The Diaries of Doctor Cipher

by Doctor Cipher

Her Victim

6 months later

I can't stand another second in this damned place. Inkis proved to be acutely infuriating to live with. This rotting shack is falling to pieces around us - but what d'you expect from a farmers wage?
Inkis is finally ready. Test subject 896 will be coming into the surgery tomorrow. I just hope Inkis is as idiotic as she looks.

Inkis sat in the surgery of their shared cabin; she was expecting a patient later on today. This was it; everything that Doctor Cipher had taught her was all going to pay off. All the paperwork and revision, all leading up to this. The Doctor trotted in, a large grin spread across her grim face. she stopped and stood in front of the young mare, her smile growing still. "The test subject is ready." She said, her eyes gleaming. Some thing was wrong - and Inkis knew it. What was it she had said? Test subject?

"Just relax..." Said the trainee Doctor. Her patient lay across a hard wooden bench, hooves strapped down and eyes covered with a blindfold. Inkis had questioned these precautions, to which Doctor Cipher replied only with a not-quite-right smile; she was good at those. Cipher sat in the corner, her body shrouded in shadows. Inkis shakily picked up a syringe filled with a cloudy murky green liquid. She glanced at Cipher for reassurance, but none came. She slowly injected it into the subject's bloodstream. 'Delayed reaction...' Doctor Cipher thought. Inkis looked up. 'That's not right.' She thought to herself. "Why is the subject's pulse getting faster?" Inkis turned to ask the grim Doctor in the corner. Again came no answer; only the same crooked smile. Inkis' vision began to blur. She suddenly became very tired, very quickly.

Inkis woke with a scream. She was lying in her straw bed, the covers wet with sweat.