//------------------------------// // Lady and the Soarin-1 // Story: Lady and the Soarin // by PegaDash //------------------------------// The warm morning sun started to rise over the beautiful city of Cloudsdale, lightning everything up and making everypony who was up content. But a young mare Fluttershy was still fast asleep in her comfortable bed. But a couple seconds later, her alarm went off with a loud buzzing sound. Flutters opened her tired eyes and slowly sat up, eventually hitting the snooze button. Fluttershy yawned and put a hoof to her mouth. She quietly went into the bathroom and brushed her messy, knotted mane, then put her fuzzy bathrobe on. Celestia, I hate getting up at this hour. But I have to go look at houses in Ponyville i an couple of hours. Fluttershy thought, rolling her eyes. But she knew that if she moved to Ponyville, Flutters would be closer to the animals she loved. But she knew that she'd miss her parents greatly, and that also made her sad. But her best friend Rainbow Dash had also moved to Ponyvile, so at least Flutters would have Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy trotted down the soft cloud stairs down to her living room where her beautiful mother was sitting. Thank heavens Father isn't here! Fluttershy's thoughts trailed off to her abusive father. Fluttershy would often get hit by her dad for speaking out of turn, or even when he was mad and it had nothing to do with the filly, he'd still take it out on Fluttershy. Her mother who seemed to love her more then her father did would simply just go along with what her father did to Fluttershy. She thought her mother didn't say anything was because she was scared of him herself, but either way, her mother was much kinder then her father. "Good morning, Fluttershy," Fluttershy's mom smiled sweetly at her as she stroked her wavy purple mane. "Dear, I am just so sad to see you leave Cloudsdale. But to show that I really do care about you, I've saved some money, and bought you this," She pulled out a small box with a silky brown bow. Fluttershy gently unwrapped the bow with her teeth and used her snout to push the lid off the box. Inside, was a beautiful necklace with a shiny golden chain and a blue gem in the centre. "Wow, Mother how could you ever afford this amazing necklace?" Fluttershy asked, starry-eyed at the fact her mom bought this necklace. They weren't the richest family. and with only her father working part time, the family of pegasi would often struggle with money. Fluttershy's mother got up and put the golden chain around Fluttershy's neck and held up a spotless mini mirror that was sitting in the kitchen table. The yellow pegasus looked at the blue gem for a couple of seconds, and then her mother gave Fluttershy tea and a doughnut for breakfast. "So do you like the jewel?" Fluttershy's mom asked. Fluttershy nodded happily. "I love it," The element of kindness gave her mom a toothy smile. Her mother giggled a bit, and then they went back to breakfast. "You know, you'd better be showing Rainbow Dash before you leave," The mother of Fluttershy suggested. Rainbow Dash had been visiting some of her old friends in Cloudsdale for a couple of days now, and would be happy to see the yellow peagsi's new gem. "Great idea!" Fluttershy gasped happily. Then, without another thought or finishing her cup of tea, the element of kindness quickly flew out the door and into the floating city of Cloudsdale. Now, where would Dash be on a day like today? Fluttershy thought, eager to see her friend who had stood up for her in flight camp. The sun was starting to rise more and more. And because Cloudsdale was an early morning city, lots of pegasi were starting to wake up and take care of weather jobs. The sun was shining, the air was warm, and Cloudsdale was bustling with tons of happy pegasi. Okay, gotta find Rainbow Dash the young mare thought to herself. As tempted as she was to go set a drink at the cafe, Fluttershy knew that she had limited time here in Cloudsdale and had to stay focused. Maybe she'll be at cafe! A lightbulb went off in Fluttershy's head. "Rainbow Dash!" The yellow pegasus called when she made into the cafe. She peeked around, and when she didn't see her friend, Fluttershy left. When she walked outside, she saw Rainbow dash up on a fluffy white cloud drinking an apple cider probably from Ponyville; Cloudsdale didn't normally sell ciders. Dash was slouched over with a lazy look in her eyes while she sipped her cider. "Hey! Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy called to her friend. Rainbow glanced down at Fluttershy with a bored look on her face for a second, then a smile appeared. "Hey, Fluttershy, what's up?" Rainbow flew off the cloud and came to greet the young yellow mare. "Notice anything, different?" Fluttershy referred to her new beautiful necklace. "Uh, I'm not great at guessing games. Let's see, did you get your hooves polished?" Dash asked uncertainly. Fluttershy shook her head with an excited look on her face. "Uh, did you get your mane done at the salon?" Dash guessed again. "Nope. Guess again," The element of kindness giggled. "Well, I wouldn't exactly know..." Dash shifted her eyes back and forth as if somepony was going to help her. Fluttershy shook her neck back and forth, drawing attention to her necklace. "Wow! A new necklace! Its awful pretty. y'know, when you go to Ponyville you should really show my friend Rarity!" "I sure will. Now I've got to go, or I'll be late for my appointment," Fluttershy smiled. She waved goodbye to Rainbow Dash and then spread her wings to she could fly down to Ponyville. But just when Fluttershy had gotten up in the air, her father appeared out of what seemed like nowhere and put a muzzle for a dog around her mouth as he took her home. Her father was mad at her. "Fluttershy! You little hair brain! You didn't make your bed!" The yellow pagasi's father screamed at her once they were home. Fluttershy's dad threw her across her bedroom because he was really strong. Oh, I just can't take him abusing me anymore! Fluttershy thought, slightly angered. Even though making her bed was something minor and stupid, Fluttershy's father was insane and had anger issues. He came running towards her, about to throw a punch at her. Oh, I have to leave TODAY! The young mare's plan was actually to leave Cloudsdale in few days to live in Ponyville, but she couldn't take her dad anymore. So she quickly swooped up a saddle bag she already had packed, and before Fluttershy's dad could reach her, she flew as fast as she could out her bedroom, and in through the kitchen, then right out the front door. When Flutters finally arrived at Ponyville, she was relieved but still worried that her father had followed her. She kept running, but by the time she knew that her father wasn't there, a trio of dangerous looking ponies had chased her into the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy kept running until she couldn't anymore. She just stopped and laid on the ground, waiting for these strange ponies to attack her. But right when the three stallions were about to tackle her, a blue stallion flew out into the forest and started to fight these attackers. This blue pegasus pushed, punched, and hit them all until the three of them ran away crying. And Flutters couldn't do anything except sit there and wait nervously. "Hey kid, what ya doin' on these parts of Equestria?" He panted. "Well?" he asked again after Fluttershy didn't reply. Fluttershy told him the whole thing on how her dad put her in a muzzle and had anger issues. The pegasus nodded understandingly. "My name's Soarin. I'm gonna be a Wonderbolt! and you are?" Soarin asked. "F-F-Fluttershy," Fluttershy whispered after a few seconds. Fluttershy looked around her. Almost all the scary, tall trees blocked out the light from Celestia's sun, making the forest look cold and unforgiving. "Now can we please get out of here? This forest is kinda creepy," "Of course. But unfortunately I don't know how muzzles work, so we're gonna have to get this thing off somehow. Oh I have the perfect idea!" Soarin said with a weird smirk. "Alright, follow me," he smiled, this time sweetly. "So where are you from, anyway?" Fluttershy asked Soarin. "Well, you see, my parents were a lot like your dad. they'd abuse me and I'm not even sure why. So I ran away and came here to Ponyville just so my parents would never find me. How about you?" "Well, my mom was really kind. She bought me this wonderful necklace and after my father would leave to work in the weather factory every morning, my mother would give tea and a doughnut. But whenever my dad would hit me, she wouldn't do anything and I think its because she was scared. And my father, well there really isn't a lot to say about him. Other then he'd hit me. But I'm almost a mare now and I'm allowed to get my own place,'' Fluttershy sighed.I really miss my mom She thought to herself. It was silence between the two ponies until they got to where they were going. Fluttershy read the sign of the building. It was the zoo. "The zoo? But we can't go in there," The young mare said "Why not, kid?" Soarin replied. "Well the sign says it costs 10 bits, and I don't have any on me, unless you do," Fluttershy searched through her saddle bag, making sure she didn't have any bits. Nope, she'd left all her bits (not that the pegasus had many anyway) in her bedroom. "Well of course I don't. We're going to distract the security guard," The blue colt smirked. Fluttershy look across the road at the innocent guard. He was a brown unicorn with chocolate, spiky mane wearing a black tie. "C'mon," The two pegasi tiptoed over to a leafy bush. "Alright. So the plan is that I will get his attention and you'll go in while we're arguing. I'll make my way in somehow," the mischievous young stallion walked over. In not much time at all, the unicorn and Soarin started arguing. The security guard looked as distracted as he'd get. And because Fluttershy was good at being quiet, so she tiptoed her way into the large, brick building and shut the wooden door silently behind her. The mare waited a few minutes for her new friend, but soon enough he came in with a trollish look