//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Dreamer // by midnightsong960 //------------------------------// Chapter 2 “He should be fine; he just has to wake up, and who knows how long that will be.” “You’re going to like it here I’m sure.” I heard the same angelic voice I had heard so many times before. I turned to see Celestia sitting next to me on the same golden chariot, destined to my home in Canterlot. “So you must make sure that you try and make some friends okay Jack?” She continued as she always did. “Your name will now be known as Midnight Song. You will be living in Canterlot. You are allowed to do as you please, as long as you don’t cause any trouble.” Queue the chuckle now. “Sadly it seems that you did cause a bit of trouble,” Celestia’s voice began to change to a darker tone. “The other night though, didn’t you, Midnight?” Celestia jumped at me and I narrowly jumped back out of the way to avoid her clutches nearly falling out of the chariot. I looked to see why the beloved princess of the sun decided to turn against me all of a sudden. Granted I was never a huge fan of hers, being the ruler of day and I sleep through that, but even so Celestia was a lover of all ponies, fans or not. When I looked at Celestia, I noticed that her eyes had turned changed to a turquoise color and her pupils were now slit. I watched as the mare’s mane started to crumble and replace itself with a swirling darkness. Her coat began to peel and show a darker coat. I heard her begin to laugh like some crazed pony that needed to be thrown into a padded room. “What’s wrong, my subject?” I heard a dark twisted voice say. “Are you scared of a little nightmare?” I began to move back as much as I could, but it being a chariot we were on there wasn’t much room to move, until I bumped into the guard railing. I tried to jump but to no avail. I began to scream just as the twisted mare pounced on me. ***** I awoke with a start, sitting straight up breathing heavily. It was only a dream, I thought trying to reassure myself, it was only a dream. “Midnight,” I heard, being pulled out of my thoughts, a familiar voice almost yell. “Are you alright?” I looked towards the source of Mystic’s voice and noticed that she was being held back by a pure white mare with a blonde mane and tail and a blue Caduceus as a cutie mark. “Visiting hours are over Miss Melody,” the white pony stammered as she kept trying to push Mystic back outside. It was at this time that I had noticed where I was, I looked around and saw posters with descriptions and pictures of organs and other body parts. I heard the faint beeping of the heart monitor to the side of me. Outside I heard the bustling of ponies. I had somehow ended up in the hospital. I, myself was in a medical bed with my left leg wrapped in bandages and hanging from a rope. My right wing, I noticed, was wrapped up at the hinge. I also started to feel a sharp pain in my back, as though someone had just hit me with a spiked baseball bat. I brought my front hooves to my back thinking that will help stop the pain, but it only made things worse. Suddenly, I felt the same sharp pain in my chest this time. I winced at the pain, giving up on the idea of trying to make it stop. “I don’t care if it’s past visiting hours,” Mystic harshly replied to the white pony, who I was guessing was a nurse. “My friend in there is in pain and I want to see him whether you like it or not!” hearing Mystic like this surprised me, since she’s normally so happily. Was I truly this important to her? “Let her in, Miss Scrubs,” I heard a deep voice say as a brown unicorn colt with a black mane and tail, wearing a doctor’s uniform, walked up behind the girls. “After all, this filly did save his life.” The nurse, dubbed Miss Scrubs, said something under her breath about the schedule as she walked away in frustration. Mystic darted into the room with a huge smile of victory on her face as she embraced me. I winced in pain and Mystic moved back with a look of guilt on her face. "Sorry," Mystic apologized as she took a step back from me. “It’s fine,” I said through a small chuckle, even talking hurt everything. “What happened?” “Well,” Mystic began. “We were in the throne room of the castle…” “I remember that,” I cut Mystic off. “The last thing I remember was falling out the window and then waking up here.” I didn’t want to bring up the nightmare; Mystic already seemed worried enough as it was. “This young filly caught you before you fell to your death,” The colt said. “Then she rushed over here and I started to take care of you. My name is Needle Point by the way.” “How long have I been out?” “For three whole days,” Needle Point said. “You have a broken hoof, wing and some other internal injuries, but nothing that we weren’t able to fix though you won’t be fully healed for another two days.” “Another two nights,” I said annoyed. “But we have to rehearse for the recording later this weekend.” “Oh,” Mystic chirped. “You don’t have to worry about that, Power Chord and I already went to Audio Jack and told her what happened and she seemed to understand so she was able to move us to next weekend.” I looked at mystic in amazement, Audio Jack; the Audio Jack had actually given us another week to get ready because of what happened. "Why would she give us another weekend," I asked, still unable to understand it myself. "Because of your injuries," Mystic replied. "She was going to say no, but she had read the newspaper the other night, so she knew all about what you had done." Great, I thought, now I'm going to have to escape news reporters. "Is there anything else I need to know," I disappointedly asked, I was not able to share in Mystic's joy anymore. I know that by getting a record label, we would soon become famous, but that was as a group and I was able to deal with that because I wasn't the center of attention. Now that I'm in the news, probably as 'the brave pony to stand up to Nightmare Moon,' I'm going to have to deal with constantly being asked to do interviews and such. By now the