Furret I'm Done!

by Dragon363

Chapter 4

After a bit I start to wake, but I haven't answered Arceus yet. I hope that Arceus doesn't pick an answer for me. I look around since I'm not sure how long I have been asleep, and I see that I'm on a train, alone, headed to what appears a desert. I start to panic since, well, I'm not sure what I'm doing here. I stand and feel my paw on something that feels like paper. I look down to see what I'm standing on and see that it’s a note. It reads:
Dear Jeffery Hunter,
We understand if you're in a panic. Well, calm down. The train you're on is headed to Appleloosa. You are going there to save our settlement from a power-hungry alliance of Griffons and Minotaurs bent on taking all of Equestria, since they think we have gone soft. We (The princesses) need you to be our secret weapon and show them we have fighters that can and will protect our settlements.
Your foes are both radically different. Griffons are flight based killers, but most of them suck at land based-fighting. In the sky, griffons are speedy and you, looking like a prey animal, will be at risk of their claws catching you and them eating you. The Minotaurs are the most merciless killers here (at least of the intelligent beings). They use heavy two-handed weapons and are as slow as heck. If you don't die from the Griffons’ claws and the blades of the Minotaurs, and you kill off or make this invasion force flee, you can come back. You will be thought of as a hero! Also, you get the fighting you need to train for the battle with the dragon.
Thanks for not getting mad at me
Princess Celestia
I growl; Celestia is sending me on a suicide mission! I go back to sleep with my answer to Arceus; I want both.
Once asleep, I see Arceus. "Can I get both the second and third option?" I ask him.
Nodding, Arceus responds "Yes, you can. May I ask what the reason is for you asking for both?"
"Celestia is sending me on a suicide mission. I also don't know if I am strong enough to fight the GDL and do all the other tasks Celestia wants me to do. So, I’ll need the power boost during the fight with the dragon and I want the help fighting. I would also like some Pokémon friends for my stay here. Now, before you ask, I want my other four Pokèmon on my team; Storm, my female Flygon, Ziggy the male linoone,...Wait, you can read my thoughts, so you know who I'm talking about."
Arceus chuckles. "I can. I just wanted to see your emotions when you talk about your team. I can do that. When you wake and get to the location, you will get your friends and team. I think you need a sixth member, but I understand your reasons for just your team. I think I should let you know; you don't have the 4-move limit like your Pokémon did in your game."
"Thanks for the information Arceus." I say. Arceus nods and forces me to wake up.
As I wake I feel the train stop and the speaker say "Everyone off!"
I obey the statement and get the off the train, only to hear screams. "Monsters and Dragons!" I sigh and go through the running crowd; going against the flow of the running, easily scared ponies.
I'm abruptly hug attacked by a blur of green and at once I'm in the grip of a scaly hug and being nuzzled lovingly. I then hear "Hunter, my love, I found you."
I say, "Hey Storm, missed you." What I said isn't a lie, since I kind of missed my team. Storm pulled me away and put me on the ground.
"Arceus told us about you and Hunter being one, so I'll explain what happened before you got here with Hunter." Storm says, smiling.
"Is the rest of the team here?" I ask. I wanted to know if they’re here since Storm alone isn't enough to fight off an invasion force.
Storm nods and says "They will be here soon. I got dropped off by Arceus first."
Before I could say anything, I see the dust of charging Minotaurs and the sight of flying Griffons. I then say "Storm, we need to fight some monsters here. Then we can get to the explaining of the history of you and the team." Storm nods looks behind her and sees the foes.
"I take sky, you take land?" She asks.
I nod. "Keep them off me please; I'm not in the mood to be lunch to any griffons."
We charge at the invaders to keep them out of the settlement. I get up to my first Minotaur and fire a Blizzard attack at point blank range. I smile as the Minotaur, and a few others nearby, are frozen solid. I then use Thunderbolt to try and fry as many as I can and kill the frozen ones with an intense freezing then heating. The ones that I didn't freeze that got hit by the direct bolts started to swing like crazy killing others of their own. After a bit of doing this to Minotaurs, I use Protect to give me time to charge up my Solarbeam and catch my breath. As I charge it up and have protect up, the axes slam into my defenses. I also see Storm getting badly hurt by the Griffons. I fire Solarbeam prematurely and kill only half the amount I could kill with a full power one. I yell with all my might "Take the power of THUNDER!" As I say this a massive Thunder attack is unleashed and causes an explosion on the ground where the lightning hits it. I pant as the dust settles and our foes run away. I see the form of Storm getting covered in the dust and rush over to see if she is ok. Once I get there, I put my paw on her neck to see if there is a pulse. I feel blood and get worried at first, but relax since I feel a strong pulse. I then use all the strength I have to drag Storm onto the train station. I wait for the next train to come around since the battle took some time. I don't know when it happened, but I fell asleep, snuggling Storm’s warm body.
