//------------------------------// // 106 // Story: My Little Fortress: Dawnpick // by Paaaad //------------------------------// Dear Diary This is my first diary and I am writing it because Mrs Falcata says it’s important to make sure that you write down what happens because otherwise you don’t remember what happens and then everypony gets confused because one pony thinks it’s Monday and the other pony thinks it’s Thursday and then everypony gets into an argument and then has to compromise and say it is Saturday which is silly because then the dates get all confused and then nopony remembers what month it is and the calendars are all wrong and then everypony has to throw them out and then ponies get mad because calendars cost money and not everypony can afford two calendars in one year and it’s a luxury that we at Dawnpick (that’s where I live and mister Glaive says it’s in the Plane of Forever and that it’s too far away from most places for ponies to go to and that means that we don’t have to worry about having to share with other ponies so there is always enough to go around with the ponies here and that means that everypony can afford even five calendars in one year but I don’t know how much a calendar cost so I didn’t ask anymore so I decided to fly around in circles until I felt dizzy (that’s how I got my name Dizzy because I like flying around until I’m dizzy and almost-dad calls me Friesdizzy which is silly because my name is Friesden or Dizzy and it can’t be both because then it would be Friesdendizzy or Dizzyfriesden and they sound silly (even sillier than the other foals except for Granite he’s a serious foal and he drinks and he works and he steals and now he plays the lute and everypony says he stole the lute (except the adults and everypony knows adults are silly and say things that aren’t true like Celestia and Luna and silly things like that and everypony knows that it’s Lord Kashez and Lady Kat who are the gods and they’re the nicest gods ever and mister Glaive says they’re the best gods too and so does Mrs Falcata) but he says he didn’t that mister Flux gave it to him and mister Flux and mister Jaxler are teaching him how to make music and be a good pony and not steal anymore which is good because Mrs Virtue says stealing is wrong and so does mister Glaive and Mrs Falcata and all the other adults and they said Jaxler was a bad pony because he stole but he’s a nice pony and he doesn’t like me touching his crossbow so I don’t touch it but I think he’s a really nice pony almost as nice as mister Glaive and Mrs Falcata but he doesn’t tell stories like they do so he’s not as nice but he likes bunnies too and that makes him nice and he’s a nice pony and nice ponies aren’t bad ponies so he’s not a bad pony) and silly names aren’t as good as bunnies because bunnies are cute and fuzzy and they hop around saying meow all the time (but they don’t say meow but I don’t know what bunnies say because scary lady and almost-dad don’t want me to have a bunny until I do all my jobs and I don’t remember all my jobs and he says that I’m a nice pony and a nice little Friesdizzy but I’m not ready for a pet bunny yet so I don’t have one and I can’t wait till I can get one because they’re the nicest!) and being cute and happy together and I’m a bunny too and I hop around all day saying “Meow!” to the other ponies and that’s bunny speak for “Hello!” and I make sure to tell the other ponies what it means in bunny speak because otherwise that would be mean and bunnies aren’t mean and then I wouldn’t be a bunny and then I don’t know what I’d be because I’m a bunny and I don’t know what else but I’m sure mister Glaive and Mrs Falcata would be nice and help me find out what I was because they’re nice ponies and they tell me all these nice stories and they all have happy endings because the ponies in them are nice and good and they don’t be mean or bad like the bad ponies and mister Glaive calls them diomedians and so does Mrs Falcata and mister Glaive says he had to keep the nice ponies safe from the other bad ponies that’s why he has his scars which he says make him look ugly but he’s a nice pony so he doesn’t look ugly he looks like the nice ponies in mister Glaive’s stories and the stallions and the colts are always handsome and the mares and fillies are always beautiful and Mrs Falcata says I’m one of the most beautiful fillies she’s ever laid eyes on so I must be a nice pony so mister Glaive is handsome too because he’s a nice pony so he isn’t ugly) have but not everypony has them so they have to have diaries instead because otherwise they get confused and that’s bad because then they have arguments and fights and I don’t like the arguments because Dad and Mum never argued because they were nice to each other and can’t everypony be nice to each other because then there’d be no bad ponies and everypony would be happy and Mrs Falcata said that some ponies don’t know how to be nice to each other or don’t want to and I don’t know why anypony wouldn’t want to be nice and I said I didn’t know why they wouldn’t want to be nice and she said that some ponies don’t know how to be nice to themselves or each other and I asked them why we couldn’t teach them how and she said that they don’t want to learn how and I understood because I didn’t want to learn how to fly because I liked Dad carrying me around everywhere but then I learned to fly and then I found this great new game that I told you about which is flying around in circles till I felt dizzy and it’s so fun and you should try it but you don’t have wings and Mrs Falcata said that diaries aren’t good to play games with so maybe you shouldn’t because then you might get hurt and Mrs Falcata says you get hurt easily so we shouldn’t play games together but it doesn’t matter because I can just tell you what happens so you don’t have to get hurt playing the games but you learn how fun they are without getting hurt.