The next morning started out just like any other would. Everyone wakes up and does their usual morning routine. Except for one person who didn't really get out of bed at all throughout the day. Silver laid in bed, not eating, not really moving, just crying all day and regretting what he said last night to Twi. Twi still felt a little odd after he said that. She didn't really mind it much but it did give her an odd feeling seeing as how she has never been called Mom before. When she was preparing breakfast, the scene of Silver calling her mom went through her head a lot. She couldn't keep it from replaying in her head. She felt so bad for him. She wanted to hug him and tell him that everything was ok. But that didn't work out so well. Every time she came near the room to talk, he would be silent and turn away. When she would walk away, she would hear sobbing. This made her heart feel as if it just shattered into a million pieces. She walks back downstairs and sees Equinox already enjoying his breakfast. Twi sits next to him.
"Enjoying your breakfast," she asks while trying to put on a smile and act happy.
He nods. "Why yes I am Twilight. It is delicious like always."
He gives her a smile and she smiles back. She grabs a mug and gets some coffee from the coffee pot and sits in the chair on the other side of the table. She sips her coffee and looks over at Equinox who is constantly checking his phone and replying to texts. Twi just smiles and sips her coffee again. Equinox notices her looking over at him and just smiles.
"I'm just texting Dash, she wants to hang out later for something," he says with a huge smile on his face.
"Well that's cool. And don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Silver," she says with a lower tone as if the happiness just disappeared.
Equinox's happy expression quickly fades away as he hears Silver's name. He just sighs and looks back at his phone. Without looking at Twi he speaks.
"I'm sorry."
This catches her off guard as she looks at him.
"What do you mean," she asks with concern in her voice.
"I keep leaving to go places and with Silver being depressed, I feel as if I am never there for him when he needs me."
A tear falls as he finishes that sentence. Twi notices and goes back to sit next to him and just puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Its okay Equinox. I'm sure he understands. Don't worry about it. Besides, I like hanging out with Silver. We always have fun playing board games, watching TV, and even going outside to do stuff. Its really not a bother to me and I know that he doesn't mind it either. He wants you to be happy. He doesn't want you to feel held back because of him."
This makes Equinox smile and some tears still fall. He wipes them away and lifts his head.
"Thank you Twilight. Thank you so much. I never thought someone that started out as a complete stranger could turn out to be such a great friend."
She smiles at him and gives him a friendly hug. Equinox happily returns it and wipes away the last few tears that remained on his face. He pulls away and just smiles as she smiles back. Equinox finishes his breakfast and Twi finishes her coffee. They clean up the dishes and Equinox goes to put on his daytime clothes. Twi does the same. Once they both come back to the living room, they sit down and chat for a while. After a few hours pass, Equinox checks his phone to see that it is time to go out to see Dash. He says goodbye and heads out. Twi just sits there reading an old book she found on the shelf that she seemed interested in reading. She hears creaking coming from upstairs that shows that Silver has finally started moving around. This gives Twi a small smile seeing that he is finally moving around. He goes down the stairs halfway and looks at Twi with a depressed look. Twi's smile quickly fades. Silver speaks.
"Can we talk Twilight?"
She nods and pats the seat next to her. He walks over to the couch and sits down next to her. He starts to speak.
"I'm sorry, for calling you Mom."
Twi just sighs and pulls him closer.
"Its ok. I'm not mad. It was just a small mistake and I completely understand. Don't beat yourself up over it."
She smiles at him but he still keeps his frown.
"Its just that I've never felt so at home since the accident. And you have been so nice and caring these last few weeks, it is kind of Motherly like."
This makes Twi's eyes grow wide. She had never looked at it like that. The way that she has been caring for him and such is kind of motherly like but this is something that Twi is not used to seeing as how she has never been a Mom. She hugs him tighter.
"Its ok Silver. I understand. And I will care for you as long as you need me."
This makes Silver actually smile. It was nice to get closer to Twi. She was so nice to him. He was so happy that he had another mother figure in his life. He also had his brother, which was great for him. He really enjoyed getting closer to Twi. He enjoyed the games they played, the movies they watched, and the time they've spent outside. He loved her like a Mom, and he hoped that he would never lose her or that feeling. Twi runs her hand through his hair and smiles. Silver was happy, really happy. And for the first time in a long time, he felt like he was at home.