I wake, feeling myself being shaken awake by Storm. I smile when my eyes open and see my whole team of Storm the Flygon, Ziggy the Linoone, Fury the Raticate, and Champ the Staraptor. "Hi guys! Before we talk, let's start back to where I'm needed to return to."
I'm then startled by the crack of a teleportation. I stand up to see Celestia and I say "Celestia. Um… hi. This is my team; the one I had before I became Hunter. Could you give them the ability to speak Pony?”
Celestia nods and casts the spell on my team. “Um Miss Celestia. Can we… is there somewhere me and Hunter can talk in private?” Storm asks.
“Yes,” Celestia replies, “but we are going to Canterlot first since my throne room is private when I want it to.” She then uses magic to teleport us. Once she is done I see Storm fall to the ground in what looks to be major pain.
“What did you do, old fat Sun Butt, that caused Storm to be in such pain?!!” I yell angrily.
“The teleportation it burned like an overcharged Geomancy attack.” I hear Storm say weakly.
“Oh my! Celestia, before you say anything, dragons from the Pokémon world are hurt badly by fairy attacks. Your magic must act like a fairy attack to Storm” I say I realization.
“I’m sorry, Miss Storm, about the pain I have inflicted on you.” Celestia says. “Please let me show you to a room you may stay in for now till you're all better and we’ll have a living arrangement figured out for you and the rest of your team.”
“It-It’s ok and th-th-thanks, Princess.” Storm says, pained.
"But since we are all together, you can tell me why the rest of you are here. I didn't summon you four." Princess Celestia says.
"You summon me and you get the whole team. Princess Celestia, meet Storm the Flygon," I gesture to the downed dragon. "Fury the Raticate," I gesture to the battle-scarred rodent. "Ziggy the Linoone," I then point to the Pokémon that looks like me. "And Champ the Staraptor." I point with my tail to the, now-perching, bird. "They’re here to make sure I don't die from any of the suicide missions you are thinking of sending me on."
"Nice to meet you four, and sorry about what happened at Appleloosa. I had no choice; the guards I have aren't strong enough to take a battle force like what you scared off with the help of Storm." Celestia replies.
I growl and say "Couldn't you have, I don't know, went with Luna to use your godly power and make a threat of taking the sun away or something along that nature?"
"No. Celestia answers. “If I do that, there’s a chance ponies might fear changing things, due to the thought I will take the sun away."
I roll my eyes and say "Celestia, before you ask my friends if they know about the Grand Leviathan Dragon, can we just stay in the castle since it will be easier than sending letters whenever you need us."
"Not a bad idea. I might need a favor of you, Jeffery. Due to the GLD waking up, the dragon nation is running the hell away from their home and some are coming this way. Their culture is built so that they will leave the area they choose as their new home if they are beaten in a fight." Celestia said
I interrupt her. "And you want me and my friends, ok you mostly want Storm; being the dragon here, to fight what could be a grand elder dragon to keep your nation safe. This favor isn't up to me, but rather, it’s up to Storm."
I look to Storm who is asleep and say "I think we should take the cue from her and all head to bed. Could you lead us to where each of us will be staying?"
Celestia nods and says "Follow me" as she leads us down a hall.
Me and Fury get Storm on our backs and follow Celestia. She gets to the first room. "This is where Storm will sleep, due to her size being bigger than a Pony’s. It’s big enough for two beings of her size." I could tell she was insinuating something, but I chose not to comment. Fury, on the other paw, is laughing.
I sigh as me and Fury carry Storm onto the bed and lay her on it. Before I can go, I see Fury use Quick Attack and get out of the room and close the door. I bet he knew damn well that I have no thumbs and can't open the door without help. As I mentally plan my partner's death, I'm snuggled by Storm. This oddly relaxes me; I'm not sure why, though. I then get an idea that really scares me; what if Hunter and Storm were mates. I shudder at the idea of those two getting it on and the troubles they must have doing it. Though the notion those two...us as mates, does make the statement when I was first hug attacked make sense. Deciding not to mentally wear myself, out I go and snuggle Storm and fall asleep.