nightmare, I just had seemed better than having to be in front of other ponies by myself speaking to them. "Yes," Mystic said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "You were only famous for about twenty minutes until the 'Elements of Harmony' as they are calling them defeated Nightmare Moon and returned everything to normal." That's a relief; I was able to sleep through an unwanted fifteen minutes of fame. "I'm sorry to have to interrupt," Needle Point said from another side of the room. "But I have to ask you to leave now Miss Melody, I have to perform some check-ups on Mr. Song." Mystic frowned at the Doctor, nodded, and began to walk out of the room. "See you later Midnight," Mystic said as she exited the room. "Get better soon." "See you," I replied with a small grin. ******** "Well Mr. Song," Needle Point said looking at a clipboard. "It looks like you are ready to leave the hospital, just make sure to try and keep from flying for a bit." I nodded my head, began to get out of bed, and headed out the door. When I got out of the hospital, I saw Mystic and Power Chord standing near the entrance waiting for me. It was a cloudless, cool, night, everything was so calm and there were my friends, Mystic smiling as usual and Power Chord hovering a cup of coffee to keep him awake. "They finally let you out huh," Power Chord said. "Yeah," I responded. "I'm just not allowed to fly for a bit." "You know," Power Chord, joked. "You wouldn't have ended up in there if you flew to begin with." Mystic gave Chord a mean look. "What? It's the truth." "That doesn't make it ok," Mystic said irritated. It always seemed like Chord knew exactly how to annoy Mystic. When I asked him why he would do it, he simply replied with 'because it's funny.' "It's ok, Mystic," I chuckled. "No it's not! I nearly died to keep you alive and Chord is turning it into a joke!" "We are alive though aren't we?" Mystic paused for a moment and then nodded. "So shouldn't we be happy and laugh about what happened?" "Yeah," Mystic said, more sad than angry. "But still, it's too soon to make jokes about it." "Ok, that might be true," I said, trying to comfort Mystic. “But it still doesn’t hurt to laugh at it.” “Now then,” Power Chord said. “If you two lovebirds are done, we have business to… ugh!” Power Chord hit the ground, which also caused him to lose focus of his levitation magic on his coffee, writhing in pain from being hit in his leg by Mystic, whose face was changing from yellow to a bright red. “What did I say about that before,” Mystic yelled. “That you two weren’t in love and that it would never happen,” Power Chord replied in a disinterested monotone voice. “But no matter what you say it’s true, right Midnight?” Chord and Mystic both looking at me, Mystic with a look that, from what it seemed, was that look that said ‘you’d better answer this right’ and Chord just had a sly smile on his mouth. I sheepishly looked at the two ponies in front of me and scratched the back of my head. After being around Mystic all my life, I know when she is the one to side with, but when it came to this question, I never knew what to say. Sure, I liked Mystic, as a friend, but as anything else, I never really thought that much about it. I decided to shrug. Mystic looked away and Chord dropped his smile. “You’re no fun,” Power Chord said disappointedly. “Anyway, we need to go practice a bit before it gets too late for me and Cloud Catcher doesn't get angry for being out too late." I nodded and started to follow Chord, while Mystic just turned her head away from Chord, but followed anyway. ******* We always practice out at my house, right outside of Canterlot, I couldn't even dream to be able to afford. We never went to Chord's house because his wife wanted to be asleep at this time, and Mystic doesn't want to get in trouble with her neighbors. I knew that Chord was able to afford it because of his day job and through the help of his wife, Cloud Catcher, who worked in the weather factory, and Mystic was able to afford it because her parents left a large sum of bits for her when they passed away. It wasn't anything tragic really, they just died of old age and Mystic never really knew them because they were always working. 'They never spent time with me, so to make up for it they saved up a lot of bits for me,' is how she always put it. The house only had four rooms: a kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom. I never really decorated my house much, because I never had the money, though Mystic always tried to give me the money to decorate I always declined though. The living room is where we had our stuff set up for rehearsal and, to be honest it was a little crowded with all of the band equipment in a room that just barely fit all of it, but it worked. "Ok just one more time and then I have to leave," Chord groggily said. He had run out of coffee about two hours ago and was starting to fall asleep without the help of his disgusting caffeinated drink. This was nothing new for Power Chord. Many nights Chord decided to just fall asleep on my couch from being so worn out. "No I think you should leave now so then you won't have to spend the night again," I said. "No, no, I'm fine," Chord, said trying to hide a yawn. Mystic and I gave Chord a look of disbelief. "... Fine, I'll go home." Power Chord sorely said and picked up his guitar and left. "You would think that by now he would have learned by now when he's about to pass out," Mystic giggled. "He probably does know," I said. "But he's just too stubborn to admit it." "That doesn't make it ok though." "It's his life though, but anyways, what should we do now?" ==================================================================== Questions, comments, is your cutie mark telling you to be an editor and you want to fulfill that destiny? Then email me at midnight.song960@gmail.com Copyrights don’t belong to me it, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, belongs to Hasbro. ====================================================================