on his face. "Alrighty now. Let's get this nasty thing off you," Soarin moved his head around. "Hmmm. Let's try monkeys," they walked over to the cage where the monkeys were kept. There were four of them running around in artificial trees and a playhouse. The young blue stallion pounded the cage with his hoof to get the monkeys attention. "Um, Soarin? I'm actually good with animals. That's why I have my cutie mark," Fluttershy said with her typical quiet tone. "Alright. Then you go ahead and talk to these stupid monkey," Soarin sighed with obvious irritation in his voice. "Um, excuse me, little monkeys? I am in a situation where I need your help to take this muzzle off," Flutters asked the monkeys politely. All the ditzy creatures did was scratch their heads. "Okay, maybe you all understand simple language. Muzzle. Off," The four looked at each other for a second, then smiled and helped the element of kindness. They stuck their tiny monkey fingers through the cage holes and untied the muzzle. "Oh, thank you little ones. You can keep it if you'd like," Fluttershy offered the group if simple monkeys. They shook their heads at the same time and dropped it on the ground. Soarin and Flutters looked at each other, shrugged, then were on their way. - - - "-And when he put that awful muzzle around me," The yellow Pegasus told Soarin. "Yeah, I totally get it. Families are overrated. I seem to think that that all they ever do is boss you around. This is why having a street life is cool. Nopony bosses you around. I do whatever I please, when I please it," Soarin agreed. I don't think he even misses his family. I at least miss Mother. "But don't you at least miss them?" Flutters asked. Soarin shook his head "Nope. Put this in perspective," Soarin started. "Hey, somethin' tells me its dinner time," the young stallion sniffed the air. "Anyway, I always have somepony feed me. All family really is is somepony that takes care of you. Restaurants feed me three meals a day. That reminds me. The Ponyville cafe has an amazing spaghetti dish. Let's go eat!" The two trotted into the fancy little cafe. Wow, I've never been here before! Fluttershy thought to herself, excitedly. There was a stage where the Ponyville Live band was playing, there were all sorts of ponies giggling and laughing and having fun, disco lights were flashing, overall it was just a friendly place to be. Soarin pulled out a chair for Fluttershy and then seated himself.What a gentleman. Flutters joked to herself. "Hello, Soarin! Can I just get you your plate of spaghetti?" A white unicorn stallion with grey, maintained mane and a cutie mark of a star asked Soarin. Soarin nodded. "Yes, please Starlight. Just one plate," Soarin replied. Starlight nodded and went to the kitchen."I would order two, but they only give me one here for free," "Oh," Fluttershy nodded, a bit weirded out. About a half an hour later, Starlight came back with carrying two waters and a steaming plate of spaghetti using his telekinesis. "Enjoy," Starlight smiled, then walked away to serve another table. Fluttershy slurped a strand of the thoroughly cooked spaghetti. It hit her nose leaving sauce on her blushing face, making the two young ponies giggle. Soarin ate the noodles quickly while making slurping noses. The element of kindness rolled her eyes and let out a shy laugh. Fluttershy ate another strand of the thin noodles. She felt her head moving slightly to the left, but kept watching the band perform. More and more, the shy pony felt her head moving to the left, but kept slurping the noodle and watching the band. The shy young mare soon felt her lips hit something. She turned her eyes to see what was going on. Soarin and Fluttershy had just spaghetti kissed! Fluttershy felt her yellow face go completely red, the let go of the spaghetti allowing the blue stallion to have it. Soarin was also blushing, but not nearly as much as Fluttershy. He pushed a meatball in the yellow pegasi's direction with his muzzle. What a sweet gesture. Fluttershy thought, love stricken. She gazed into Soarin's eyes lovingly, while Soarin stared into hers, looking like he wanted to kiss the mare again. Fluttershy suddenly had a weird feeling in her stomach. What was it? When the two eventually finished dinner, they went out for a walk. The beautiful stars glistened above them while the faint splashing sound of a stream nearby filled the air. A small breeze blew the blades of grass back and forth. This was the perfect night for two young ponies to fall in love. The pair walked through the moon illuminated park while passing by beautiful tropical flowers. There was some wet cement by a tree they had just passed. Soarin put his hoof down in the cement, carving out a heart in it. Fluttershy let out a nervous but happy giggle and laid her hoof down in the cement. The blue pegasus put his hoof down and leaning over to give Fluttershy a little lick on the cheek. Next the wandered their way over to a grassy hill under an oak tree that had amazing view of Ponyville. The two young ponies nuzzled for a few minutes lovingly, but quickly falling asleep.