//------------------------------// // chapter 3 part two // Story: Furret I'm Done! // by Dragon363 //------------------------------// I feel Luna petting me, but I can't help feel all the hate I have for being handled this way. I close my eyes in calm peace. For what feels like an hour, (it’s really only 2 minutes) I hear the “daawing” of at least three feminine ponies. I then hear Luna say, thank goodness not in the royal canterlot voice, "We are taking this cute animal as our pet; unless anypony has any objections to this?" Once I hear this, my eyes snap back open so fast I fear I might cause whiplash. I yell and use, unknowingly, Hyper Voice, "NO I WILL NOT BE YOUR PET PRINCESS LUNA! I AM NOT ANYONES PET! NOW PUT ME DOWN ON MY PAWS!" Luna, in shock, drops me on the ground and everypony else is trying to gain their hearing back from the sonic assault on their ear drums. I dust myself off and say, smirking like a troll, "Thank you Lulu. Though I have to say; if I had to be anyone’s pet, I'd rather be yours than Sun Butt's. If you sit on me I won’t be crushed, but if Tia does; I might not survive the weight on me." I start giggling after saying this. “I thank you for the complement young, although talkative, ferret. But how do you know me and my sister’s nicknames for each other?" Luna says. "I'm not a ferret. I'm a Pokémon called Furret." I respond. "We don't know what a Pokémon is, but I must ask; what is your name?" "A Pokémon is a species of sentient beings that have powers that can baffle science. My name is Jeffery Hunter. I got pulled here by Celestia. Ok, not me personally, but Hunter, who is the body I started to inhabit when I got dragged here. Hunter and me were both dying when old Sun Butt found Hunter and inadvertently found me. You know what; can you explain this Celestia?" Celestia nods and says, "I can and will. Though you never told us why you know what we call each other." I mentally scowl; I had hoped this would make her not ask, but seeing no other alternative, I begin to explain "Ok. In the world I'm from, Pokémon, and maybe Time Turner if this is a universe where the Doctor is here, or if he is just a really good clockmaker. But back to what I was saying; the Pokémon universe in my world is fake. I have no idea how I linked my soul to Hunters. I think it might have been during a time when it was mandatory for me to take ADHD meds. I also had a bunch of other pain killing and medicinal drugs to help me with pneumonia and headaches. Oh, and sleep pills. I was in a huge haze, so I might have done something to make the link happen." Everyone is shocked, except Luna. She just says, "I am not that shocked; I have observed other worlds while on the moon." After Luna finishes, Celestia explains my appearance here and everything I’ve told her. I wait patiently as they all talk. I yawn, very bored, and wonder. Since I'm a Pokémon, Arceus, if he can hear my thoughts, can answer me and give me advice. I never wanted to be a hero. Ok, it would have been nice to be a Pokémon trainer with Hunter as my partner. I then lie down and curl into a ball and fall asleep. I open my eyes, noticing that I'm in a white void. I look around to see where the hell I am, and when I look behind me I see Arceus. I wonder if he is a dream-made Arceus, or if he is the real one. I decide to ask. "Um, are you the real Arceus or a dream-made one?" "Well… to be honest, my Jeffery, yes; I am the real one. I felt your distress, even from a different universe. Even though you were human Jeffery, you are now in the body of one of my children; thus making you one of my children. What is bringing you distress, Jeffery Hunter?" Arceus says. "Well I, or at least Hunter, have been brought to Equestria to fight a mighty dragon called “Grand Leviathan Dragon” But we, and by “we” I mean me and Hunter, are now one are just a simple Furret. What am I to do about this?" Arceus looked as if he was thinking about my predicament, or what he is having for lunch, I’m not sure. So I wait for his response, or at least some advice. "Well, I think I can help you in many ways. One is that I take you from Equestria to my world and make you human again and Hunter alive, or at least in full control of his body; since you are the more dominant soul than his. The second is that I give you a major boost when you have to fight the dragon. The third is I give you help during the fight with Grand Dragon Leviathan." Arceus finally says. "Well option one is out since I can’t do that to these ponies." I say. I then start to think over which option is better for me.