led her and he came to land on a branch some meters within the Everfree Forest. Which he noticed the pegasus was reluctant to be in. He had to point down, showing the location of the pony. She, for a moment was tempted to turn back due to her fear. But with a gulp and some courage she miraculously found within her timid body. She flew in and landed just a few feet from where the blue jay had perched and had pointed his wing at. And, well, she was more tempted, if not wanting to fully fly in fear now! Because there, under a log, hidden from most was something that she never wanted to see. Black carapace like coat, fangs, two bent horns.. ears? This was a Changeling! And it's breathing was raspy, and looked exhausted. Beyond exhausted to her eyes. She could somehow make out the bruises on it's body and some cuts. Her first thought was of her friends. She had to tell them that there was a Changeling here, and also it'd get her away from here. But, the more she looked. The more she felt guilty of having such a thought. But she did fly off. Only to return later with help. Her bear friend was more then happy to lend a paw to her. He had, with Fluttershy's help, got the strange equine-like creature on his back and off they went. My Queen... He thought, trying to get her to acknowledge that he was there. Even after two years. He had called to the Hive Mind, but it always remained the same. No answer and he feared he somehow was exiled from the Hive and his Queen for his failure. He had to recall back a few times, just to keep his memory fresh as to what had happened. They had achieved victory, they all had thought. He had managed to corner a light-brown colored equine with a hourglass cutie mark on his flank. And suddenly he, along with his brothers, sisters and his Queen were hit by a sudden intense light. Thrown to all corners of Equestria. He had hit the ground hard. Breaking branches, smashing through bushes and hitting and skidding along the ground. Finally coming to a stop. And all he saw was black. He had woken to such pain. His wings were unusable, shredded. He didn't know if it was from the blast, the fall or a bit of both. All he knew was his need to contact his Queen as soon as possible. He called out for days for his Queen or any of his hive mates through the Hivemind. And in those few days, the voices that replied back were far off, below whispers. It gave him hope and he had sent word he needed help. Probably something he shouldn't have done now that he thought about it. For what use is a drone that can't fly and was hurt? Nothing but death and another to take his place. A stronger and better drone. He had travelled weakly through the forest, staying within it. Not daring to venture out into the town that was just a mile or less from the forest. Yet, he barely could feed and his injuries didn't heal. He had must've sat down or tried to rest. Feeling the heat that had been nagging at him rise up and he must've lost consciousness. Because he woke up in a house-- Wait-- His eyes shot open in a panic. And pain shot through his body than ever before! He fell back on the floor, hissing in pain. "Well, well, seems somebug is awake" Came a male voice as the creature suddenly appeared as if out of thin air. "Shutterfly, your little friend's awake" And she came into view to see the Changeling. Standing on three of her hooves while the other one held a cup of what looked to be tea within it. Her handiwork had done wonders. She had cleaned the worst of his injuries and bandaged them with some crushed plant that would get rid of infection and though it would sting, it'd heal any wound quicker. She had been careful with the wings of the insect-equine. Treating them as she wound a Breezy's wings, if not more delicately. Only time would tell if he would ever fly again, she had thought. She had brought him into her home. Even Discord was a tad against it, just a tad, but maybe it was out of a hidden worry for Fluttershy. Only he would know. The Changeling hissed at her and it took everything in her body not to drop the cup. The fangs were bad enough. While the teeth were flat like her's, it still bared like an injured and scared beast. "It's okay" She whispers, trying to calm him down with her gentle voice. "Yo-You're safe here" He didn't look convinced but he kept his body down on the floor. "Why am I not hot?" "What?" She asked. The voice she had heard was slightly raspy but indeed male, young, probably a colt. At least she wasn't wrong on the gender. "Oh, um, you had a high fever. I went through a lot of herbs to break it" The Changeling's arctic blue eyes focus more on her now. Why of all things would a pony bother to help him? They fed on love. They were not natural in the pony tribe's eyes. Hated for feeding on love and not hay or food that normal ponies ate. She looked down upon him. To her, yes he was a Changeling, a species that tried to take over Equestria and throw down Princess Celestia. But, she just couldn't turn her back on another creature, no matter what they may have done in the past. Discord would know this all too well... "That's a monster, Fluttershy!" Twilight's voice echoed off the walls of the white castle that the Six spent most of their days. Be it fixing it up a little to suit them or helping bring in some of their stuff from home while they were there. "I have ta agree on Twi with this, sugarcube" The southern pony said next. Rainbow Dash was sitting atop the back of the throne-like chair that was her's. She was just as angered as Twilight was. Fluttershy's eyes lowered. "You said the same about Discord and the Vampire