Bon Bon The Hero Of Falmra

by Phony15

A new world?...

Bon Bon woke up with a large smile on her face. She had a feeling it was going to be a great day, she ran out of her room and rushed to the kitchen smiling she got to work cooking breakfast for her and Lyra but as she was cooking she felt weird, her body started to glow white and soon she fell on the ground unable to move or even scream, she could only lay there hoping Lyra would find her and help but what she didnt know was Lyra was asleep, she was able to see her hoof and she noticed it was fading and her vision was turning black... She thought she was dieing... Well there goes her perfect day... Soon she was passed out...

She slowly awoken her head throbbing in pain, her hands felt like they where on dirt. Wait hands? Yup... Shes a human... Anyway as she got up she was on her hands and knees but it didnt feel right, she looked around her body and she wasnt a pony! She was one of those humans Lyra talked about, ya it did take her that long to notice... Moving on! She tried to stand on her feet like Lyra said they walked but then she fell face first, still on the ground she decided to just look around, She seemed to be in a forest with houses made inside the trees, it was a odd place and it seemed to be night which was odd because it was morning when she passed out and she was in her home, she tried to get up again but she fell again and soon many crackly dry female laughs was heard from the shadows, Bon Bon was worried but she made her face as brave as possible and she yelled "Show your selves!" her voice cracked with fear as she yelled but it may of worked after all about 5 women dressed in black cloaks, they all seemed very old and ugly. They almost seemed like witches from foal tales, but Bon Bon told her self that could not be possible.

"So you are the hero called upon?" the oldest one said

"Odd looking hero. I wonder where she came from..." one in a blueish black robe mumbled to her self

"What is your name young hero?" The oldest one questioned

Bon Bon was scared and confused, hero? Called upon? What where these freaks talking about she thought to her self, her mind was spinning with question but she put on her brave face again and replied "I am Bon Bon of Equestria... But i think you mares should be explaining more your self! Where am i and why are you calling me a hero?"

The ladies laughed for a bit, one in a more red cloak said "Mare? Equestria? Haha! The hero is from the pony world!"

The eldest one raised a hand and they stopped, it seems she was the leader. She spoke once again "Well you are in Falmra, this world has... Weird things about it, you see darkness attacked the overland every few generations and so the gods speak to us 5 to do a spell to bring in a picked hero. And that would be you, we are witchs meant to give you armor, weapons, and a few magical gear to help you out. Once you defeat the darkness you can ether be sent home or stay here..."

Bon Bon was not scared any more, not confused, just VERY angry and she didnt care to hide it "What!? Ok! So your weird gods pulled a candy maker to save your world!? I dont know how to fight! You are all insane! I will be killed faster then i can say 'screw you'!"

The women looked at each other shocked at her outburst, the one in the more red cloak spoke up "Maybe we should send Bon Bon back. She doesn't seem right for this..."

The Oldest one spoke up again "No! We can not make Aurza angry, she might damage this world and make it even harder to push off the darkness" The much more red one seemed to quite down again.

"I dont care about this world! I want to go back to my world! I want to be with Lyra not off getting my self killed here!" Bon Bon roared out her feelings at them again

The eldest witch spoke again for the rest of them "I am sorry you are angry but you should be proud that Godess Aurza chosen you to be the Hero. And just to test you we will give you your armor, weapon, and magical gear and send you off on a simple mission for you to do."

Bon Bon sighed "Fine..." her words where spoken in a very grump tone, she got up and after about 5 tries she learned how to walk. "So whats this silly mission? Take a letter somewhere?"

The eldest witched laughed "No, no... You are going to go kill a Dire Wolf" and Bon Bon was confused again, a dire wolf didn't sound like something she knew, the only wolves she knew where timber wolves and normal wolves.

"Whats a dire wolf?" Bon Bon asked confused.

The eldest sighed "Its a large wolf, almost as big as a human and just as deadly and smart. There fur is as black as night and there eyes are bright red breaking threw any shadows... Good luck!" and confusion was killed bringing in fear.

"I cant kill a dire wolf! I am still only a candy maker!" Bon Bon was very worried. But the eldest didn't stop persisting,

"Yes Bon Bon you can, the godess picked you for a reason. Just give it a chance... If you die then... Your dead, If you don't die then... Your a hero! So... Ya there's that."

Bon Bon sighed, if she didn't even try to become the hero then there would be no hope of returning home, if she did should would probable die. But to Bon Bon life isn't worth living with out Lyra, so she took a deep breath "Give me my gear. i got a dire wolf to kill..."

The eldest lead Bon Bon to tent with a set of armor made of steel plates that seemed heavy to her and a few sword and tons of weird glowing magical objects. "Here. This armor was made by Godess Aurza to fit you" The armor seemed like a normal set of steel plate though she did find it odd it looked her size, so she took it and put it on. It was alot lighter then she thought it would be. "This sword was passed down from the heros. Use it with skill..." Bon took the sword, it seemed normal though when she took it the sword turned blue and pink, it was glowing with power but not in a magic way, more in a spirit way as if it had the souls of past heros bound in it, it felt good in her hands and when she swung it it felt like she was swinging it with hidden skill. "I are only allowed 2 magical items, choice wisely" Bon looked at all the items. Many rings, many necklaces, and many other glowing accessorizes. But 2 seemed to show out more then others, a bone ring that has diamond incrusted in the bone, a necklace with 6 circle bones on the string with one tooth that looks as if it was from a dragon. Bon looked at the elder

"So what is that bone ring and necklace do?" The elder laughed a bit

"Aaah those... They havent been used in years... The ring lets you turn into elements such as wind, darkness, water and such. The necklace allowed you to summon things, each bone has a meaning, each one will summon one if you say 'Kalmatha' but you can only have one summon out. If you use the tooth you summon a dragon but it uses a lot of your power. If you use ALL of them you turn into a dragon, its very useful" Bon thought about the two magical objects for a bit

"Sure i will take them" Bon was quite happy with the find and put them on, she felt like she could fought the dire wolf easily so she walked with the elder back to all the other witches "So where is this dire wolf?" Bon was almost... Happy to fight the wolf.

"He is in the Holy Forest, he wants to destroy the forest to make him self stronger, i told you they where smart..."

And so... The fight draws near...