//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Dreamer // by midnightsong960 //------------------------------// Chapter 5 “I think he’s waking up.” I was in a state of shock and confusion. How could Princess Luna say I don’t belong here, I’ve lived here for all of my life. I looked up at Princess Luna, who was now standing in front of me. “What do you mean ‘I’m not supposed to be here,’” I finally asked. “That dream you keep having,” Princess Luna explained. “Is not actually a dream, it is a memory that was supposed to be completely wiped from your mind.” “What,” I said, raising my voice. “Why?” The Princess’ explanation was causing more questions to come than go. “Everyone who comes to this world had originally come from another world. Once those others leave their old world, they come here.” “None of this is making sense,” I said, worry growing in my voice. Was she really about to say what I think she’s going to say? “… You are not actually Midnight Song,” Princess Luna said. “Instead you are Jack Middleton from the human world. You are currently in a coma in a hospital, dying. You have come here before it was your time to; I have summoned you to return you to your world where you will stay until it is your time.” This was too much to take in at once, every memory I have, my family, my childhood, all of it fake. Did that mean that Power Chord and Mystic Melody were fake as well? Everything up until now has felt so real, all the places we played, the stargazing, Mystic. I felt rage begin to flow through me. “No,” I screamed, the rage taking over. “This can’t be real, you’re lying to me!” I ran out of the throne room, tears flowing from my eyes. I ran past the guards and did my best to get out of the castle as fast as I could. I could hear the guards chasing after me, but I didn’t care, I just wanted to get out of here, I wanted to leave, I wanted to wake up from this nightmare. "Midnight," I heard Mystic cry from behind me. ******** The cool, night breeze blew through the air, making the grass dance to its song. The stars in the sky were all shining bright and the moon was full of splendor. The grass on my back had a welcoming softness, but all of it was fake. Everything and everyone here was fake. The thought was sickening and made me lose all the joy in being here. “Hey,” I heard. “There you are I’ve been looking all over for you.” I lifted my head and turned around to see Mystic running up to me. I felt some relief that it was Mystic and not the guards, but she was still the last person I wanted to see right now. Mystic stopped once she reached where I had been lying down. “Hi Mystic,” I said waving a hoof, looking at the stars. “Don’t ‘hi Mystic’ me right now,” Mystic growled. “Do you know how worried I was? I have been looking everywhere for you. What the heck happened back there?” “… Have you ever wondered what happens after,” I asked. "What do you mean ‘after’” Mystic said, confusion taking over the rage. “I mean,” I said getting up with a slight groan. “Have you ever wondered what happens after you die?” Mystic looked at me with a blank stare. "... Well," Mystic finally said. “Yeah, everypony does, but I don’t see what that has to do with what happened.” “That’s just it Mystic,” I said, starting to pace a bit. “Everypony here has already died; they are all from another world. You are, Power Chord is, and so am I. Princess Luna had told me that the dream I’ve been having this whole time has been a memory that was supposed to be wiped from my mind and that I’m not supposed to be here yet.” “This makes no sense,” Mystic said. “How could we all be dead?” “I don’t know either,” I said shaking my head. “According to Luna, I’m actually in a coma right now and that I need to return there until I die.” “But you can’t leave,” Mystic said. “We need you, I need you.” “That’s why I ran, I don’t want to leave, this place is just too real to me, Luna must be making this all up, and this place can’t be fake.” “Maybe this world is real,” Mystic, said putting a hoof over my shoulder. “And maybe the other world where you belong is a real world too. Look, I don’t want you to leave, but Princess Luna is probably right, you need to go back until your time comes.” Maybe the two worlds are real, but maybe they’re fake; what does it matter though? Can’t I choose where to live? I mean Princess Luna had said that I was dying in the other world, so all I’d have to do is wait long enough before that me died, then I could stay here. Though I don’t know how the world is over there, do I have others there who care for me, wouldn’t they be broken if I were to die? I thought this over for several minutes before turning back to Mystic. “I think that you’re right,” I said. “As much as I want to stay here with you, there might be others back in the other world who care deeply for me.” “Just remember that there are ponies here who care deeply for you too,” Mystic said as she hugged me. “Thanks,” I said as I hugged her back. “Now come on, we have to go back to a certain Princess.” ******* I guess that all good things do end, even after all of the fun times that I had in Canterlot, in the end I don’t belong here, not yet at least. Mystic and I entered into the throne room where a not so happy Princess Luna was waiting. “We were wondering when you would return,” Princess Luna said annoyed. “I’m sorry Princess,” I said, my head hanging low. “I just didn’t want to accept that I wasn’t supposed to be here.” “It is fine,” Princess Luna said in a nicer tone. “You came back, and that’s what matters. Now, are you ready to return to your world?” “… Yes,” I said. “But first, may I say my last goodbye?” “Of course you may, take your time.” “Mystic,” I said turning to look at Mystic, but was abruptly stopped when I felt her hoof on my nose. “No,” She said with a smile. “You’re not about to give a long speech about telling me goodbye. Remember this, you will come back, and I will be waiting for you.” I nodded my head. “Ok,” I said, tears beginning to form. “Now promise me that you will come back.” “… I promise,” I said, giving a small smile. Mystic then hugged me once more. “I’m ready Princess,” I said with fake confidence. Princess Luna nodded her head and came down to me. “Please stand still,” Princess Luna said. “If you move too much this will not work.” Mystic stepped out of the way and I saw Princess Luna’s horn begin to glow a dark blue. I began to feel pressure build around me, my body began to hurt and I was thrown to the ground. “See you soon,” was the last thing I heard Mystic say as I blacked out. ******** “… Just please live,” I began to hear to the left of me. “Wake up, please wake up, Jack.” “W-what,” I mumbled as I began to wake up. I began to see and noticed I was back in a hospital. “Oh my gosh,” I heard again to my left. “Guys, come quickly! He’s finally waking up!” ======================================================= Questions, comments, is your cutie mark telling you to be an editor and you want to fulfill that destiny? Then email me at midnight.song960@gmail.com My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyrighted by Hasbro, Inc. =======================================================