Fruit Bats" She muttered it but all seemed to hear since the five were silent. And even exchanged looks. "How long have you kept it in your cottage, darling?" The stylist asked, deciding to either break the silence or just to have something to say. "He." She corrected under her breath. "He's been there for two weeks. Getting better with each day" "And bidding his time to feed on us all like gummy with punch?" Pinkie jumped up, hooves waving in the air as if to add panic or something as she stood up on her hind hooves. "He hasn't fed at all. He does drink tea though and-" "You left it alone?! It may have fed on you while you were asleep" Twilight didn't like this. Two whole weeks without telling some pony. "Discord is keeping him company. Why do you think everything is out to destroy something? He has opened up to me and he's very alone. There isn't going to be a sudden invasion." She had enough. They didn't understand nor could she prove them wrong until it's real proof. Discord had some good in him, and the bats helped with Applejack's trees. Yet they still believed that the Changeling was a monster. "I would ask you to come and see but I don't wish to have rude houseguests" And with that, she left. Leaving them to ponder on what to do. Why do I even bother? She asked herself in flight. She was greeted by the Changeling who still had some bandages on him but he has shown great signs he was getting healthier. What was he feeding on though? She was sure it had to be something. And just like that his dark horn glowed some and his eyes closed as Discord's lion paw glowed a green color. "What--" "Can't let a house-bug starve now can I?" Well, that was one question down. Discord was doing this without even Fluttershy asking him. His wings fluttered some pleasantly, still bandaged up tight but showing some signs of life in them once again. There was a chance he could fly again, which added to the good feeling in her chest. Twilight and her friends finally came over to see the creature for themselves. Twilight, being a bit fascinated by him. Though they were distant and cautious, they spoke with him. Asked questions, but when the questions got personal, Fluttershy shot them a look which made them stop. They had believed them all to be Love-Eating Insects. But.. yet. They were different. Insect like, but in a way, pony-like to. At least with this one. "What's your name, anyways?" Rainbow asked finally. "Name? What's a Name?" Was an answer none expected. Even Fluttershy looked at her friend with shock. "What is it I said?" "You.. don't have a name?" Twilight wasn't as surprised. Changelings with like all hive-minded insects. They didn't need names. It was either by scent, or movement. Only the Queen had a name. "A name is something you are called like your, erm, queen. Chrysalis." "We don't need names. Do we?" This was hard to explain. "We aren't like you." She started, not meaning to come off as rude, yet it sounded like it. "We know each other by name, our cutie marks or our colors.. So, we should call you something.. If you are intending on staying" Twilight used the word staying loosely. If it did stay, it'd feed on the love of Ponyville. Even with one, it sounded bad. But Fluttershy wanted it to stay and Twilight needed to really accept that the shy Pegasus knew what she was doing. "Name me?" And just like that, names were being passed. All of which were bug-like or something of the latter. "Black Berry" Was finally the name that made the Changeling look at Fluttershy with a tilt of his head. "Blackberry" She said again, cyan eyes looking at him. "Blackberry is good. I like it, my Queen" "QUEEN?!" The six all questioned in unison. "No- nonono I'm not a queen." She quickly said which made her ears droop in guilt as she saw the Changeling's head lower down. "But I want to be your friend.. I-if you promise to only take what you need to stay healthy, you're welcome in Ponyville for as long as you like" "Just a minute" Twilight cut her off unintentionally. "Another condition. If you choose to stay here. And you hear one whisper of Chrysalis or of any other of your kind. You are to report the second you hear it. Do I make myself clear?" She had to show some authority. She didn't fully trust him but Fluttershy had vouched for him and she couldn't deny that the light-gold Pegasus always was right in these things. And with a nod of his black head, they all got a little less distant. Just a little. Blackberry has taken a form in Ponyville. That of a indigo Earth Pony colt. A mane and tail that is a orchid color. Both short. And a blackberry cutie mark. He still has a more of a pre-teen voice. Vocals that cracked here and there but full of a playfulness but also holds some mischief behind it. He is to wear this guise while ponies were around. And feed only when he needed it and, of course to always be careful of it. Long has he given up on trying to reach his Queen. Finding no reason to contact her, but also accepting that they are perhaps no longer on Equestria. Maybe they found a place across the sea. He would probably never know. After all, it wasn't she that helped him when he was surely on the verge of leaving this world. No, it was the Holder of Kindness. Which he doesn't show but will always be grateful for. He is slowly, but surely becoming a good Pony. Always room for improvement, but he was sure he'd get there. Yes, Fluttershy has once again shown that there was good in everything. Just a chance to show that they aren't as they appear is the greatest thing to ever give. Nopony knows where Blackberry's story will lead. Nopony, except himself.