Finding Destiny

by Silverwind

Enough of it - [Intro]

My name is Silverwind... and this, well, this is my story.

I don't know what I'm going to do, I have a poor job and I can barely pay the rent. However the worst part is, I don't even have my cutie-mark. Sad isn't it? I already graduated school. It was the best, and maybe the worst day of my life. Realizing that I graduated knowing that I haven't discovered who I truly am inside was tough, but at least I'm not at the mercy of those bullies anymore. But now... i'm just confused, I don't really think I will ever find my true talent, I'm really getting sick of it. Today is when I will go searching for my destiny, for my answer to life, for the essence of my existence. Today is the day I will be adorned with my long awaited cutie-mark no matter how far I must go to retrieve it.

Scavenging through my closet, I bring out only the best of wears since it will be cold, because I'm not staying in civilization...oh no... i'm going far out into wilderness. Taking my saddlebags, I stuff all the clothes I can carry then head over towards my kitchen. I would have to take enough food to last me a few days. But I'm sure there will be plenty of berries or apples to eat once i'm deep enough in the forest, I hope.

No friends....I guess thats good, since I don't have to say goodbye to anypony, that would probably have proven difficult. Now that I have all the food and clothes i'm going to need, my next stop will be the Ponyville library to pick up a survival guide from Twilight Sparkle.

Heading down to the library, I caught myself looking at all the shops and homes passing by me, I might not ever see them again....but it's the only thing i've ever known since I was a filly. I quickly shake the thought out if my head and trot up the library steps. I open the door and look in. Books all over the floor, of course...

"Hello, Twilight? Spike?" I call out.

"Oh hello sir, what can I get you?" Twilight says as she pokes her head out of the other room, I assume she was reading a book or maybe organizing or something.

"Umm, do you have a survival guide for the outside? You know, like in the wilderness?" I couldn't really put the words on my tongue, I was thinking too much about the future and not the present.

"Of course!... SPIKKEEEEE! Go get the survival guide to the equestrian wilderness!" she calls out.

I don't know how spike handles a crazy mare nagging at him all the time, I would kill myself if I had twilight yelling at me all damn day.

"Umm, why do you need this book again? I'm having trouble understanding why a colt of your nature would need this kind of the way your pretty tall for a pony of your age." Her questioning gaze pierced into my thoughts.

"Actually Im fully grown, I graduated a few years ago... I just havent gotten my cutie-mark yet, thats exactly why Im going out of town to find myself." I gave her a fake smile, but the way she was looking at me proved that my "smile" was not effective enough and she sees right through it.

"Oh, well I hope that you that you find your destiny soon!" she says confidently.

Mere support was not going to help me this time. Finishing her statement, Spike walked into the room with a very large green book embossed with a gold trim in his claws.

"All your questions are answered and more in this guide." Twilight passed the book over to me using her magic. Grabbing it, I gingerly put it in my saddlebags and pay the 20 bits I owe for it. Walking out of the library for the last time, I look back and give it a full once over then start heading away from it.

Time to head out, but I seem like I'm forgetting something. Oh well, I must keep my eyes focused on my journey.

Im not going to miss that hellhole of a town they call ponyville....I can't stand it there anymore, I need to get out of here. Now on the edge of the ever-free forest I glance back, nodding at the far away village.

Who knows what will await me in the mysterious outskirts...