
by midnightsong960



“After all this time, he’s back.”

“Jack time to get up,” I heard Felicia call from downstairs. “I made some Lunch.”

“I will in one second,” I replied. “I just have to fix this drawer… there we go, coming.” I walked down the stairs to see a tall, brown haired woman wearing black pants and a plain green t-shirt standing at the bottom of the stairs, tapping her foot impatiently. One month had passed since I was in a coma and now I was back at my house in the woods with my Sister Felicia.

“What,” I asked.

“You promised that today you would tell me what happened,” Felicia said, crossing her arms.

“I did, and I will,” I said as I walked down the stairs.

“Well you should still hurry before the food gets cold,” Felicia said walking to the dining room table. I caught up with her and sat down next to her. On the table there were two plates with something that looked like roast beef and corn.

“Don’t tell me that you cooked this,” I teased.

“I thought you liked my cooking,” Felicia responded.

“I never said that.”

“You don’t need to say anything, all I have to do is see your plate after you’re done, either way you’re avoiding the topic.”

“I know,” I said as I began to eat. “Where should I start? Oh, I know, I had been driving home after a rather bad day of work, after that I think I got in a wreck, right?”

“Yes,” Felicia said. “You apparently ran a red light and hit a semi-truck which caused you to be in a coma for three months.”

“After that all I remember is…” I tried to remember what had happened through my coma, but the memories were fading.

“Is what,” Felicia asked looking at me.

“That’s just it,” I responded. “I don’t remember, I just remember waking up and you were sitting next to me.”

“Well that’s no fun,” Felicia said. “We always said that if one of us were to have a near death experience that we would tell the other of what happens after death.”

“Believe me, I would tell you, but I just don’t remember anymore.”


“Hey Felicia,” I whispered as I lay on a hospital bed. “Remember that time I was in a coma?”

“Jack,” Felicia responded. “That was years ago.” twelve years had passed since I had gone into that coma; now I was back in the hospital, dying of some new disease that was spreading.

“Well,” I muttered. “I remember what happened.”

“What happened,” Felicia asked.

“I’ll be meeting her again soon; she said that she’d be waiting for me.”

“Who will be waiting for you,” Felicia asked, and that was the last that I had heard of my sister.


“Midnight,” I heard a familiar voice chirp. “It’s time to wake up.”

Questions, comments? Then email me at midnight.song960@gmail.com
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyrighted by Hasbro, Inc.